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Idiot, why did you have to get all emotional like tha? Now, he would think that I am just childish and might not take me seriously. But, I did feel hurt. He is my husband, but yet he isn't.

Rayna let's out a sad sign and glances over at Aahil, who was staring out the window in deep thought. Rayna looked back ahead to see Evan glancing back at them from time to time through the reviewer mirror. Rayna smiles at him to which he smiles back. Just then, Rayna's stomach grumbles, she looks at Aahil and then at Evan and signs in relief that they did not hear it. Rayna held her stomach and signed.

If only he had asked me before ordering, none of this would have happened. He would have not ordered strawberries nor I would have gotten mad nor would I feel hungry at the moment. Stupid men, think they no everything. Well you don't!

'Stop the car.' Rayna heard Aahil say and turned to look at him with shocked eyes.

Did he hear what I just said in my mind!? Was I speaking out loud or something!?

But Aahil was still staring outside the window and not at her. He looked at Evan and said, 'I want to have that.' Aahil pointed to something outside the window to a small restaurant. Rayna looked past him to see that he was pointing to something displayed out of the restaurant. Rayna frowned in confusion.

Is that a shredded pancake?

'Aaahh...You wanna have Rosti. Sure, why not? But you must have just had breakfast. Will your tummy be able to handle it.' Rayna immediately looked at Evan and yelled...

I did not have breakfast!!!!

In her mind, 'Yeah. Let's go.' Saying this, Aahil got out of the car. Rayna jumped in joy in her head at the thought of finally eating. They got out of the car and crossed the street to reach the restaurant. They went inside and took their seats. The waitress came over to take their orders, 'Three Rosties, please. And what would you like to drink?' Evan asks the couple, 'An espresso, 2 shots.' Aahil says, 'One hot chocolate for me.' Rayna says, 'Make that two hot chocolates, please.' Evan says and smiles at Rayna to which Rayna smiles back, 'Make that three hot chocolates and cancel my espresso.' Aahil says out of nowhere.

The waitress writes it all down and leaves. Rayna and Evan look at Aahil to see him looking out the window. They both shrug and begin small talk, 'So Evan, how many members in your family?' Rayna asks, 'Just me, my mom and dad.' Evan replies, 'Oh nice. Have you ever wanted any siblings?' Rayna asks, 'Sometimes, you know the times when you can't share stuff to your friends or parents? My friends have always had many things sorted out by having a chat with their siblings. Your friends can't always give solutions to somethings somtimes.' Rayna heard Evan say and she couldn't agree less. Suddenly, she missed her brother and sister.

The food and drinks arrived and Rayna was beyond excited. She added some sour cream to the Rosti and took a bite. She smiles at the delicious taste of the potato pancakes, 'So, How many members in your family?' Evan asks her, 'Oh, Just me, Aahil, his dad, Salma bi and Faizal chacha. I think that's just it.' As soon as these names left Rayna's mouth, a clatter was heard. They looked over to the sound to see Aahil had dropped his folk on the plate and had some sour cream on his shirt. Rayna quickly grabbed a tissue from the table and started wiping his shirt clean, 'You should be careful, Aahil. What if it catches a stain?' Rayna said and looked up to see big saucer sized eyes staring at him. That's when she realized what she was doing.

She blinked at their close proximity and quickly sat back in her seat, throwing the tissue away. She picked up her hot chocolate and started sipping it. She glanced at Aahil to see him staring at his pancake, intensely. It was a heavy atmosphere for some reason and Evan couldn't understand why? After that, they just ate in silence. They got back in the car and Rayna was more than delighted to have something in her tummy. The ride to Lake Zürich was silent. Evan stopped the car and got down, and so did the couple.

Rayna was surprised at what she saw. Lined to the lake were parks and promenades. Rayna loved the atmosphere, It was cold and pleasant, 'What are we doing at a park? It's October, how do we tend to have fun at a park?' Aahil asked Evan, 'We are here for the cruise and the flea Market.' Evan replied, 'Flea Market!?' Rayna asked surprised, 'Yeah, every year a flea market is held from May to October at Bürkliplatz. Luckily, the market is still on a run.' Evan replies to Rayna with a smile.

'Then we should have gone directly to Bürkliplatz, why are we here?' Aahil asks irritated, 'To ride the cruise. Right?' Rayna asks Evan, 'Right! Take a walk around the park. There is still time for the steamer to depart. I'll go get the tickets.' Evan says and is off while Aahil scoffs at him. Rayna doesn't mind him and starts to walk in to the park. She enters the park and starts walking around randomly. It was beginning of winter but still cold, yet there were alot of people around. Kids playing around, couples all lovey - dovey, old aged with their grandkids. Rayna even saw a man strolling with his pregnant wife. Rayna smiled at all the smiles in this park, she felt peaceful.

A small kid runs upto Rayna which halts her in her steps. Rayna smiles down at the 6 year old and he smiles back. He motions for her to come closer and Rayna bends down to his height. The kid moves closer to her and whispers in her ear, 'There is a man walking just a few steps behind you. He has been following you and has been only staring at you with a smile. I think he is a bad man.' Rayna looked at the boy surprised. Rayna slowly turns back to see Aahil staring at the lake but no one else suspicious.

'I don't see anyone.' Rayna whisper to him, 'Cause he is now staring at the lake.' The kid whispers back. Rayna turns and sees Aahil staring at the lake and was even more surprised, 'You mean that guy?' Rayna asks turning back to the kid and he nods his head vigorously. An unknown smile spreads on Rayna's face. She calls the kid closer and whispers in his ear, 'He is actually my husband.' The kid pulls back and says, 'Then you should be walking side by side, holding hands.' 'And why do you say that?' Rayna asks him with a pleasant smile.

'My mom says that my dad is her husband, and when ever we come to the park, they always walk around hand in hand while I play, Like now.' And he points to a couple doing just that. Rayna looks that way and smiles, 'They are your mom and dad?' Rayna enquires and he nods his head with a big smile, 'Yup!' Rayna ruffles his hair and smiles, 'You should get back to playing and thanks for the heads up. I'll be careful from bad man.' The boy giggles at her remark and runs away to play.

Rayna stands up and starts walking. But this time, she pays attention to the sound of food steps following her. And after sometime, she hears them. Rayna smiles as she looks ahead. Rayna envied the kids parents, they looked so in love. She expected such kind of love from her husband aswell, but things didn't turn out that way for her. But the sound of the following foot steps was mellow to her.

Maybe not walking side by side, hand in hand but, this is nice too.

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