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Aahil got out of his car and walked to the front door of his mansion. He extended his hand to reach for the handle and open the door, when the door opened wide all of a sudden. Aahil stared surprised at Rayna with his outstretched hand. Before he could put his thoughts together, Rayna grabbed his arm and dragged him into the house to be seated on the dinning table. He watched as Rayna took his bag and kept it aside. Aahil was still in a trance, of shock or surprise, he didn't know.

A sudden bang bought him out of his trance as he stared at Rayna wide eyed, like a deer caught in headlights, 'You have been hiding something from me?'Aahil heard Rayna say and his heart beat picked up. The serious look on Rayna's face told him that it was something serious and their was only one thing Aahil could think of that he might be hiding from her. Aahil didn't  know she would find out so soon but the sooner the better. Aahil nodded his head looking down and spoke, 'You might be having too many questions....' he looked up at Rayna's still serious face and continued, '....and you have all the rights to. Ask what you have to.' Aahil waited patiently for Rayna to speak.

Rayna's face turned from serious to a big smile. She pulled out a chair and sat next to him and began, 'Was your dad king? Did he fight wars and stuff?' Rayna asked and Aahil nodded his head looking down. And like a bulb just lit in his head, he immediately looked at Rayna confused and asked, 'What!?' 'Your family is Royalty, right? I had no clue. Fazil Chacha just told me today. So, are you a prince?' Rayna asked excited as she sat straight with her hands on the table. Aahil was still processing her words when Salma bi came and placed the dinner on the table, 'You know how to be dramatic, don't you?' Salma bi said to Rayna to which she just smiled cheekily.

Salma bi looked at Aahil who still had a rather confused look on his face, 'Aahil dear, why don't you go freshen up.' Salma bi said and walked back into the kitchen. Aahil still sat there staring at Rayna who was smiling back and waiting patiently for a reply. Aahil couldn't believe that the thing he was hiding she had found out was him being Royalty!? But he had never hid that fact, infact, the whole world knew that Zafar family was Royalty. Aahil couldn't believe this girl, had she really gotten married to him without knowing his background? Aahil got up and picked up his bag and walked upstairs, 'Hey, where are you going? You didn't answer me yet.' Rayna told behind him but he just walked away.

Aahil entered his room and threw his bag on his bed and sat on it. He held his head and sat for a while, 'How can she not know we are from a Royal family? Just googling our name would give out that information and she didn't know that? Is she really that dumb or naive?' Aahil began talking to himself. It was an old habit of his, but he hasn't spoken to himself like this for the past eight years. Aahil got up from the bed and started walking around his room, 'And here I thought she had found out about it. God, what am I going to do with her? She has to just stay away from me and mind her own bussiness in this house, but No! She wants to be my wife. MY WIFE!! Even when I don't want to be her husband.' Aahil went and stood in front of the mirror and spoke to himself, 'Me being rude and mean to her is really doing nothing? Does she even have a heart? If she did, she would for damn sure get hurt by my behaviour but No! She wants to be my wife and I should just deal with it. Deal with it? Deal with it? Huh!!' Aahil scoffed and walked into the bathroom to get changed.

He walked out after five minutes and opened his bedroom door to find Salma bi standing out with tears in her eyes. He got concerned and asked, 'Salma bi, are you okay?' Salma bi smiled with the tears in her eyes and nodded her head, 'Never been better.' She said and Aahil nodded his head slowly, unsure. Salma bi wiped her tears and said, 'I came to call you for dinner, you took your time in there.' Aahil nodded his head, 'I was just...' that's when Aahil also realized that he was talking to himself after such a long time. Salma bi smiled and walked down stairs. Aahil followed her aswell. They entered the dinning room and saw Rayna tapping on the table impatiently.

When she saw Aahil and Salma bi walk towards her, she let out an exasperated sound, 'I thought you were planning to skip dinner. What took you so long?' Rayna asked as Aahil sat down. But Aahil being Aahil, didn't reply and served himself and began to eat. Rayna sensed that she wasn't going to get a reply, so she served herself and began eating aswell. In between, Aahil could feel Rayna giving her slight glances now and then but he didn't question it. Aahil could sense Rayna getting impatient with the constant tapping of her foot, 'Stop tapping your foot.' Aahil finally says, 'Then tell me na!!!!' Rayna whined.

Aahil signed and looked at Rayna who was giving him a pout and puppy dog eyes. Aahil bit his lower lip in order to control his growing smile. He looked away and took a deep breath and looked back at her with his emotionless face, 'You really didn't know I was Royalty when you got married? How could you even marry someone without a background check?' Aahil asked. Rayna was shocked for a moment, Aahil had actually spoken to her directly and that to a long sentence, 'Well, did you do a background check one me? You didn't even know my name.' Rayna retorted.

Aahil had no reply to that, 'And not knowing you were Royalty? I didn't even know you were rich and lived in a mansion.' Rayna said. Aahil frowned and asked, 'Then why did you marry me?' Rayna smiled and said, 'Because my Abbu asked me to.' Aahil was shocked, 'You really didn't care who the groom was? I mean, what if I was some mean and incredibly rude guy?' Rayna stared at Aahil with a bored expression. Aahil rose his eyebrow waiting for a reply, 'As if you are extremely affectionate and loving right now. Besides, parents always do what's best for their kids, they are parents after all.' Rayna replied.

Aahil felt kinda guilty but he shoved it away. He stared at his plate and just stood up. Rayna looked at him and asked, 'Where are you going?' 'I am done.' Aahil said and walked away to his room. He entered his room and signed while rubbing his face with his hands, 'Parents always do what's best for their kids, they are parents after all.' These words kept running in his head. 'Aahil, what you have done is not right.' 'As if you know what is right for me, all you do is work.' 'Still, I am a parent, I know what is good for you.' Aahil was lying on his bed as these past thoughts ran in his head. Now he felt what his father meant, 'I should have listened to you back then, father.'

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