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The emergency door opens and two male nurses drag a stretcher with an unconscious and bleeding Rayna in. Aahil who was following didn't say or do anything but just stared at his unconscious wife. He saw a doctor run upto her and check her, 'She was in a car accident and has crashed her head against the windshield of the car, shattering it.' One of the nurses inform him, 'Get a CT scan of her head and prepare the OT.' The doctor said as they dragged her along.

On hearing, "OT" Aahil looked at the doctor alarmed and asked, 'Why..why the OT?' The doctor looked at him and replied, 'There are chances that some glass pieces might be stuck in her wound or even entered in. Once the CT is done, we'll know if yes or not.' Aahil looked back at Rayna as they dragged her away, 'If the scan shows any sign of the glasses in or around her wound, we'd have to perform a surgery.' Aahil's heartbeat was beating faster by the moment but the watch on his hand gave away an even scarier vibe to him.

He looked at the watch that gave away Rayna's heart beats to him to be getting lower by the minute, 'She has had a heart transplant before.' Aahil informs the doctor as he stares at the numbers going low before it turns black, 'They've removed her watch for the scan.' He tells in a low voice to himself as he nods his head in a daze, 'We'll check on it aswell, please excuse me.' The doctor excuses himself as a female nurse approachs him with a form and pad.

'Sir, could you please fill in the form.' The nurse hands him the pad and a pen. Aahil slumps down on a near by chair as his trembling blood coated hands hold the pen as he writes Rayna's name on the patient name blank and writes his name and ticks Husband on the guardian blank. A tear drop falls on Rayna's name on the form and Aahil realizes he is crying.

I was so happy, Rayna. How did it change in a matter of seconds!?

Three hours ago

'Okay. I admit I kind of like her.' Aahil said to Lutfi and Lutfi didn't even look up from his mobile as he said, 'Just go tell her you love her already. Roaming around the "like" department will not help.' Aahil sighs frustrated, 'But what if she doesn't love me and I would have said something in vain. It could complicate things between us.' Aahil voices his thoughts.

'This kind of worry should be between a friend's relationship. Like they are worrying if they convey their love their friendship will be at stake, not in a husband - wife relationship.' Lutfi finally looks up as he places his mobile on the table, 'Oh no! I don't want to lose her friendship!! Oh wait, she's already my wife. Ha ha.' Lutfi enacts the phrase and gives Aahil a bored look. Aahil looked like he wanted to pour a big bucket of cold water on his friend.

Aahil groans as he stands up and walks over to the busy city's display behind him, 'I am not even sure I love her yet, okay? Confessing something I am not even sure about and getting rejected would be a slap on the face. So, No!' Lutfi sighs, 'I hope something happens that helps you realize that you love her and to what extent.' A knock on the door is heard as Aahil's PA enters, 'Sir, Inspector Kadam is here to see you.' Aahil nods as Inspector Kadam enters.

'What brings you here, Inspector?' Aahil asks like the bussiness man he is as he sits back down on his seat, 'We've caught the thief that had stolen your wife's handbag not long ago. So, I came to personally drop it off.' Inspector says as he moves forward to place Rayna's lost purse, 'Luckily, all her belongings are still safe inside. You may check and let me know if you find anything missing.' The Inspector informs him, 'Thank you, Inspector. The public can always rely on the police for their help and safety.' The Inspector smiles at his words as he bids farewell to Aahil and Lutfi.

As soon as the Inspector leaves, Aahil grabs the dirty bag and opens it, 'You wouldn't know what is missing? You should have Rayna check.' Lutfi tells him. Aahil lifts the bag upside down causing all the things inside to fall before him as he places the bag down, 'I really want to know what was so special in this bag that she ran risking her life.' Lutfi nods his head as he looks through the things on the table. A wallet, some makeup, tablets, a gift box....Lutfi frowned, 'A gift box?' Aahil picked the box up looked at it from all angles.

He pulled the ribbon openning it, 'She might have bought it for someone. Why are you opening it?' Lutfi says, 'I'll just wrap it up again. I am curious to what it is.' Aahil rips the gift wrap open to find a velvety box, 'This box seems familiar.' Lutfi says. Aahil opens it to see a Tie set, 'It's a tie set.' Aahil says, 'Aah, Now I remember. Afina gifted me a Tie set for my birthday. Maybe Rayna had bought one aswell.' Lutfi informs him.

Aahil notices a small card inside and picks it up. He twists the card around to read what is written on it. He stills and stares at the words. Lutfi waited for his friend to read it out but all Aahil did was stare at the card, 'What does it say?' Lutfi asks. For the first time in ages, Lutfi saw a genuine smile and twinkle in his friends eyes. The smile wasn't big full blown but just a slight curve at the tip of his lips but it was enough, it was enough.

Aahil immediately stands up and pulls out his mobile as he leaves his office room. Lutfi stares at his friend dumbfounded and looks back to the card.

I love you, Aahil.

Lutfi smiles as he says, 'Looks like he realized he loves her.' Aahil got in his car and zoomed to go meet Rayna.

Aahil and Rayna were staring at each other from across the street. Aahil's heart was beating faster by the minute. The traffic light changed and Aahil saw as Rayna walked towards him. His smile, his heartbeat, his excitement everything grew with every step Rayna took. But in a matter of seconds, Aahil didn't know what happened but Rayna was on the ground, eyes closed and blood, he saw blood.

Aahil's breathing hiked as people started gathering around her but Aahil didn't move. His watch started making sounds which is when Aahil walked ahead and through the crowd. People around were screaming and calling for ambulance, taxi, autos but Aahil just stared at his unconscious wife.

He kneeled down next to her and moved his trembling hands towards her face as he lifted her head placing it on his lap very carefully, 'Rayna.' He called out to her, his voice above a whisper. He kept calling out in hopes of her waking up but her eyes remained closed, 'Rayna, please. Open your eyes.' He pleaded but no reaction. Aahil was lost, 'Rayna please, please, open your eyes. I have something to say, please. Please, I love you.' Rayna didn't respond.

'Excuse me, sir.' Aahil came out of his thoughts and looked up at the doctor. He immediately stood up and wiped his eyes. The doctor gave him another pad and pen as he spoke, 'The scans out and seems like your wife does have some shards of glass inside her wound. We will need to perform a surgery and this is a consent letter for her guardian. Please read it through and sign it.' The doctor explains.

Aahil nods his head and goes through the form and frowns, 'What do you mean by, "Won't be held responsible for any demise during the process"?' Aahil questions the doctor, 'Sir, please sign it and I'll explain it you.' The doctor says but Aahil refuses, 'Sir, as soon as you sign, we'll be able to help your wife. Please understand.' On the mention of his wife, Aahil immediately signs it. The doctor takes the form from him as he says, 'If  the patient were to lose their life on the OT bed, we will not be responsible.'

Aahil's heart skips a beat on hearing the words, 'What do you mean "lose their life"?' Aahil whispers, 'As a doctor you should save her not talk rubbish to me.' Aahil yells at him, 'This is just the hospitals protocol, sir. Your wife will be fine, have faith.' 'Still, how can you say that?' Aahil yells again. A body comes to stand between him and the doctor, 'Sorry, doctor. He is just emotional due to the situation, please proceed with your duties.' It was Lutfi, 'I understand, sir. It ain't the first time for me. Take care of him.' The doctor says and leaves.

Lutfi turns to an unstable Aahil, 'You shouldn't speak to a doctor like that.' He tells him, 'How can he say something like that so casually!? "Lose her life"? He can't say that before anything.' Aahil yells at his friend. Lutfi hadn't seen Aahil so worked up in a long time, 'Calm down, Aahil. Let the doctors handle this.' He tried to calm him down, 'But what if he is not lying. What if...' Aahil slumps back on the chair, '...No! She'll be fine. She needs to be fine. I still haven't told her yet. She needs to listen. She'll be fine, she'll be fine.' Aahil kept whispering to himself.

She needs to be fine, please.

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