Summer Camp

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"UA high has ended its first semester and started summer vacations." Aizawa announced to the waiting class 1-A. Currently, everyone was standing outside of UA, in their usual school uniforms, minus the suit jacket.

  "However... those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights-for 'Plus Ultra'!" He told you all.

  "Yes, sir!" Was the unified reply, before everyone was released to do what they pleased, at least before the bus was ready to tote everyone away.

  "Taking what's advertised as a break and turning it into classes, huh?" You picked at your human nails with a single alien claw.

  "Typical, I guess."

  "Wooo!" You lurched forward a bit as Ashido yelled out in delight, jumping onto your back.

  "I can't believe we finally get to go to summer camp! Training in the woods is gonna seem so different now, huh?" Ashido told you, poking at your face.

  "Yeah. Out in the fresh air, the open expanses of the wilderness..." You sighed.

  "More urban areas are really my forte, but I'll take this as a chance to learn more direct combat in nature." You gave the pink haired girl a thumbs up, one she returned dangerously close to your eye.

  "You bet! Man, I'm so pumped!" She hopped off your back with a 'whoop' of excitement.

  "Summer camp! Summer camp!" Ochako had randomly and suddenly started clapping her hands while chanting, something Ashido and Kaminari did not hesitate to join in on.

  In the distance, the blonde boy from class B seemed to be yelling out again. Probably something about how class A was supposedly inferior, but you didn't like to listen to him. Talking with him always felt like some kind of fever dream.

  "Class 1-A's bus is this way!" You turned your head towards Iida, who was rapidly and frantically waving his arms about in front of the bus everyone from your class would board.

  "Line up in seat order!" Iida commanded everyone. Forget Monoma, speaking with Iida while he was like this was a fever dream.

  "Everyone, the bus will stop once in about an hour. After that-'' Aizawa's attempt to inform the students on the current matter was... less than successful.

  "Let's play some music!" Kaminari shouted out. Of course, even he wasn't heard much over the constant chattering of your classmates. You personally popped a piece of beef jerky in your mouth, letting the saltiness quell the surplus of saliva you had all the time. As you mindlessly chewed on that, you tapped away at your phone, playing music through some earbuds as you scrolled through news and read e-books to pass the time.

  After said hour had passed, the class was unloaded at a cliff side, providing a beautiful view of the woods, and an even more beautiful view of Mineta scrambling around in search of a bathroom.

  "Hey, where's class B?" You asked nobody in particular, stretching out. You were actually standing on top of the bus, using the extra vantage to look over the woods, then another dazzling ten feet to a black car parked nearby. It was too simple to be the Foundation, but the tinted windows and dark color made the vehicle itself exude an aura of authority, strangely. Not to mention the unfamiliar scent of whoever was in it.

  "...there's no point in stopping without a reason." Aizawa told the class. That had you on edge already.

  "Hey, Eraser!" With a pop, the car doors opened, and two tall female figures stepped out.

Akin By Acid(BNHA Mina Ashido x Male Xenomorph Reader)Where stories live. Discover now