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Evan parked his car infront of the hotel as Rayna and Aahil got down after thanking him. They were about to enter the hotel when Evan called out to them. They turned around to face him, 'Yes?' Rayna asked. Evan pulled out a velvety box from under his coat and extended it out to Rayna. Rayna frowned at the box and took it from his palm. She opened the box to see two rings, 'These are couple rings.' Evan said. Rayna looked up at Evan, 'I got these for you two. I am a very mythological person, so believe in objects that bring good fortune. I saw this particularly stall at the flea market earlier and they were selling these. They said it will keep two hearts together, and I bought them as a gift for you two. I hope you like it.' Evan explained.

Rayna's eyes become soft, 'Aww, Evan. You didn't have to but thank you so much for this. They are so pretty.' Rayna stared at the silver rings, one ring had half of the male symbol and the other the female symbol. And as the rings sat together in the box, the half circles in each ring made it whole, it was so touching. Rayna closed the box and held it to her chest, 'Thank you very much, Evan. I will really cherish these.' Rayna said, thanking him again. Evan just scratched the back of his neck and went back to his car. Rayna turned to look at Aahil to see him looking at Evan, 'Let's go in. We still haven't had dinner.' Rayna told him which bought him out of his trance. He looked at her and nodded his head as they entered. Rayna was walkimg ahead when she heard someome calling her. She turned around to find Zeeshaan jogging up to them.

Rayna heard a groan and looked at the sound to find Aahil. Rayna frowned, 'Hey!' Zeeshaan greeted them or more specifically Rayna, 'Hey.' She greeted him back, 'You people didn't come down for breakfast, heard you ordered room service, but that was also left uneaten. Did you not like it?' Zeeshaan asked. Rayna was shocked, she didn't eat, true, but even Aahil didn't eat? Rayna looked towards Aahil to see him avoid eye contact. Rayna turned back to Zeeshaan and replied, 'It's nothing like that. Evan, our tour guide, had arrived, so we left in a hurry.' Zeeshaan nodded in understanding, 'But....' Rayna began, '...we would like to have dinner now.' Rayna smiled as Zeeshaan's face brightened, 'With pleasure, my lady. This way please.' Zeeshaan led the way to the restaurant.

Aahil and Rayna were seated and handed the menu's, 'So, what can I get for you today?' Zeeshaan asked, 'Set 3.' Aahil's voice came as he handed Zeeshaan the menu. Zeeshaan focused back on Rayna who was still going through the menu, 'How about set 1?' She said unsure, 'Excellent choice.' Zeeshaan said and grabbed her menu, 'Your meal will be hear in a bit?' He said and walked away. Rayna opened the velvet box to stare at the rings. A smile grazed Rayna's lips as she stared at the rings. She pulled out the ring with the female symbol and put it on her ring finger. Aahil and Rayna didn't really have an engagement, so it was empty. But now, thanks to Evan, she has something that connects her to her husband.

It fits perfectly.

Rayna looked up at Aahil who was busy on his mobile. She looked at the male ring and back at Aahil, unsure. She gave herself confidence and kept the velvety box on the table and slid it to Aahil. Aahil was still busy on his mobile typing furiously. Rayna was about to call him just when Zeeshaam arrived with their meals. He placed their starters before them when he noticed the ring box, 'What a beautiful ring!' Aahil's attention went to the ring and he looked at Rayna who was avoiding eye contact, but Aahil didn't miss to notice the ring on her ring finger.

'Is it not yours? If not, I'll have it sent to the lost and found department?' Zeeshaan said, as he approached to pick up the ring but Aahil grabbed it first saying, 'It's mine.' Rayna looked at Aahil and their eyes made contact for a second, but Rayna still felt the cold look they hold, 'Oh, Sorry. Anyways, Enjoy the meal.' Zeeshaan said and left the couple. There was a moment of silence but they soon started eating. Starter, then the main dish, dessert and soon, the couple were done with dinner. Zeeshaan showed up again and asked, 'Did you enjoy your meal?' Rayna smiled at him and said, 'Yes, it was delicious.' Aahil got up from his seat said, 'Let's go.' Rayna didn't fail to notice as Aahil placed the box of ring in his coat pocket. Rayna excused herself as they left the restaurant.

Aahil and Rayna made their way inside the suite as Aahil walked into the washroom to freshen up first. Rayna went over to her cupboard to take out a pair of changing clothes. Rayna sat on the bed and waited for Aahil, while doing so, she went into thinking about her day. Today, she really felt peace and for the first time, Aahil and Rayna had a conversation. It would usually be only her talking but this time, Aahil also spoke. She smiled at her memory.

Maybe this is some progress in our relationship.

Aahil walked out of the washroom and Rayna stood up smiling at him. Aahil just glanced over at Rayna with his cold look and over to his cupboard. Rayna's smile dropped as she walked into the washroom to freshen up. She came out to see Aahil changed and  half laying on the bed, going through his mobile. She also sat on the bed and put her legs under the duvet, 'Don't expect me to wear that ring, I don't do such childish stuff.' Rayna heard Aahil say as she layed down and turned away from him. The lights were switched off as she felt the bed move and Aahil lay down aswell. Rayna signed to herself and closed her eyes.

And here I thought we made progress.

It was almost horizon when Aahil and Rayna's mobiles started ringing. Rayna scrunched her eyes before opening them. She grabbed her mobile from the side stand and half sat up. She looked over at Aahil to see him doing the same. She frowned at her screen, it was her best friend, Afina. She picked up the call, 'I don't care if you are enjoying your vacation. Just grab the next flight and come back, I need you.' Rayna heard Afina's desperate voice, 'What? You okay.' Rayna asks, 'Nope, not at all. It's life and death for me at the moment so come back, NOW!' and the call is cut. Rayna stares at her mobile wondering what's wrong with her friend but more importantly, how was she gonna tell Aahil about this. She glances over to him to see him staring at his mobile, 'If you don't mind.....' Aahil began and looked at Rayna, '......can we grab the next flight and head back home? Something urgent just came up.' He ended, 'Sure.' Rayna said and Aahil's face was surprised first, but later went back to normal as he nodded his head. Rayna got off the bed to freshen up.

Well, that was easy.

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