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Two Weeks Later

Aahil parks the car in the parking of the hospital and gets out. He jogs over to the other side to open the door for Rayna but she had already opened the door and was half way out. Aahil held a grumpy face. Rayna closes the door behind her and looks at Aahil and let's out a giggle, 'I am healthy enough to open the door myself now, Aahil.' Rayna tells him, 'Still, it's a gentlemanly behaviour to open the door for the ladies.' Aahil says as they start walking towards the lift, 'Aww, so sweet.' Rayna cooed at him.

After the accidental confession of Aahil and Rayna at the dining table, things were supposed to be awkward. Or, Atleast that's what Rayna thought. But surprisingly, they have become even more comfortable around each other. As the lift passes each floor, people kept climbing in and Aahil stood beside Rayna, protectively. Rayna smiled at Aahil's behaviour. The ignorant Aahil was being very caring and attentive to Rayna's every need. They have breakfast daily together, he wishes her goodbye before leaving to work, he calls her during his break or at lunch, he tries to come home early so that they could have dinner together, they discuss about their day before going to bed. Lately, their days feel like they are....

... husband and wife.

Rayna smiled at that thought as Aahil held her hand and guided her out the lift to her Doctors office. They enter the room and the Doctor asks them to settle down, 'Hello, Mr and Mrs. Zafar. I hope you've been doing well.' Everytime the Doctor addresses them as Mr and Mrs. Zafar, Rayna feels a bit shy cause, no one calls her that way, 'Yes, Doctor.' Rayna replies. The doctor puts in his surgical gloves and asks Rayna to lay on the bed as usual for a quick scan.

She does as she was told and removes her Hijab to show her bandaged head. The nurse moves the scanner to Rayna's head and they get an image. Aahil tensed up when he sees a frown on the Doctors face. The Doctor nods to himself and turns to Rayna with a smile, 'Seems like we can get that plaster of your head, Mrs. Zafar.' The Doctor said, 'Are you sure? Don't you think it's a bit too early. I mean, it has been on for like only a week or two. What if it gets infected or stuff like that.....' Aahil kept on throwing questions at the Doctor.

Rayna held his hand from where she was laid and Aahil immediately stopped and looked at her, 'Aahil, I think the Doctor knows what he is doing. He literally studied a lot of years to know this.' Rayna tells him and Aahil looks at the Doctor embarrassed, 'I'm sorry, Doctor. I didn't mean to sound so rude or anything....' Aahil began to apologise. The Doctor smiled at him and said, 'It's Okay, Mr. Zafar. You are just concerned for your wife, I understand.' The Doctor reassures him.

The Doctor turns to the nurse and instructs her for the things needed, 'I'll stay right by your side during the procedure. Don't be scared.' Aahil tells his wife in a low voice seeing the nurse pick out all kinds of things sharp. Rayna smiles at his words when suddenly her smile is wiped of her face. The Doctor reclines the bed in a position where Rayna is only partially laying, 'Shall we begin?' The Doctor asks as he stands above Rayna's head, 'Wait!' Rayna stops them.

Everyone looks at an alarmed Rayna and Aahil starts soothing her, 'Rayna, it's okay. You need not be scared, I'm right here.' 'Yes, Mrs. Zafar. You need not worry, it won't hurt at all.' The Doctor also assures her, 'It's not that.' Rayna says, 'Then what is?' The Nurse asks. Rayna looks at Aahil and then their holding hands. She looks at Aahil and says, 'I don't want you here.' She blurts out. Everyone is taken aback for a second. Aahil blinks a few times and asks, 'What?' 'I don't want you around while they remove my plaster.'

'Wait, Rayna. Really? But why?' Aahil asks her in disbelief, 'I just don't want, please go. You'll be just behind the curtains in the same room, anyways.' Rayna tries to point out the positive parts, 'Exactly, if I'll be just behind the curtains then why not here?' Aahil was showing no sighs of leaving and the sudden tight grip on her hand was enough to confirm that. Rayna took a deep breath and said, 'If you don't go out, I am not taking off the plaster!' The finality in her voice was enough to say she was being serious.

'I'm sorry, sir. But could you please stay out. We'll be done soon.' The nurse urges Aahil while he just stares at a stubborn Rayna with disbelief. After a moment of heavy silence, Aahil steps out and the Doctor and Nurse begin the procedure with Rayna.

Sorry, Aahil.

Rayna came out wearing her hijab. The Doctor explained all the precautions to be taken to not cause any infections in her now free injury and sends them home. Aahil was clearly upset with Rayna and his behaviour was enough. He held Rayna's hand all the while till they reached the parking lot and he even opened the car door for her but he didn't look at her or anything. During the drive back home, Rayan tried to stir up a conversation but nope, Aahil was giving no heed.

He stops the car before their home, 'I'm going to the office. I've got work to do.' Aahil told Rayna when she was out the car and sped away. Rayna went in, greeted Salma bi and went up to their room. She stood in front of the mirror as she ever so slowly removed her hijab. As the cloth fell to the ground, Rayna immediately closed her eyes and sighed. She peeked through her eyes and tears almost fell from her eyes at the sight before her.

How could I have let you see me like this Aahil?

Aahil didn't come home for dinner so Rayan ate alone, 'Did you both fight?' Salma bi asks her, 'Not really...' Rayna began, 'But?' Salma bi asks her. Rayna sighs and looks at Salma bi, 'I didn't want Aahil to see me hairless so I pushed him out when my bandage was being removed. So, he is upset because of that.' Rayna says with a pout. Salma bi after a moment of silence, starts giggling. Rayna looks at Salma bi with disbelief, 'Salma bi!' Rayna whines, 'I'm sorry, but why didn't you just tell him the reason?' Salma bi asks her, 'Because it's embarrassing.' Rayna told her, 'Try telling him. I'm sure, he wouldn't mind.' Salma bi advised her.

After dinner, Rayna sat on the bed in her room, her head covered with a yellow beanie. The door to the room opened and in walked Aahil. Rayna sits up and smiles at him as he greeted her, 'I've had my dinner.' Aahil informs her as he takes his clothes from the cupboard and enters the washroom to change. Rayna could sense that Aahil was still upset with her. Aahil came out and walked to his side of the bed and got on. He didn't even glance at Rayna once, 'Did you have your medicine?' Aahil asks her, still not looking at her, 'Yes.' Rayna replies in a low voice.

Aahil nods his head and lays down, turning sway from Rayna to fall asleep. Rayna couldn't take it anymore, 'Aahil, I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to see me bald.' Rayna throws the words out of her mouth. After a moment, Aahil sits up and finally looks at her. He just stared at her with a blank face while Rayna held a worried expression. Another moment passed, and Aahil began snickering. Rayna thought that he was laughing at her baldness and her eyes pooled up, 'Oh no, no, no. Don't cry.' Aahil immediately said, as he saw a tear fall down.

'But you are laughing at me.' Rayna said, controlling her voice, 'Not at you, silly. But your thought that I would mind seeing you that way.' Aahil told her, 'Of course, you would. My hair is the size of a thorn.' Rayna told him, wiping her tears, 'So what? Even roses have thorns, but aren't they still beautiful.' Aahil told her, 'Oh, my silly wife. You never have to worry about how you look cause what matters to me is what you feel.' Aahil tells her as he cups her face.

'Now, let's sleep. Tomorrow is a big day.' Aahil tells her, 'What big day?' Rayna asks as she lays down along with Aahil, facing eachother, 'You'll know it tomorrow.' Aahil says as he moves closer to Rayna and smiles. Rayna smiles back as they close their eyes.

Silly me.

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