Let It Begin

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  If humanity hadn't developed quirks, we would be taking interstellar vacations right now.

  This was a quote you had heard once. You could never remember where, though.

  Either way, you were Y/n L/n. You lived a simple, quiet life with your parents. They were great people, with little time on work days. Your father was Quirkless, and your Mother has Immunity to any acids. It could eat gold, and your mom could drink it. It was a good quirk, but it had poor hero application, leaving both of your parents to work a long job for little pay. You were planning on taking a similar job to help them with the money, as inheriting your mother's quirk did very little for you.

  You remembered that day when you were four years old, and finding everyone else manifesting Quirks. It all happened one at a time. One kid could throw things at supersonic speeds, another could take away people's hearing and vision, but when the school year ended, you turned 5, and had nothing happen, you were branded as Quirkless, just like your dad.

  Then, 5 years later, you were handling chemicals to help a science teacher, and spilled hydrofluoric acid on your arm. The teacher had panicked to help you clean it off your arm, only to watch in shock as you placed the beaker once full of it in a sink, as the colors of the counter it spilled on warped, only for you to wipe it all up with a paper towel, that began to burn from it. Your quirk grew pretty popular as you did some party tricks with it(mostly snorting acid fumes, and coming from it completely fine), but it was never hero material.

  But... it was needed by someone.

  The sound of clinking plates and the aroma of fresh food filled your home as dinner was served. You took your seat as your family began to eat. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn. Delicious.

  After a few minutes of silent eating, the sound of knocking reverberated through the small apartment.

  "I've got it." Your father said, pushing his chair out to get up. You said nothing and your mother continued eating as he opened the front door. After a few moments of quite muttering, he walked back into view, three men behind him in suits and ties, like 'undercover' agents.

"Hey Y/n? M/n? They want to speak with all of us." As soon as you heard that, you looked up, confused. You hadn't done anything bad at school, so it couldn't be something or someone from school. You hadn't committed any crimes, so it couldn't be police, so who-

"We've come with an offer for you all. Specifically you, Y/n." One of them spoke, sitting in the living room you had all transferred to. You took a deep breath as a paper was pushed across the table. Your father snatched it up, reading it as quickly as possible.

"Testing.... quirk... what the hell are you trying to do to my son!?" He yelled out, showing them the paper. The man sighed, pushing up his glasses.

"If you had read that more carefully, you would know." He looked each of you in the eye.

"In short, There is a series of tests we wish to conduct. You will all be compensated, depending on how long it takes, and what happens to young Y/n." He said. Your eyes widened. What happens to you? What does he mean?

Your mom took the paper, reading through it more carefully than your dad. As she did this, the man to the left began to speak.

"I bet you're confused, Y/n." You nodded. The man continued.

"We are part of a government funded agency that has a few experiments we would like to try. However, it would require you to come with us for anytime between a few weeks and a year. Depending on how you fare and how long you are with us, we will compensate your family." He explained to you. As your parents fussed over the paper, you thought over it.

Akin By Acid(BNHA Mina Ashido x Male Xenomorph Reader)Where stories live. Discover now