The U.S.J.

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  "N-Now, let us decide on the other class officers..." Midoriya stuttered as he stood at the podium, not used to speaking in front of others.

"But first, can I say something?" He asked, which didn't make sense to you. He was the rep. What he says is what goes, right?

"I think.... that Tenya Iida should be the class rep after all!" He yelled out, prompting various reactions, mist based on surprise.

He's just gonna give it up.... you sighed as people began to speak, with you ignoring them.

To be fair, he could have a motive. If he gives it up for someone else, people may look up to him. He could get some heroes attention with nobility, but on the other hand... he might just not want the responsibility.

"However, we must also acknowledge Y/n's brave efforts in the cafeteria!" Iida gained your attention, pointing you out to the class.

"Oh yeah! Y/n, you helped Iida get to the exit so he could get everyone's attention!" Ashido spoke up. You sighed, getting the attention of everyone around you.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Iida." You spoke, surprising the students as you smirked.

"My foot must've slipped, because I only recall you being a hero in the moment." You rolled your eyes at Iida's expression of shock, turning forward to face the front of the class. The figurative flame died out as class finally resumed, eating the day away.

The day passed, and when the next came along, so did your next bout of training.

"For today's hero basic training, it's turned into a class with three instructors. All Might and Me, and one more person." Aizawa spoke up explaining the upcoming class. You caught your breath at the announcement.

  Turned into?

  "Excuse me! What'll we be doing!" Sero raised his hand, shouting. In response, Aizawa drew a white card, like All Might's one that had 'COMBAT' on it. The difference here was, this one said.... 'RESCUE'

  "Rescue training...." you muttered to yourself as Aizawa went on explaining.

  I could do well in this. My stealth makes me good for sneaking into enemy areas, So hostage rescue is an option. Other than that, my blood could likely melt small obstacles, maybe more if I spread it thin enough. Water mobility.... maybe. I'm used to swimming in this form thanks to the Foundation and their obstacle courses.

Basically, despite being great with maneuvering and getting into small places, you were unsure of your rescue abilities.

Around you, people started to stand up, as you took notice of the costume cases in the wall. They were brought out, meaning you could use your costume. And would you? Hell yeah. It was made by the foundation, to most benefit you.

You stood around the campus, looking at various students speak. Right now, your legs and torso were shifted, so your stance suffered, with it's natural slouch. From behind you, a whistle was blown, filling the air with its screeching.

"Class 1-A, gather round!" Iida shouted. Seems he was trying to take his job seriously.

"Form two lines by your student numbers in order to make boarding the bus go smoothly!" He instructed. You rolled your eyes at this, as boarding began.

You know the basic school bus design? With several seats in rows with an aisle in the middle? Yeah, Iida has that in mind. The bus, in reality, had seats lining the walls of the bus, more like a subway car, with lots of foot room.

Akin By Acid(BNHA Mina Ashido x Male Xenomorph Reader)Where stories live. Discover now