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'It's so sad that you guys are leaving so early. I thought we could get more time together.' Zeeshaan was showing his disappointment to the leaving couple at the entrance of the hotel, 'I know, it's sad but what can we do? It's an emergency?' Rayna stated, more like a question cause she herself had no clue what exactly the urgency is. Zeeshaan nodded his head, 'Atleast we shared our instagram ID's. Let's stay in touch.' Zeeshaan exclaimed and Rayna nodded, 'Let's go.' Came Aahil's cold voice as the two friends looked at him, who was holding a cold face, as usual. Rayna said her final goodbyes and got in the SUV. Evan was at the steering wheel, as he saw Aahil hop in, he reared the engine to life and took for the streets.

The couple reached the airport on time and got off. After their luggages were out of the car, they faced Evan for farewell, 'Thank you Evan, for the two days of excitement.' Rayna thanked him, 'And also your gift.' Rayna added, showing him her ring on her finger. Evan smiled and replied, 'Glad you liked it. It was short but sweet, be sure to visit again.' Rayna nodded with a smile as Evan moved over to Aahil to shake hands with him. They soon boarded their plane and took their seats in an obvious business class. The flight is nine hours long and Rayna got up way early, so she fell a sleep.

The airhostess came along, pushing her trolley full of goodies, asking Aahil what he wanted. Aahil got himself a coffee and glanced at Rayna to see her fast asleep. Aahil noticed how Rayna was holding herself in her sleep, probably cold. So, he called for the airhostess and asked for a blanket. He expected the airhostess to drape it around Rayna, but she just handed it over to him and left. Aahil glanced at the blanket and at Rayna and signed. He moved forward and draped it around her, covering her completely. Aahil looked at Rayna's face as her forehead creases relaxed. Aahil smiled to himself and went back to his mobile.

He was doing research on Instagram. He had heard about how Zeeshaan and Rayna shared their ID's of this Instagram thing and has been wondering what it was. Turns out it was a social media platform that people go for entertainment purposes,  which also had options of sharing and chatting. Aahil was always busy with work so he had no time for entertainment. Aahil glanced back at a sleeping Rayna and back at the app as his finger hovered over install.

It's not like I'll be able to use it or anything if i download it.

Aahil left it at that and shut his mobile. Their plane soon landed and they got off, and no, Rayna didn't sleep in for all the nine hours. She woke up for lunch and read a book from there on. They reached home close to dinner time and Salma bi was more than delighted to have them back home. They were having dinner when Rayna spoke up, 'Can I go to my friends place tomorrow?' Aahil looked at Rayna and back at his meal, 'You don't need to ask me. You can go wherever you want.' Aahil ended but he didn't want to end it at that, he wanted to add another sentence but he felt he had no rights to say that. Rayna replied, 'Ohkay.'

After dinner, they were heading to their respective rooms when Aahil stopped her. Rayna waited for him to speak but he was really hesitant, 'You can go wherever you want but....' Aahil began. Rayna waited patiently for him to complete, '...... but...inform Salma bi, Fazil Chacha, before you go.' He said, the "Me" a little less audible than other words. And ran to his room without a reply. He entered his room and banged the door shut. He walked around his room rubbing his face as he was feeling flustered and frustrated.

God no, I don't feel flustered, I don't.

Aahil was a mess, one way or the other Rayna would pop in his head. He had no clue why and how about almost everything he did or thought led to her. It was driving him insane. Aahil huffed and looked around his room to think of a way to get his mind away from Rayna. His eyes came to a halt on his unpacked luggage as he nodded to himself. He took his suitcase and began unpacking. Kept everything were it should be, the laundry down the chute, his watches in the shelf, his self care products on the table, his coats on the hanger. While Aahil was dusting his coat, something fell off his pocket. He picked it up to find a ring box, he opend it to find the semi male symbol couple ring, and immediately his thought went to Rayna and he groaned.

I was supposed to take my mind off of her!!

Aahil threw his coat on the bed and pulled out the ring to analyse it. It was a fancy silver metal ring with a semi male symbol on. Rayna was so happy when she saw them that she immediately put it on. Probably she wanted Aahil to put it on aswell but this was so childish. Aahil puts the ring in his middle finger and pushes it in. He analyses the ring in his hand and shakes his head.

Simple metal ring.

Aahil goes to remove the ring from his finger but it didn't budge. Aahil looked at the ring and tried pulling on it harder but it was stuck. Aahil kept pulling on it harder but nope, it was like the ring was being adamant. Aahil was pulling on the ring jumping around in his room but not at all. Aahil stared at the ring with so much fury that as if it would just come out but no, 'Listen here, Ring. You better loosen up and come out or I am going to chop you off. Wait, that means chopping of my finger aswell! Ugh!!' Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Aahil opened the door and found Rayna standing, he immediately hid his hand with the ring behind him, 'What?' He asked her.

'I found this in my luggage while unpacking.' Rayna showed him his shampoo, it must have been misplaced. Aahil took it from her and as Rayna was about to excuse herself Aahil called for her, 'Wait.' Rayna turned back to him and waited for him to speak, 'Uh.. How do yourself from a....stuck..ring?' He asked. Rayna looked at him confused,'One of my friends ring is stuck in his finger so...' Aahil added in a hurry. Rayna nodded and said, 'You can ask him to apply oil around the ring to loosen it up or soap will also work.' Rayna said, 'Aahh, why couldn't I think of that?' Aahil said out loud and Rayna stared at him with a frown, 'Aahhh, gosh. Why couldn't I think of that to tell him?' And he added an awkward laugh.

Rayna stared at him worried and nodded her head slowly, 'But you got it. Thanks, now bye.' He said and shut the door on her face. Aahil let out a breath and into the bathroom. After 15 minutes, he came out with the ring removed and placed it in the ring box and in the drawer of his dressing table, 'And stay there.' He said, to the ring. Aahil's mobile pinged with a notification.

Lutfi - I'll pick you up from your home at 10 am. Dress formal.

Lutfi - Who am i saying? Even your casuals is a formal! 🙄

Aahil - Shut up!

Aahil stared at the sealing and signed.

God knows, what's gonna happen tomorrow.

'What!!?' Aahil exclaimed to Lutfi, 'Yup.' He replied, adjusting his cuffs. Currently, Aahil and Lutfi were seated in a car going to see a bride for Lutfi. He had just informed Aahil that, 'Apparently, they came across her at your wedding. They think only she can handle me, am I really that hard to deal with?' Lutfi questioned and Aahil narrowed his eyes at him, 'Anyways....I  am going to make her to reject me.' Lutfi said, 'Why don't you reject her, even easier.' Aahil suggested looking out the window, 'I would have, but my parents told me sharply not to or will take my company from me. Not gonna happen, so I am gonna give such a first impression that she is bound to reject me.' Lutfi said, proudly, 'Waah, someone came with a master plan.' Aahil exclaimed nonchalantly.

'But why am I tagging along?' Aahil asked his friend, 'Well, the bride has asked to speak to me in private with only her best friend along side, so I thought, I should take mine aswell.' Lutfi replied, 'So, in a room, it will be us four, huh. You, should stop thinking, bruh.' Aahil said. The car came to a halt before a narrow passage way, 'My parents are already there, let's go.' Aahil and Lutfi got out of the car and walked straight till the end of the passage and ringed the bell. The door was opened by a boy, who looked in his teens. He welcomed them with a smile as they let him in. They were asked to settle down.

Lutfi's parents introduced the brides parents and her 4 siblings to him, an elder sister, who is married, an elder brother, who is working, a younger sister, in college and a younger brother, in high-school.

Wow, this girl has all the experience in siblings department.

Aahil saw the brides mother whisper someting in her youngest daughters ear and she looked at Aahil and smiled, before vanishing into a room. Aahil didn't mind it and looked around. Soon, a familiar voice reached his ears, 'You called for me, auntie?' Aahil's eyes grew wide and he immediately looked at the voice to find Rayna staring back at him with the same surprise.

Well God, if you knew, you should have just told me.

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