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'Oh my daughter. You had us so worried.' Rayna's mother hugged her daughter ever so gently not to hurt her. She pulled back and soothed Rayna's cheek, 'Sorry for having you all worry about me so much.' Rayna apologised, 'No, dear. It wasn't your fault.' Rayna's father told her and her brother and sister nodded. Rayna smiled at them. Rayna's bed was reclined in a sitting position as she spoke to her family. Rayna's mother walked to Aahil who was standing in a corner and watching, 'Thank you for taking care of our daughter.' She told him, 'Not at all, Ammi. I am her husband and she is my responsibility.' Aahil told her.

On hearing Aahil's words, Rayna choked on the water she was drinking and started coughing. She tapped her head out of habit which caused her immense pain and inturn groan, 'Oh, Rayna. You stupid girl.' Her mother ran to her side to see her, 'You had a goddamn head surgery and you tapped your head, idiot.' Her brother scolded her. Rayna's father slapped Irshaad's arm in warning to not tease his sister while she is in pain. After sometime, Rayna breathed in relief, 'I'm fine now, Ammi.' Rayna told her mother.

The doctor enetered and the family surrounding Rayna's bed cleared way for him, 'Hello, Mrs. Zafar. How are you feeling?' The doctor asked, 'Fine.' She told him, 'What "Fine"? You were groaning in pain just few minutes ago.' Aahil butted in, 'What pain?' The doctor asked, 'Nothing, doctor. It was a mistake on my side. Please let him be.' Rayna explained. Aahil was about to butt in again but one glare from Rayna and he shut up.

'I've looked at your report. Everything seems normal, but we'd still like to keep you in for two more days for observation.' The doctor explained and Rayna nodded, 'I don't know if you were informed or not but we had to shave off your hair in order to perform the surgery. Just telling you so you don't....' The doctor was about to complete but was interrupted, 'WHAT!!!!?' Rayna yelled out in shock which also caused her pain in her head due to the sudden outburst and inturn groan, '....freak out.' The doctor later completed.

'Careful.' Rayna's mother warned her, 'You shaved my head?!' Rayna said, after the pain subsided and this time in a much subtle voice, 'We had to. And please refrain from sudden outbursts and drastic expressions and movements. It might cause you severe pain and in worst cases, open your stitches.' The doctor informed her but Rayna was too lost to think.

Shaved my head!? I'm bald!!!!

The doctor left after speaking to Aahil about some medications and formalities, 'It's okay, dear. Your hair will grow again.' Her mother soothed her. Rayna just nodded her head and glanced at Aahil who was looking at her. As their eyes met, Rayna immediately looked away and closed her eyes due to subtle pain for that drastic eye movement. She looked back at Aahil to see him still looking at her with a subtle smile.

I think I am hallucinating due to my head injury. I need to tell this to the doctor next time he visits.

The door to Rayna's ward room opened again and Afina made a dramatic entry, 'Rayna!' She came and hugged Rayna immediately which caused Rayna to let out a painful groan. Rayna's mother slapped Afina's back and pulled her away, 'Afina! Rayna needs to be handled gently.' She scolded her. Afina gave her an apologetic look and looked back to Rayna, 'I am never leaving you alone next time, ever. Everytime we part in half way, you end up in the hospital.' Afina told Rayna sternly.

Afina's parents came in next to visit Rayna, 'You my dear have a tendency to scare people with your life.' Afina's mother told her. Rayna smiled, embarrassed. After sometime, Lutfi came in. He greeted his in-laws and glanced at Afina who hid her face shy. Rayna was surprised cause Afina was shy and stared at her. Afina looked back at Rayna and pulled herself together and mouthed, 'Later.' Suman came and held onto Afina's arm and Afina looked at her confused, 'Your mother wants me to take you out of this room.' She told her, 'Why?' Afina asked, 'Because you and Lutfi can't be in the same room together before marriage.' Suman whispered, 'It's not like we are alone.' Afina whisper protested. Suma shrugged and dragged a sluggish Afina out of the room.

As the visiting hours came to an end, everyone had to leave. Which left Rayna and Aahil alone in the room. Aahil stood next to Rayna staring at her and Rayna was fidgeting. There was an awkward silence but the tension was saved due to the knock on the door, Aahil and Rayna's food was here. Aahil sat next to Rayna on the stool and placed her tray of food on the bed beside her. Aahil unwrapped everything. He tore a piece of Roti and dipped it in the dhal and took the bite over to Rayna's mouth and Rayna, was staring at him with wide eyes.


'Open your mouth.' He told her and Rayna robotically opened her mouth. Aahil placed the bite in her mouth but Rayna's mouth was still open, 'Close your mouth.' And Rayna did so. Aahil waited for Rayna to chew her food but she just kept staring at him, 'Chew, Rayna.' Aahil told her and Rayna stared chewing. As she was chewing, Rayna came back to her senses. She adjusted herself and spoke, 'I can eat by myself.' She told Aahil as she saw him dip the roti in the dhal, 'You have an IV line on your right elbow and the back of your left hand. How are you going to eat by yourself?' Aahil questioned as he fed Rayna another bite. Rayna took the bite and looked at her hands and nodded, 'Your Ammi fed you your breakfast and lunch and since she is not here, as your husband, I should be the one doing it.' Aahil told as he kept on feeding her.

Again that line.
I am sure hallucinating cause Aahil called himself my husband not once but twice.

After feeding her, Aahil started eating his meal in silence. Rayna moved her duvet away and tried to get off the bed. Seeing Rayna do so, Aahil was immediately by her side. He grabbed on to her upper arm and Rayna stilled, 'Where are you going?' He asked her and Rayna could feel his breath near her ear. She stuttered, 'I...uh..the restroom, I use.' Rayna said and Aahil frowned, 'What?' Rayna cleared her head and took a big gulp, 'I mean, I am going to use the restroom.' She told him. Aahil nodded his head and helped Rayna till the restroom and she didn't deny as she was finding it hard to walk with the pain in her head with every step she took.

Aahil opened the door for her and was about to enter when Rayna stopped, 'You are coming in?' Rayna questioned him, 'Yeah.' Was all he replied, 'Why?' She asked getting flustered, 'You took 10 minutes to walk from the bed to the restroom which for me is a 10 step walk. And I can't let you walk inside unattended, what if you fall?' Aahil informed her, 'You really don't have to you know.' Rayna still tried to avoid him entering, 'Of course, I do. I am your husband and I need to take care of you. So, no more arguing.' Aahil said with finality and Rayna wanted to bang her already paining head into the wall.

Ya Allah!
Out of all the times, he wants to be my husband when I am in such circumstances!!!!!
And I am also bald!!!!

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