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The sun has just risen and birds were chrping away. The sun rays seeped in threw the narrow openings of the curtain and landed on the eyes of a peacefully sleeping Rayna. Her eyes twitched and slowly opened. She took a deep breath and turned in her bed, stretching her limbs. She got up and looked at the curtain closed window. She got off the bed and over to the window and slid the curtains a way as the warm rays of the sun filled in the room. Rayna looked out and a huge smile made it's way on her lips.

She looked towards her closet and hopped to it and held onto the handles and opened it. She went through her clothes, humming to herself. She picked out a purple gharara set and hopped into the bathroom to get ready for today. She came out all freshed and dressed, sat infront of the dressing table, picking up the comb, combing her hair, but the humming didn't stop. Why? Because Rayna felt different today, a good different. She felt like she was walking on a cloud, why? She didn't know and she didn't care.

Probably because Aahil agreed to restart and we became friends. Means, he plans to accept me as his wife.

'Eeeehhh' Rayna squealed out. She looked at herself in the mirror and blush rose to her cheeks, she was feeling all shy all of a sudden. She shook her head and took deep breaths. She can't go in front of Aahil all pink. She got ready and walked downstairs. She stood on the last step of the stairs and shyness took over her, again. She started twisting and turning at the spot she stood, she was behaving like a girl who was shy walking in the direction her crush was. Rayna cupped her face that held a shy smile, 'What are you doing?' A voice asked which startled Rayna. All shyness lost, she looked at Salma bi who was looking at her oddly. Rayna straightened herself and got off the last step. She cleared her throat and spoke, 'Morning, Salma bi.' Salma bi nodded at her still looking suspicious.

Rayna bleps licking her lips. She gets on her toes and peeks into the dinnig room but a pillar came into view. Rayna pouted and tried again to no success, 'What are you doing? Again?' Rayna looked at Salma bi who had a very confused expression. Rayna smiled brightly at her, showcasing her teeth and started rocking with her feet and moving her arms, 'Oh nothing, morning excercise.' Rayna sad with a nervous laugh, 'And since when do you do morning exercise?' Salma bi asked, raising a brow, 'Since today?' It was more of a question than a reply from Rayna.

Salma bi was gonna question her more about her behaviour when Rayna spoke, 'Let's go have breakfast. Aahil must be waiting.' Rayna said in a hurry and started walking when Salma bi spoke, 'Oh, Aahil has already left.' Rayna stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to look at Salma bi and asked, 'He....left?', 'Yeah.' Salma bi replied, 'But it is not time for him to leave for work yet? He still had....' Rayna glanced at the clock and continued, '....45 mins left.' Salma bi nodded her head, 'I know right? He just hurriedly walked down the stairs, said bye and left. It was like he was running from something.' Salma bi shrugged.

Rayna's mood dropped, she got up so happy and joyous in the morning only to find out that Aahil had left early. Rayna slapped her forehead.

And here I was being all shy and fuzzy to face him. And when has he ever waited for me? It was me who was waiting for him, idiot.

Rayna slumped, 'Guess he wasn't feeling like me?' Rayna whispered to herself, 'What?' Salma bi asked her. Rayna shook her head still down, 'Anyways, come have breakfast. I made Poha.' Rayna nodded her head still sulking and walked over to the dining table to eat.

So much for a good restart.

After breakfast, Rayna was still in a sulking mood and was switching through the channels on the television, 'What's with the pout?' Rayna heard Fazil chacha ask and she signed heavily, 'Woah, What's with the opposite mood?' Fazil chacha asked sitting down next to her. Rayna turned to him completely, folding her feet on top of the sofa, sitting Indian style, 'Tell me Chacha...' Rayna began, '....Why are men so hard to understand?' Fazil chacha was taken aback, 'Did Aahil say something to you again?' He enquired seriously. Rayna pouted again fiercely and was on a head on mood to complain against him, 'Yes, he did. Why is he like this? Did his mother not smack him on his head when he was being rude? I would have if my son ever did that. And did she not teach him to not speak rudely, especially with his wife? I mean, I came to this house as his wife and I am not even allowed to be that. God, he is so bossy. Sometimes, I just want to punch that arrogant yet handsome face of his. And who gave him the rights to be so handsome? I cannot even talk properly to him sometimes because I get distracted by his looks. Uff, men are so frustrating.'

Rayna finished and turned towards the television, folding her arms with a huff. Fazil chacha stared at her amused. She was yelling at him and yet complimenting him, Fazil chacha chuckled, 'So, you have a problem that he is handsome?' Fazil Chacha asked knowing very well that Rayna's face is gonna turn pink with embarrassment and it did. Fazil chacha shook his head and spoke, 'He wasn't like this you know. He was a very endearing and obedient boy. His mother had thought him well and raised him to be a good boy, but after she passed away, he went astray. Let's just say, he was in the hands of wrong company that he thought was right.' Fazil chacha explained with a sad smile.

Rayna looked at him and her features softened. Fazil chacha shook his head and looked up at Rayna and smiled, 'So, next time you feel like puncing his arrogant yet handsome face, do it. Might bring back the old him.' Fazil chacha said and Rayna's face turned pink again, 'Uh...Salma bi is calling, gotta go.' Rayna spoke and ran into the kitchen were Salma bi was. Fazil chacha chuckled at her behaviour, 'Fazil, she has the heart of Aamina. She will be right for him.' Fazil chacha recalled Aahil's fathers words and smiled, 'She sure does, sir.'

Salma bi was in the mood for something sweet so she was making kheer. She was using an old metal laddle to stir the kheer when Rayna walked in, 'Oooo, Kheer. What's the occasion?' Rayna asked, leaning in to peep. Salma bi left the handle in the pot and  walked over to the fridge and Rayna followed. Salma bi opened the fridge and took out some vegetables for Aahil's packed lunch, 'The occasion is that I feel like it.' Salma bi said and closed the fridge, 'Ooooo, nice.' Salma bi placed the veggies on the slab when the house phone rang. Salma bi was walking out to get it when she called out to Rayna, 'Dear, please take care of the kheer for me will ya?' Rayna nooded her head and as Salma bi left to answer the phone.

Rayna walked over to the pot of delicious kheer when she noticed Salma bi had not added cinnamon in it yet. She took out a small stick of cinnamon and two cardamon pods and added it. She took the steal ladle in the pot and, 'Aaaah.' Rayna dropped the hot ladle from her hand as it fell on the floor with a heavy sound. Rayna stared at her shivering hand and started blowing at it when Salma bi rushed in holding the detachable landline in her hand, and Fazil Chacha with the television remote. Seeing Rayna blow at her hand Salma bi said, 'Oh my god, Rayna. Are you okay?'

Well, my hand is red and slightly starting to swell. Oh and don't forget the unbearable burning sensation, which sums up to the fact that I am not okay. Damn you, all steal ancient looking ladle.

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