Fight Song

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"...Door-Yah." You asserted, looking at the picture given to you.

"Yes. And his quirk?" The Foundation Personnel asked.

"...Superpower." You answered.

"Alright. This is the last set of questions before we can let you move the remainder of your recovery to UA." He promised. Shi and Ne had left a week ago, when you could recall your city of birth, Shi's favorite food, and what you two did the night you first moved into dorms.

"Name this man's quirk." The personnel told you, holding up a picture. That face...

"Overhaul." You answered. The personnel nodded, switching the picture.

"Hero name."


"Real name." Another picture.


"Close enough. Villain name?" You narrowed your eyes at the face in front of you.


  "And his quirk?" The personnel pressed. You were left in silence for a second as you considered it. He had told you this... what was it? What was it? Something... redacted... fake...

"False Hydra." You recalled. The man nodded, placing the photos in a manila envelope.

"Very good. We will transport tea to you every day at UA until you can say full names without help." He instructed you. You nodded, standing up from the bed.

"Until you can recall those, you are to be excused from schoolwork and hero work for the time being. Of course, if you remember the needed things, you can still catch up on your late work. Hero work, however, will have us no longer call on you until your memory fully returns." Was the promise.

  "Got it." You nodded, looking back at your end table. By a large mug of tea, a few sheets of paper sat, trifolded by an open envelope.



You approached the dorm building for the second(?) time after a long break this month, holding a thermos. You took a quick sip from it, feeling your mind clear up a bit more at the taste.

  "Oh yeah, I had my body modified by a government funded organization to turn me into the perfect specimen for battle purposes before getting shipped off to a top hero school in the country." You recalled out loud. Despite the sunny, cloudy day, nobody was outside or nearby to hear you say that.

  "Oh well..." You walked to the door of the dorm, hearing the faint blasts of music. Were the songs you constantly heard for the last few weeks still echoing in your head?

That question was answered when you opened the door to several people jamming out on various rock-based instruments.

"Oh, hey Y/n!" Row greeted you, silencing the music as she let go of her guitar, letting it hang by it's strap.

"Oh, hey bud!" Kam-Nar waved at you, still holding on to his.

"Umm... hey..." You trailed off, blanking on their full names.

"Uh... where's Shi?" You asked.

"Shi? Who's that?" Kam-Nar asked.

"It's a nickname, dumbass." Kugo told him.

"Sorry, do you mean Ashido?" Yao-Zu questioned, scratching a cheek over her keyboard.

"Yeah, Shi." You told her. Yao-Zu paused for a moment, somewhat confused, before pulling out her phone.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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