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Rayna stayed wide eyed as Aahil kissed her. All she could feel is the butterflies swarming around in her stomach and her husbands lips on hers. Her hands were on his shoulders and his were on her waist and face, holding her secure near him. Their lips detached as Aahil pulled back. He opened his eyes to look at a very surprised Rayna whose eyes were bulging out of her sockets. Realisation washed over Aahil's face as his face contorted to a shocked expression. He retrieved his hands back and ran up the stairs while Rayna just stood their, ready to hold her eyes which were about to fall out.

'Rayna? Rayna? Rayna! Rayna!!' Rayna jumped and looked at the voice that called her to see her mother looking at her with a concerned look, 'Yes, Ammi?' She asked her mother, 'The tap is flowing, dear.' Rayna looked at the tap and quickly shut it. Aahil and Rayna were currently at Rayna's parents house. Aahil was in the living room talking to Rayna's father and brother while Rayna helped her mother in the kitchen.

Rayna has been spacing out alot since she arrived at her parents, she even hesitated to serve tea to her father and husband. Rayna's mother was starting to get worried, 'Honey, you are really feeling okay, right?' Her mother asked her, 'Of course, Ammi. Don't worry.' Rayna's mother nodded but still unsure. Rayna excused herself and left the kitchen. She walked past the the dining and into the living room to see the men all watching sports. She glanced at Aahil and coincidentally, Aahil also looked her way as their eyes clashed for a mere second as the both of them immediately, in lightning speed, looked away.

Rayna swiftly walked towards the staircase behind the living room and climbed up to her and her sisters room. Rayna's family owned a very spacious condo on the 11th floor. The bottom part was the living room, dining and the kitchen along with her parents room, and top has two room, one shared by Rayna and her sister, Suman, And the other by Irshaad, her brother. Although now, her room completely and wholly belongs to her sister. Rayna opened the door and sighed, the room was a mess.

There was a pile of clothes lying on the floor as soon as she entered, the study table had scattered stationery, the bed was a bundle of everything, the duvet was not made, there were drawings and a empty cup on the bed, but where was Suman? Rayna walked over the pile of clothes carefully as she saw her sister laying on the floor, stomach side down, earphones in her ears as she watched the ipad. Rayna walked over and pulled the earphones out her sisters ears, 'Hey!!' Suman said and turned to look at her sister with a scowl that turned into a guilty smile.

Even bhaiya's room is not this messy.

'I leave, and you become bhaiya. Nope, even worse than bhaiya. What is all this, Suman?' Rayna asked her sister, looking around, 'My room.' Suman said standing up. Suman is young, true, but an 8th grader shouldn't be this messy. Rayna glared at her sister to which she just smiled, innocently, 'Let's clean up.' Rayna said earning a groan from her sister, 'Nope.' Rayna began, 'It's Eid and you are gonna clean up. How did Ammi even let it slide like this!? Even Siya bi!?' Siya was the house maid, who was on leave as it was Eid.

Rayna gave orders one by one, Suman stared cleaning. Starting with the pile of clothes down the laundry chute, to mending the bed, all was done in a matter of 1 and half hour as there was mostly words like, "What!?" "NO!" "Yes" and "Spare me", exchanged. Suman plomped down on her bed exhausted as she said, 'I prefer you never visit us ever again.' Rayna chuckled at her sister and sat on the bed, massaging her sisters hair. Suman sighed in content and said, 'I missed you.' Rayna chuckled again and spoke, 'I thought you never wanted me to visit?' 'Visit, but not my room.' Rayna smiled at her sister and laid down and stared at the ceiling, 'How is brother-in-law?' Suman asked.

'Confusing.' Rayna replied, 'Huh?!' Suman was about to question even further when, 'Dinner is ready!' Their mother's voice came, 'Time to eat!' Suman said and was out the room. They walked down to see everyone seated in the dinning. Suman sat next to her brother and the only seat available was next to Aahil. Rayna hesitated but she had no other choice. She glanced at Aahil as she sat down but noticed how he found the white plate before him rather interesting. Everyone started serving and eating.

Aahil and Rayna's upper arm or elbows would grace once in a while and the both of them would freeze for a moment before resuming. Rayna was feeling tingly and frustrated but she had to maintain composure and her family wasn't helping, 'Rayna, please pour Aahil some more gravy.' 'Rayna dear, serve Aahil some more chicken.' And Aahil also wasn't helping, 'Oh no, Aahil has dropped gravy on his vest. Rayna dear, help him wipe it off or it will leave a stain.'

He also has hands!!!

Rayna wanted to yell that out but just went to grab on to few tissues with a over palpitating heart and moved closer to Aahil, 'No, It's Okay.' Aahil said as he resisted, 'No dear, let Rayna help.' Her father said with a smile, Rayna almost saw devil horns on her fathers innocent head for once. Rayna, with shaky hands, dabbed and wiped the stain off Aahil's chest. While doing so, she could feel Aahil's heart beating faster and Rayna frowned. She looked up at Aahil and whisper asked, 'You okay? Your heart seems to be beating faster than normal.' Aahil looked at her alarmed and said, 'I'm okay!' Rayna pulled back, 'Are you su..' 'Yes!' Aahil said in a hurry and continued eating. Rayna frowned at him but let it slide.


After dinner, Aahil and Rayna went home. The car ride back home was similar to the one leaving home, Silent, Awkward and Desperate to maintain distance. As soon as they got home, Rayna rushed in and up the stairs. She was about to open the door when, 'Rayna.' She heard Aahil call her. She took a deep breath and turned around, he was looking away as he made small glances to her. Rayna tapped her foot silently as she waited for him to speak, 'Goodnight.' Aahil said and walked fast to his room and rammed it shut. Rayna stared at him dumbfounded and walked into her room and fell face front on her pillow and screamed.

After doing that, all he had to say was "Goodnight". Aahil Zafar, I'ma kill ya!!!!!!

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