Let The Exams Begin

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In short... you were lucky to leave that quickly. From what you heard, Todoroki, Iida, and Midoriya weredetained by actual police and got a lecture from the chief about unlawful use of ones quirk. Technically, you could've gotten away it, as your literal quirk was Acid Immunity, and you just used a weaponized body to fight, but that would also blow your cover out of the water.

Reportedly, you were brought up in the conversation at some point, but you were acting under orders from those you interned under, basically giving you a backroom route out of any trouble, thankfully.

  You were ushered back to the foundation, and had your shoulder wound patched up. As soon as you were at your peak again, Predator returned, to face you in sparring once again. If you had to guess, this was training to improve your reflexes, and head on attacking.

  However, time is brief, and before you knew it, you were packing your bags and leaving the foundation building once again, to return home, and then back to UA for school once again.

  Your return was the same as any other, simple greetings and such, except for the occasional side eyes glare you got from Todoroki, paired with the curious glances made by Midoriya.

Oh yeah, and a pink haired, pink bodied girl that was very insistent on chatting with you.

"Hey, Y/n!" Ashido waved at you, drawing some attention towards you.

"How was your internship? Did you learn anything new with those G-Men?" She questioned. In response, you raised your hand so that it was in front of your face.

"Oh? What's your hand got to- EEP!" She jumped back when your hand suddenly morphed, fingers lengthening into claws much longer and more dextrous than before.

"Don't worry about me, Ashido. I did plenty of learning." You assured her.

"Oh... okay." She spoke faintly, her heart likely going a mile a minute from your mini-scare.

"Oh yeah, the three who went through the most were... you guys right?" Someone decided to change the subject, bringing the class towards Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki. It would also seem that your involvement wasn't made public. Thank God.

"Okay, I Am Here." All Might began a new lesson of hero training in one of the urban areas with his iconic catchphrase.

"Anyways, back to our basic hero training. Long time no see, Boys and Girls! How've you been?" Without waiting for an answer, he continued.

"For this time's Basic Hero Training, seeing as you've all just come back from your internships, we'll have a little fun with a Rescue Training Race!" He announced. You nodded to yourself, shifting the skull mask on your hero costume. This one wasn't the same you usually wore, only serving armor and cosmetic purposes. The one with the radio would only be used in non-training or exam situations.

"If we're doing rescue training, shouldn't it be at the USJ?" Iida was quick to raise his hand, asking his question.

"That's for training involving disasters. Do you remember what I said? I said RACE!" With a whip of air, All Might spread his arms out.

"This is Field Gamma! Laid out with factories to resemble an intricate labyrinth. You'll break into four 5 person groups, and go one group at a time. When I send a distress signal from somewhere in the city, it's your job to race to me, and see if you can find me first!"

"...and make sure to keep building damage to a minimum." He added, glancing towards Bakugo.

"Anyways, group 1! Get ready!"

Akin By Acid(BNHA Mina Ashido x Male Xenomorph Reader)Where stories live. Discover now