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Aahil was typing away on his laptop doing his work. He was not excited about the Honeymoon nor going to Switzerland. He just took this as a small vacation off work, nothing more, nothing less. Aahil packed himself a Moisturizer, not because Rayna asked him to, but because he needed it. Atleast, that's what he tells himself.

I packed it because I needed it, not because she told me to.

Aahil was minding his own business when he heard Rayna speaking to someone. He didn't know why, but he was eavesdropping. He heard their conversation from first to last. He would glance once in a while when there was a pause. So, when he glanced this time, the other guy amd his eyes clashed. He quickly looked away feeling like a criminal, 'Nice to meet you , Rayna. By the way, who is he beside you?' Aahil hears that guy ask but makes no move to acknowledge him.

He feels Rayna's gaze on him for a moment followed by her voice, 'Just someone I know. Why do you ask?' And Aahil presses hard on enter. Aahil was internally feeling fire but he couldn't unleash it, 'He has been glancing our way alot since we began talking.' 'Oh, has he.' He hears and feels Rayna's eyes on him again. He wanted to snap at that guy for ratting him out, but he didn't wanna create a seen or maybe, show Rayna that her saying that affected him.

Someone she knows? I am her husband for God's sake!!

But you don't wanna be one.

Shut up, conscience.

Aahil decides to shut them off and concentrate on work. After meals, Aahil got back to work and constantly kept typing. Finally, he was done with work and closed his laptop down. He stretched his arms a bit and looked towards Rayna to find her asleep. Her face was angled towards him and he couldn't help but admire her. He started from her frowning forehead to her disturbed looking eyelids to her scrunched up nose and then to her slightly crooked lips. Eventhough, she looked cute, he couldn't help but wonder what made her expression so hilariously disturbing.

'Why do you have your hands up?' He hears someone say to him and he looks up to find the guy, who was chatting with Rayna, looking somewhere above him. Aahil looked up to see his hands still in air as he was stretching. Aahil immediately brought them down and cleard his throat. He didn't bother replying to him. Soon, the captain's voice was heard saying that they were about to land. The light for fastening the belts was switched on and Aahil put on his belt.

He looked over to Rayna to see her fast asleep. He was contemplating whether to wake her or not as anyways, she looks disturbed. Just when he was about to wake her up, her expressions eased and a small smile grazed her lips. Now, Aahil was awstruck. Rayna looked so peacefully beautiful, which brought a smile to his face aswell. He shook his head and signed. Now, Aahil couldn't wake her up, no matter what. He signed and jumped to the final resort.

Let's fasten her belt for her.

Aahil gripped the two ends of the belt and ever so calmly, not wanting to wake Rayna up, he brought them closer. As soon as the belts clicked, Rayna's eyes popped open. Aahil looked in her eyes and they just stared at each other. After sometime, 'What are you doing?' Rayna asked. Aahil immediately pulled back and leaned on his seat, 'Fastening your seatbelt.' He replied, 'Why?' Rayna asked, still staring at him. Aahil glanced her way and back, 'You were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up.' He replied. Rayna nodded her head as she sat straight, 'Seems like we had the same situations today but vice verse.' Rayna said and Aahil frowned thinking. That's when it striked him, Rayna was doing the same thing while take off.

And here I thought various other things.

Aahil mentally face palmed himself, 'Good Morning or more like night. It's night time in Switzerland so..' Aahil heard the annoying voice of Rayna's flight mate. Aahil looked at Rayna to see him and her mate, talking with all smiles and laughter. Aahil wanted to put a big sheild between them, but thinking that idea as absurd, shut them out. The plane soon landed and everyone was starting to disperse. They got off the plane where several cars were waiting, 'I guess, it's goodbye from here. Really sad that we didn't get to talk more.' Aahil heard the same male voice and rolled his eyes.

'C'mon Rayna, our ride is here.' Aahil said and walked off towards their waiting car. Aahil sat in but only after 5 mins that Rayna joined him in. Aahil noticed how Rayna was all smiles and scoffed, 'I guess, you found a good friend.' Aahil voiced his thoughts. Rayna turned to look at him and nodded his head, 'I'm gonaa miss, Zeeshaan. He was a great company unlike someone else.' Rayna said. Aahil scoffed and looked out the window as the engine came to life.

Zeeshaan? I hope I never see him again.

Rayna and Aahil's drive to their hotel was silent. Rayna stared out the window in aww and Aahil, stared at his mobile. They reached their hotel and walked up to the reception, 'Excuse me, Sadiq Farooqui.' Aahil said to the receptionist. The receptionist looked at the computer screen  and up to the couple, 'Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Zafar. Your Honeymoon suite is ready. Please leave your luggage here, it will safely reach your suite.' Aahil and Rayna blinked and looked at each other. Aahil looked back to the receptionist and asked, 'Honeymoon suite?' And the receptionist replied with a, 'Yes, sir.'

You have got to me kidding me.

'My father doesn't know about your conditions so obviously he booked a Honeymoon suite.' Aahil heard Rayna whisper to him. Aahil nodded his head and spoke to the receptionist, 'I am sorry, but can you cancel the Honeymoon suite and give us two regular suites please.' The receptionist gave them a look and nodded her head. She typed on her computer and looked back at Aahil, 'I am sorry sir, but we seem to be full at the moment.' Aahil ticked his jaw and asked, 'Any regular room will do.' He asked again, 'I am sorry, sir. But we are thoroughly booked.' Aahil let out a frustrated sign.

'It's okay, Aahil. Let's just go, it's really cold here.' Aahil heard Rayna say and looked at her. She had her arms around her as she rubbed herself. Aahil signed and accepted the key to their Honeymoon Suite. They reached their room and opened it. They walked into the room to see a large bed covered with rose petals and stuff. Aahil suddenly felt fuzzy on the inside and looked at Rayna. He saw Rayna sign and walk over to the bed, and with one swipe, cleared the bed, 'Better.' She told herself and walked into the bathroom to freshen up.

Aahil blinked as his followed her into the bathroom. He looked back at the now swiped clean bed and a small snicker left his lips as his smile stayed intact. Aahil was getting his things from his suitecase when Rayna came out and hopped on the bed, she got under the covers and snuggled, 'I am skipping dinner, Night.' She said, 'If you are sleeping on the bed, where do I sleep?' Aahil asked, his hands on his hips as he stared at a laying Rayna.

'The Suite is quite big, make yourself comfortable anywhere. I don't mind if you want to sleep on the bed next to me aswell. Don't worry, I won't jump you, Goodnight.' Rayna said. Aahil stared at her dumbfounded. He looked at the empty space next to her and then around the room. The couch was too small for him and the floor wasn't an option. He looked back at the empty space on the bed and signed. He got changed and walked over to his side of the bed. He placed a pillow between himself and Rayna and got on. He laid faced away from Rayna and closed his eyes.


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