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Rayna was in her room, she was in her mobile doing research on Aahil's name. Just typing his name gave out so many articles on the world wide web.

Aahil Zafar strikes again.

Aahil and Lufti, besties for a long time. Will they ever collab?

Aahil Zafar and Father, Haider Zafar, seen in a party together.

Aahil Zafar married to a normal girl.

Rayna couldn't believe the title, '..... normal girl.' She scoffed at the title and scrolled down.

I am anything but normal.

Haider Zafar and his connections with Royalty.

This title caught Rayna's attention and she opened it up to read it. Rayna read the article for a while and her eyes went wide each time. Not Aahil's father, but his grandfather was king. After that, Aahil's Grandfather opened a small business that flourished. It was also written that, even if the family didn't run a successful business, their generations could eat healthily for decades. Rayna looked at her cupboard with wide eyes, she had gotten a lot of heavy jewellery for her wedding from Aahil's father, maybe this is why, cause she was gonna be a part of Royalty.

Suddenly, her mobile started to ring. She came out of her war filled fantasy with a startle and stared at her mobile, it was her father. She smiled and answered it cheerfully, 'Hey, Abbu!' 'How is my princess doing?' 'Alhamdulillah, I am doing extremely well. How about you and others?' 'We are also well, Alhamdulillah. How is Aahil?' 'He is fine.' Rayna gave a short reply.

He is doing fine.

'Is he around?' Her father asked, 'Why?' Rayna asked suspiciously, 'If he is, can I talk to him?' Rayna looked around the deserted room, 'He is in his study, Abbu. I'll take the call to him.' Rayna said and got off the bed and walked out of her room.

She held the mobile to her ear as she walked over to Aahil's room and knocked. After sometime, Aahil opened the door and frowned, 'What?' he asked. Rayna streched her arm away to keep the monile out of voice reach, 'Abbu wants to speak to you.' She whispered. Aahil maintained his frown and asked, 'Who Abbu?' 'My Abbu.' Aahil's frown turned into shock as he vigorously shook his head. Rayna vigorously nodded her head and shoved the mobile to him. Aahil, who was forced to accept the call, kept it on his ear.'Hello, sir.' Rayna frowned at him.

Who calls their father-in-law, Sir?

'Yes sir, I am doing fine.' Aahil spoke and Rayna openly eavesdropped. Aahil glanced at Rayna for a bit and back to the call, 'No sir, she has been no trouble at all.' Rayna frowned. How can her father think that she is trouble, it is actually the other way around, 'Yes sir, pleade go ahead.' 'No sir, not yet.' Rayna closely monitored Aahils expressions aswell. Come to think of it, Rayna had never really noticed Aahil's face and she had to admit, he was handsome. Rayna subconsciously smiled when suddenly Aahil's eyes went wide, 'Honeymoon?' Rayna frowned at that word.

Aahil looked at Rayna with his wide eyes and Rayna's face also contorted with worry, 'But sir, I have work. I can't skip my work, I am the CEO after all.' Aahil said with eagerness and all Rayna wanted to know was what the heck is the conversation about that says Honeymoon, 'You've already spoken to my father!?' Aahil asked astonished. Rayna was getting impatient, 'You didn't have to go through the trouble, sir. I was planning something special myself.' Rayna narrowed her eyes on Aahil after listening to the sentence that left his mouth.

Aahil glanced at Rayna but immediately looked away, seeing the look she was giving him, 'Tomorrow!? Next week!? As in, in two days!?' Aahil was beyond shocked now, 'Yes sir, I'll let her know. Goodnight.' Saying this, Aahil cut the call and handed the mobile to Rayna. Rayna accepted the mobile and patiently waited for Aahil to say what her father was saying, 'Your Abbu, has planned a honeymoon for us.' Aahil said, still not believing, 'What!?' Rayna screeched. Aahil looked around and pulled Rayna in his room and closed the door, 'Calm your voice, woman. It's past 10pm, what if Salma bi and Aahil Chacha woke up?'

Rayna immediately put a finger on her lips. Aahil looked confused at her gesture, Rayna peeked at her finger on her lips and immediately put it away, 'So, what did you say?' She asked. Aahil signed and replied, 'I tried to dodge it, but he came with an escape proof plan.' Rayna also signed and asked, 'What do we do now?' 'What else, go on an Honeymoon?' Aahil replied like it was that simple. Rayna looked at him incredulously, Rayna folded her hands and spoke, 'Forget about me, do you wanna go to our Honeymoon?' 'Of course not, but do we have any other choice?' Aahil asked.

Rayna let out a heavy sign, that's when she noticed that she was inside Aahil's room. Rayna looked around the room and it was sophisticated. It had the same layout as hers, just the furniture was different. She noticed a certain photo frame on his dressing table and she subconsciously walked over to it. It was a picture of a much younger version of Aahil's father, who was standing behind a chair all dressed up in a suit, a glowing lady with a beautiful smile was sitting on the chair and a small boy, maybe around 8 to 10 years of age, dressed in a suit was on her lap.

Rayna smiled at the picture, she guessed it to be their family picture. Rayna admired how cute and carefree little Aahil looked but the main attraction of the picture was the lady, she was incredibly beautiful, 'Is she your mother?' Rayna asked. She felt Aahil standing behind her, probably looking at the picture aswell, 'Yes.' She heard him reply, 'She is beautiful.' She said, staring into her eyes especially. Rayna felt a weird kind of connection towards the lady, staring in her eyes, she fell in a different kind of trance, 'She is.' Rayna heard Aahil say, and she blinked as she fell out of the trance.

Rayna turned around to bump into Aahil's chest. She moved a bit back and rubbed her nose, 'Why were you standing so close?' Rayna asked, scrunching her nose. Aahil cleared his throat and moved back, with his hands at the back, 'You can leave, I need to sleep.' Aahil said, still looking away, 'God, you sound like a prince speaking to his housemaid. Come to think of it, you are a prince. Wait, so does that make me a princess?! Since I am married to you?!' Rayna asked excited. Aahil looked at her incredulously. He shook his head at her and grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the door.

He pushed her out and said, 'Goodnight.' 'Wait!' Rayna yelled and Aahil paused, as he was about to close the door, 'Were you really planning something special?' Rayna asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Aahil signed as he rolled his eyes and shut the door on her face. Rayna snickered at him and turned around. She looked at her mobile and signed.

Honeymoon? Let's see!

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