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Aahil and Rayna were done with the boarding and were now entering the plane. Maybe not as much as Aahil's, but Rayna's family was well off, so they had booked them bussiness class seats. Aahil sat on the window side and Rayna next to him. Aahil turned to look at Rayna and asked, 'Why are you sitting here?' Rayna looked at him incredulously and replied, 'because this is my seat.' 'Then, change it. I don't wanna sit next to you.' Rayna was shocked by Aahil's reply, 'I am not changing my seat. If you want, you can change yours.' Rayna said and looked ahead, 'Fine, then.'

Aahil stood up and called for the flight attendant, 'Can I please change my seat?' Aahil asks her, 'Sir, once all the passengers have boarded,  we will see to your request.' She said and walked away. Aahil sat down slumping, Rayna looked at him and shook his head as she pulled out a novel from her bag 'Murder at Orient Express' Aahil noticed the title but didn't say anything. Rayna was seriously concentrated in her book when the voice of the pilot was heard. She kept her book on the table and fastened her seatbelt. She looked at Aahil to see him asleep. She looked at his seatbelt and wondered.

Should I wake him up? Or Fasten it for him?

Rayna was contemplating when the attenders started checking around if everyone had fastened their belts. Rayna signed and reached for Aahil's belt and was fastening it around his waist when a sudden jerk occured in the flight. This caused Aahil to wake and find his wife's hand on his waist. Aahil followed the hands to reach a face who was staring at him wide eyed. They just stared at each other for a painful second after which Rayna immediately pulled back her hands back. Aahil pushed himself to the window and asked in a very low but stern voice, 'What were you doing?'

Rayna picked up her book and opened a random page and pretended reading it, 'I was fastening your seatbelt.' She replied, 'You could have woken me up.' Aahil stated, 'You were sleeping peacefully, I didn't wanna disturb.' Aahil was about to reply to that when the attender appeared, 'Sir, your belt seems loose, please fasten it up. We are about to take flight.' Aahil nodded his head and fastened his belt. He looked at Rayna to see her reading her book, but it was upside down, 'I didn't know you had the talent to read words upside down.' Aahil said. Rayna looked at him and voiced, 'Huh?' Aahil pointed at her book and she looked at it. She immediately turned it back and leaned to the other side, 'Uh yeah! Rare talent.' She said.

What a reply Rayna!

The flight had taken off the passengers were free of the painstakingly tight seat belts. Aahil was working on his laptop and and Rayna was reading her book. She turned a page when a voice was heard, 'Wait, I'm not done reading that.' Rayna looked to her left to see a casually dressed young man sitting, 'I'm sorry?' Rayna asked him. The young man's eyes went wide like he was caught, 'Sorry, it was wrong what I was doing but I mistakenly read the first line and since then, I was reading along with you.' The man said, scratching the back of his neck.

Rayna looked at her book and back at him, 'You like novels?' She asked him, 'Not really, but your book got my interest.' The young man replied. Rayna nodded her head and stretched out the book to him. He looked at the book and back at Rayna's now smiling face, 'What?' He asked, 'Here, read it.' She said, 'No No, you were already reading it.' He said, 'I have already read this book, I was just reading it again. You can have it, and it's just been an hour and a half since the flight took off, we have more time. You can read it by then.' Rayna explained, 'But what about you?' He asked.

Rayna pulled out another novel from her bag and smiled, 'I came with back up.' She said. The guy laughed and accepted the book, 'By the way, My name is Zeeshan.' He introduced himself, 'I'm Rayna.' 'Nice to meet you , Rayna. By the way, who is he beside you?' Zeeshan asks glancing at Aahil. Rayna turned to look at Aahil, to see him busy typing, and back at Zeeshaan, 'Just someone I know. Why do you ask?' She asked and Rayna heard a noise next to her. She turned to see that Aahil just pressed on the enter button way too hard.

He could have broken his laptop.

She turns back to Zeeshaan, 'He has been glancing our way alot since we began talking.' A mischievous glint and smile rose on Rayna's face as she turned to Aahil, 'Oh has he.' 'Yup.' She heard Zeeshaan reply. She turned back to Zeeshaan to see him reading the book so she opened her new one and began aswell. Soon, it was meal time and the attenders came along serving the meals, 'Veg or Non - Veg, ma'am.' She asked, 'Non - Veg.' Rayna replied and accepted her meal. Aahil also chose Non - Veg and they began eating. Rayna had a satisfied grin on her face as she ate her meal, 'I see you enjoy eating.' Rayna heard a voice from on her left. Rayna turned to Zeeshaan and smiled at him, 'I love food. Food is my first love.' Rayna answered, 'Then you must be good at cooking aswell.' Zeeshaan said.

Rayna turned to him surprised, 'How did you know?' She asked, 'People who usually enjoy eating know how to cook.' He explained, 'That's true.' Rayna replied, as they continued to have random conversations. After lunch, Rayna had continued reading her book when she started to feel drowsy. Her eyes were closing when a sudden bang caused her to sit upright startled. She looked to her left to see that Zeeshaan had closed the book with a bang, 'Waah, I had never expected that to be an ending.' Rayna smiled at Zeeshaan's childish nature, well, she was childish herself and her reaction was beyond his.

Zeeshaan returned the book back to Rayna thanking her and she accepted it. Rayna decided to take a small nap, so she closed her book and placed it in her bag. She laid back and adjusted herself and closed her eyes. Soon, she drifted off to sleep.

Night Night!

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