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'Four Months!?'


'And you are okay with it.'


'You really okay with it?'


'He still hasn't said he loves you, has he?'

'NOOOOO!!!!!' Afina says out irritated. Afina and Rayna were out on a coffee date, why? Because in 4 months, Afina ain't going to be single anymore, 'You still were not able to make him say the three magical words yet, you are ready to get married in four months and your nonchalant replies were enough to give away how frustrated you are about it.' Rayna says like she was reading a crime scene, 'Well, thank you for the analysis Sherlock, but that ain't needed at the moment.' Afina retorts sipping her coffee and Rayna just chuckles.

'Why is it so hard for men to confess or even share their feelings!? It's like a jar shut close, tightly.' Afina says out frustrated, 'Yeah. But, when the jar opens once, it will never close again.' Rayna adds in. After a moment, both the girls let out a sigh, 'And men say women are hard to understand.' Afina says and Rayna nods, 'Are the preparations going on well?' Rayna asks and Afina nods, 'Yeah, my family is handling everything. I am only going to be a mannequin who needs to try dresses and jewellery on.' Afina says while Rayna nods, 'Yeah, I remember during my wedding preparations how exhausted I was about everything. But the biggest joy of the wedding for me was endless shopping. It was like I was dreaming.' Rayna says with a dreamy look in her eyes.

Afina chuckles at her friend, 'Hello, Lovely Ladies.' The girls hear someone say and look up to find two smart looking boys beside their table. The girls gasp simultaneously on recognising the faces, 'Oh My God, Omar...' Rayna starts, '..and Nahid.' Afina completes. The girls stand up with a wide smile on their faces. Afina and Rayna had met Omar and Nahid while they were still in college. They had met during an Inter Collegiate and had become good friends. And who knew they'd meet this way after years.

'What a fabulous coincidence!' Afina says as the boys join the girls at their table. The boys had dragged two near by chairs and Omar sat next to Rayna while Nahid next to Afina, 'I know right! Who knew we'd meet again like this.' Nahid says, 'So, How is life treating you?' Omar asks, 'I'm married.' Rayna replies, 'And I am engaged and getting married in four months.' Afina replies. The boys were stunned, 'Wow.' Was all they said, 'Many things did change in the past few years.' Nahid adds, 'What about you two?' Afina asks.

'Corporate life sucks.' Omar starts, 'We thought, once we get a job and start earning it will be fun but No! It's like our whole day revolves around our work and then bed.' 'I mean, we are doing what we love as our job but man, it's a job. That's why we decided to give ourselves a break and took a day off.' Nahid adds, 'And what a lucky day to take off. We met our best pals of long back.' The girls chuckle at their response, 'Let me guess, you work at the same company?' Afina asks and the boys nod their heads, 'You both are still inseparable.' Rayna says with a smile, 'Yup!' Nahid says, 'but so are you two.' Omar says, referring to the girls while they just smile at eachother.

'Aren't you guys hooked yet?' Afina asks, 'Yeah, I am married and she is almost, so you guys must be aswell.' Rayna asks, 'Naah!' Nahid says, 'We are just a year older than you guys. And let me tell you, girls get married much sooner than boys do.' Omar says, 'We have a long way to go.' Nahid adds with a sigh, 'And by the way, women are hard to understand.' Rayna and Afina look at each other before narrowing their eyes at their friends, 'What do you mean?' Afina asks, 'I mean, they are so open about their thoughts and feelings.' Nahid begins, 'Very expressive.' Omar says in simple term, 'Yeah, and expect us to be the same aswell, which is hard for us, you know.' Nahid says looking at the girls.

Afina and Rayna look at eachother again, 'But once you men open, it is more free, right?' Rayna says, 'Yeah,...' Omar begins, '....but we can't open up to just anyone. We are tough and stoic strict and suddenly, you can't ask us to become jelly.' Omar explains, 'And just because we don't, doesn't mean we don't trust or love you. We do, just finding it hard to express.' Nahid adds. Rayna and Afina nod their heads in understanding, as if a bulb just lit in their heads.

Just then, Afina's mobile rings and she picks up, while the others continue talking, 'So, how would you express your love?' Afina asks and Omar thinks, 'Well...' 'Afina, I am taking your coffee.' Nahid says and drags Afina's glass to his, 'Sure.' Afina replies to him, still on call. Nahid adds a blue straw while Afina's straw was yellow and sips, 'I love you?' Omar says and Rayna giggles at his reply, 'That's all.' Rayna asks him, 'Well, what more do you want?' Omar asks confused, 'You know, create an atmosphere. Hold her hands, go down on one knee and stuff.' Rayna laughs at the face Omar and Nahid wear making, 'When you fall in love, you'll know.' Rayna tells them, 'Whatever.' Nahid says and sips the coffee.

'Weird.' Afina says looking at her mobile screen, 'What happened?' Rayna asks, 'Lutfi just cut the call abruptly.' She tells her, 'Who is Lutfi?' Omar enquires, 'My fiancé.' Afina replies, keeping her mobile inside, 'Oh. What about you Rayna? What's your husbands name?' Nahid asks, 'Aahil.' 'Nice, so does he do all this holding hands and down on a knee stunts to portray his love for you?' Nahid asks mischievously but Rayna's heart drops.

I'd be more than happy if he just loved me, if not all that.

Rayna smiles at them and says, 'No personal information.' 'And Afina? How's your man?' Nahid asks, 'Tall, Dark and Handsome.' Afina replies while the other laugh, 'Man, I would really like to meet you girls partners someday.' Omar says, 'Yeah, even we would like to see who had the guts to marry you girls.' Nahid adds, 'Look ahead and you'll see them.' The four hear a voice say and Afina found the voice familiar. The girls look to their left and the boys ahead to find two men in suits throwing daggers at them.

'Aahil?' 'Lutfi?' The boys hear the girls say simultaneously, 'Your husbands?' The boys ask simultaneously, 'Why? You have a problem?' Aahil asks, narrowing his eyes at them.

What in the world.

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