Alien With Predator

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And... just like that, two more days passed. Midoriya was let back into the class, and you didn't pry into any Foundation members about the Hero Studies you were interested in, letting the days pass as normally as they could.

With Midoriya's passion to catch up on the classes he missed, everyone was ordered into their seats by Aizawa as he got up to the front of the class. After everyone was settled down and facing forward, the next day's lessons began.

"Morning. Now that Midoriya is back, we'll go into more detail about the work studies." Aizawa explained. Behind the door to the class, you caught three new scents. All young adults. Two males, one female.

"Sir, would it not be wise to wait for Bakugo to return as well?" You asked, raising an arm.

"He's still on house arrest, and you've all been wondering about the hero studies anyway. Besides, while I'm not sure he'd appreciate the gesture, you are the one who should be least worried about others falling behind, L/n." Aizawa responded.

"Any more questions?" He was met with silence.

"Good. You may come in." You cast a curious eye towards the door you caught the smells from, as it slid open.

"We'll have people who experienced it first hand tell you about how these are different from the internships. Listen carefully." Aizawa instructed, as you studied the three who entered the room.

The first was a stockily built, blonde male who quite reminded you of all might, between the way he carries himself, his hair, and his physique.

Second came a shorter female, with light blue hair that flowed to her waist. Her features overall brought the words 'round' and 'bubbly' to mind, between rounded edges for things like her jawline, and her eyes filled with curiosity.

Lastly was a boy that, at first glance, almost rivaled you in initial edgy appearance. Dark blue hair, narrowed eyes that scoured the room hurriedly, hunched over stance, he clearly wasn't comfortable in this room. But it was certainly worth mentioning that lanky physique combined with ears that looked almost pointed brought about an elfish look.

"The three third years at UA who stand at the top of all UA students... Also known as the Big Three."

"The big... three..." You murmured, studying them up and down.

"The Big Three!" Ashido shouted out, clearly excited to see the best of the best in the same room as herself.

"The crown among the splendid UA students..." Iida marveled.

"The ones closest to pro heroes among us..." Yaoyorozu stated.

"I heard they're the ones we're supposed to be like..." Jiro muttered.

"There's someone really pretty, too... They don't really seem like it." Kaminari admitted.

"Okay, can you please introduce yourselves briefly?" Aizawa brushed off the sense of wonder among the students, addressing the three guest students instead.

"Let's start with Amajiki." As soon as your teacher said the name, the student on the right, the edgy looking boy, narrowed his eyes in an intense glare. You gripped your desk, staring into his intense expression with your own cautious one. After a moment of this..

"It's no good." He mumbled.

"Huh?" Both of his classmates looked over at him as he spoke.

"Mirio, Hado... even if I look out on them imagining that they're potatoes, everything other than their heads remain human. I still can't see them as anything but human." Amajiki admitted, shaking like a leaf in the wind. So... he was shy? It would seem that way, maybe.

Akin By Acid(BNHA Mina Ashido x Male Xenomorph Reader)Where stories live. Discover now