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Lutfi entered his friends office and found him on call, 'Yes, Officer. Please look into the matter as soon as possible. Thank You.' Aahil cut the call and turned to see his friend sitting in his usual seat, 'Officer?' Lutfi questioned his friend. Aahil sat down in his seat and spoke, 'Yeah, Police Officer.' Lutfi frowned and asked, 'Why?' 'To find Rayna's handbag.' Aahil replied as he opened to go through a file.

'The one that was stolen?' Lutfi asked and Aahil just nodded his head, 'But why search for it? You have already seized her cards and ID's. You also bought her a new mobile. Still, why searching for the bag? Is it a limited edition one or something that Rayna desperately wants back?' Lutfi questioned his friend, 'Nope, nothing of that sort. She just said that there was something important inside the bag. I really want to know what that important thing was that she would risk her life for.'

Something memorial, maybe.

'Oh. By the way, how is she?' Lutfi asked, 'She is as good as she was.' Aahil replied, 'But?' His friend added. Aahil sighed and closed his file and looked at his friend, 'But I can't help but worry about her. I have become very anxious lately. It's like, I want to keep an eye on her 24/7 just to make sure she is okay.' Aahil stares at his friend waiting for anything but Lutfi just stares at him back, 'I have gone insane, right?' Aahil asks his friend and Lutfi nods his head, 'Completely.' Aahil sighs and leans back on his chair closing his eyes.

'You have gone insane in love.' Lutfi said, dragging the "Love" word. Aahil jolted to sit straight and glared at his friend, 'What!?' He asked. Lutfi nodded his head, 'You, my friend, who has tried desperately to not do it, has currently just done it. Fallen in love with your wife.' Lutfi said with a smirk. Aahil glared at his friend for a second and later scoffed and leaned back on his chair, visibly relaxing, 'Yeah, right? Me in love with Rayna. What is there to even love about her? All she has done is annoy me.' 'And also made you constantly worry about her.' Lutfi added, 'Which is very annoying!' Aahil said.

'Okay, you don't believe me. Let's do a test.' Lutfi suggested. Aahil shook his head and said, 'What? Is it something you saw in a movie? Like close your eyes and imagine your love or something.' Aahil asked and Lutfi denied, 'Nope. Afina thought me this, and it works. I'll ask you three questions and what name pops in your head, is the one you love. Simple.' Aahil shook his and sat straight. He reopened his file, 'I am not playing any games.'

'First question, Who do you want to see as soon as you go home?' Lutfi began without caring whether his friend heard or not.


Aahil stopped midway of turning the page as the name automatically popped up in his head. Lutfi noticed the halted movement and moved on to the next question while Aahil went back into motion, 'Second question, when you are sad, angry, tired or exhausted, a hug from this person can bring you peace?'


Aahil smiled remembering his mother and shook his head.

Ain't Rayna this time.

'If you thought of a name other than the actual name that popped up, means you wish it would have been that person.' Hearing this, Aahil's smile dropped to a serious look, 'Lastly, Imagine the person who popped up when I asked the first name, dying before you and you can do nothing about it.' And subconsciously, the image of Rayna lying unconscious on the hospital bed appeared in Aahil's mind and he became nervous as his heartbeat accelerated, 'If your heartbeat increases, you know the answer.'

'Imagine? I thought you were only asking questions.' Aahil asked annoyed, 'I thought you didn't want to listen and answer.' Lutfi remarked. Aahil took a deep breath and looked at his friend with a glare, 'Get out.' He said and Lutfi stood up with a smirk, 'Gladly.' He said and walked towards the door but stopped, 'It's better if you accept it sooner, or it might be too late later.' He left. Aahil closed his eyes as he rested his head on his conjoined hands.

Accept it, huh?

Aahil entered his house and saw Rayna running down the stares and Aahil panicked, 'Rayna! Don't run!' Aahil scolded her. Rayna came to stand before Aahil and said, 'Oh Aahil. This is not something extreme, so chill.' She told him. Aahil sighed at her carefree behaviour, 'Anyways, come with me. I found something adorable.' Rayna squeaked with excitement. She grabbed Aahil's wrist and dragged her along with him up the stairs. All the while, Aahil could only register the warmth of Rayna's hand around his wrist. He felt calm.

Rayna dragged him into her room, 'Look.' Rayna pointed towards a cage on the bed that held a white kitten. Aahil blinked a few times and looked back at Rayna, 'It's a cat.' He said, obviously, 'Yes!' Rayna said excitedly and left Aahil's wrist to play with the kitten in the cage. Aahil cautiously walked towards them and said, 'Why is a cat here?' He asked, 'Well, I was strolling in the garden when I found this little one at a corner all muddy. So, I brought her in and washed her. Fazil chacha said she must be only a few weeks old, probably 5?' Rayna explained how she discoverd the cat.

Aahil nodded to the information he got, 'So?' Aahil asked as he saw Rayna and the kitten playing. Rayna waddled her index finger while the kitten tried to paw it, 'So, can we keep her?' Rayna looked up at Aahil and asked. Aahil was taken aback and the first thought that came to his head was.


Aahil didn't like pets. He thought them as nuisance as they needed attention all the time. If he gave his attention to a pet, who would do his work? Aahil was going to deny but one look at Rayna's pleading eyes and his base was wavering. Rayna stood up straight and moved close to him, 'Oh please, Aahil. Look how tiny she is. I can't let her out in a cruel and big world. What if something happens to her? I don't have the heart. So, please. Pretty please!' Rayna showed him her puppy eyes and it was working.

Aahil pursed his lips, but finally gave in, 'Fine!' Rayna smiled widely, 'But...' Aahil began, '...You will have to take complete responsibility of her and make sure she doesn't cause any trouble, especially, to me.' Aahil spoke his conditions and Rayna bobbed her head like a doll with a big smile. Aahil had to surpress his growing smile at how adorable she looked.


Aahil quickly excused himself and walked into his room and closed the door with a bang to lean on it. Aahil took a deep breath and released it.

I really ended up doing what I didn't want to!

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