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Aahil and Rayna were seated content in the car as Evan drove the car to their destination, Old Town. Rayna was super excited to visit this historic place in a modern country, while all Aahil wanted to do was lock himself in his study and do some work. Being a workaholic for more than five years in life does that to someone,. Ever since that fatefully tragic day, Aahil had drowned himself in work so that he has know free time to over think. It was for the best.

'We're almost there.' Evan said and Rayna almost jumped out the window in excitement. Evan parked the car and got down. Rayna was about to open the door but before that, Evan had got the door for her. She got down and thanked Evan with her beautiful smile. A loud bang was heard and Rayna and Evan looked to that direction to see Aahil had banged the car door shut. Rayna frowned.

What's with him today?

Rayna walked over to stand next to Aahil as Evan stood before the couple, 'Please follow me as I guide you around this Historical town and show its history. ' Evan said and began walking, Rayna and Aahil followed. Rayna was at awe at every building she saw. She was staring around mesmerized, 'This street is called Spiegelgasse, and at number 17, is the house where Lenin lived in 1917. In this street, at Cabaret Voltaire, Hans Arp and Tristan Tzara launched the Dada art movement in 1916...' Evan began explaining the history as they walked through the streets, showcasing his hands here and there, 'Ugh, feels like history class.' Rayna heard and immediately turned to her right to stare at Aahil.

A laugh escaped Rayna's lips, Aahil turned to look at her, 'I guess history wasn't your favourite subject.' Rayna teased him and Aahil once again, looked ahead with his stern face. Rayna smiled at turned away. Rayna doesn't say it out loud but she trying to be strong, so she can't let it show that his cold nature towards her affects her. Of course it would, her husband doesn't like her, so how can she live with it? But she was not gonna give up without trying. Rayna smiled and continued looking around.

With time, hopefully.

'.......and ceilings from the 17th century and fine ornamental ironwork. The 13th-century Grimmenturm,.....' Aahil and Rayna were walking around listening to "History Class" as Aahil put it, for quite few hours now. Rayna was getting hungry. Evan stopped and turned to the couple with a smile, 'So, how did you like the history and design of the Old Town?' Evan asked with a smile. Rayna was confused at first how to reply, she glanced at Aahil to see an expression that said, 'Not replying.' So, she smiled at Evan and said, 'Very....Historic?' It came out like a question though.

Evan nodded satisfied and looked around, 'It sure is.' Rayna smiled as she saw Evan looking around mesmerized. Evan as a tour guide must have visited this place tons of times but his reaction is like it's his first. Rayna could tell Evan loved his job and Switzerland. Evan looked back at them and said, 'It's afternoon now, let's have some snacks in any nearby cafe, you'll love it. Then we can move on with the tour.' Rayna's smile blew out on her face as she nodded eagerly.

Allah, bless Evan.

So, they entered a nearby cafe and took their seat. They went through the menu and made their order. Rayna went with a hot chocolate and walnut cake, Aahil with a pumpkin latte and Evan with an iced Americano. Evan had started speaking again and Rayna heard him well this time, cause more than his words, his expression and twinkling eyes that portrayed his love for his job was what Rayna wanted to protect. Rarely does anyone listen earnestly to a guide, they are always busy with their photos and chats. But, still the tour guide explains to them everything. It's like he is gaining more knowledge than sharing.

Their order soon arrived and Rayna took a quick bite of her cake and signed in content, it was warm and not so sweet, perfect, 'How come you are drinking iced Americano in winter?' Rayna asked Evan. Evan replied, 'I am used to it.' Rayna smiled and sipped her hot choco, if anyone and had seen Rayna's face right now, they would think she was a little child who got hot choco on a cold Christmas eve. And yes, Aahil noticed that and hid his smile between his cup.

Rayna looked at Aahil and offered her cake to him but he just looked away. Rayna shrugged and continued eating. They left the cafe satisfied, 'Now, we board the Dolderbahn railway to climb into the hills of the Zurichberg district.' Evan said and started walking. Suddenly, a guy bumped in Rayna from nowhere and Rayna was about to fall but Aahil caught her in time. So, Rayna was currently held in between Aahil's arms as they stared at each other. Another guy bumped into Aahil which caused him to lose balance and they both fell down, more like Aahil on top of Rayna. They just stared at each other, laying one over the other, on a public street, not making any movement to stand up. Not weird at all.

'You okay?' came a worried voice which broke them out of their trance. They looked up to see a concerned Evan looking at them. Aahil and Rayna immediately shuffled to stand up straight, 'All good.' Rayna said smiling and looked away. Evan nodded and they continued walking. Rayna glanced at Aahil to see his stern face looking ahead, but their was something extra aswell, Rayna didn't know if it was due to the cold or not, but Aahil's face was pretty pink. Rayna's face had also heaten up.

My body surely responses well to a cold climate.

They all boarded the train. Rayna looked out the window as the train climbed up the hill. They reached the top and got down. Rayna ran forward and stared at the scenery before her in awe. The Old Town looked surreal from above and the lake, it was like a mirror. It looked so beautiful that Rayna felt like crying. Rayna looked at Aahil to see him also staring at the view, maybe not as happy as herself, but enough to not have a stern look on.

'Please stand together, I'll take a picture of you two.' Evan suggested and Rayna eagerly turned to face the camera. Rayna made a "V" sign with her fingers and placed it in front of her eye, while Aahil stood beside her, looking away. Evan didn't know what but this couple was surely weird. He let that thought go and took their photograph. One after an other, Evan was taking pictures and Rayna was loving it more than Aahil.

More memories for my album.

Soon, they got down of the hill, and left The Old Town. They had their lunch and visited Kunsthaus Zürich, Mueseum of Fine arts. After the Mueseum visit, they had dinner and returned back to the hotel. They entered the room and Rayna sat on the bed, 'Now, that was an exciting and tiring tour.' She said, removing her hijab pins. Rayna walked over to the closet, were she had emptied her luggage, 'I wonder what to wear tomorrow.' Rayna was just looking when she felt someone behind her. She turned around to come face to chest, Aahil's chest. Rayna looked at his face and raised a brow, she couldn't speak as her throat tightened all of a sudden.

Aahil was looking down at her with so much intensity that she was thankful she didn't melt. Aahil just stared at her for a while and Rayna was getting fidgety with her legs, 'Don't dress up pretty, I don't want to go to jail.' Aahil said with complete seriousness and entered the restroom, leaving Rayna confused.


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