Prep For The Best

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You and Ashido stumbled out of the USJ, trying to hold 13 up, as they seemed to try to resist, despite being unconscious.

"It's alright, teach. Just lean on me, and put one foot in front of the other." You tried to speak to Thirteen, only earning silence from the hero.

"Let's put them down here." Ashido whispered, slowing down. You nodded, taking Thirteen's arm off your neck as you both laid them on the ground, on their stomach. Almost on cue, the building behind you groaned with stress as... something flew out of the ceiling. You watched it fly through the clouds, trying to make it out.

  "You think that was the Nomu thing?" Ashido asked you. You shrugged, as the screeching of tires echoed behind you. You turned around to see several vehicles pulling up. Some ambulance, some police, a LOT of prison transport. Of those cars, one set in particular caught your eye. A series of black armored SUV's, with no license plates. You watched as the doors opened, a group of men in suits got out, jogging towards you.

  "Mister L/n, are you alright?" One of them asked. You nodded as they reached you, examining your suit and body for any sign of damage.

  "VIP is unharmed, mental state is unclear." One of them spoke into an earpiece as Ashido looked at you, then the men, then you again. She gave you a questioning look as you sighed, motioning to Thirteen.

  "Mister L/n, we have heroes en route to this location. We're gonna have to ask you to come with us, as per orders from the Foundation." One of the men told you. You nodded again, looking at Ashido.

  "Alright, got it. Is there a way you can make sure everyone gets out safely?" You asked.

  "That is the heroes job. Our job is ensuring your safety." Came the response. You nodded, looking towards Ashido.

  "Make sure Thirteen's safe." You told her. Ashido nodded slowly, as you walked towards the open car, getting inside. The heavily tinted windows rolled up, and the car drove off.

  The ride was short, and before you knew it, you were at... your house? You looked out, exiting the car as the front door opened. Out came your parents, rushing towards you. You had no time to react as you were enveloped in a bear hug from both sides.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Your mother shouted, tears running down her face. You squirmed, getting uncomfortable quickly.

"I knew you'd be strong my son!" Your father cried out. This awkward reunion was interrupted as one of the men who brought you here cleared their throat.

"Sir, Ma'am. I understand your concern for young Y/n here, but we have pressing matters we must discuss indoors." He spoke in a deep, professional voice. You mom nodded, letting go of you as your father did the same. With little more words, you were guided inside the home.

"Mister L/n, I'm sure you know of the upcoming events you have coming up in UA?" He asked, as you all sat down in the living room. Was there something coming up? You shrugged, unsure.

"In a few days at UA, the annual Sports Festival will be announced." You will have two weeks to train, which we have made a planner for." After a silent command, a packet of papers were placed down in front of you.

"That contains an exercise routine which had been refined to fit your needs specifically. Your arm muscles, tail strength, and core strength are most focused on here, but you mustn't forget your legs as well." The man explained.

"There is a very high likelihood that the festival will contain contests requiring use of quirks in things such as races, as well as direct combat. We highly advise you play defensively in such an encounter, as you hold poor defense against most opponents, specifically the two named Katsuki and Shoto. You'll need to be able to use all limbs for mobility, and as such, you must be prepared for anything." He went on and on, before he noticed your eyes glazing over.

Akin By Acid(BNHA Mina Ashido x Male Xenomorph Reader)Where stories live. Discover now