Battle Training

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The curriculum of UA High's Hero course:

Required regular classes, like English, in the morning, with Present Mic Teaching.

Lunch is in the main cafeteria, where everyone can buy gourmet lunches for a good price. You always had something meat-loaded, with it on the rare side. Another perk of your 'quirk:' you took on a nearly carnivorous diet. Of course, you could last a long time without food, and you loved your fruits, but if you wanted to really pack on for a fight, meat was where you defaulted to.

And then, in the afternoon comes...

Hero Basic Training.

You had you head resting on your desk, at the front of the room, as a deep voice emanated from the doorway.

"I am......" your head shot up as you took a sniff of the air. You caught the scent of an unfamiliar person... but that voice...


"Coming through the door like a normal person!" The Number One Pro Hero, All Might, exclaimed as he burst through the doorway. A second later, wind from his entry blew your hair back.

"It... it really is All Might!" Kaminari Denki, the yellow haired electricity user yelled out in delight, his eyes wide. Kirishima pumped a fist.

"He really is a teacher!" He yelled out. You stayed silent in awe. You knew you could come here, but meet- no, be teached by the number one hero?

"That's a costume from the silver age, isn't it?" The frog girl, Tsuyu Asui asked. Students continued to murmur as your tail started to wag, flicking from side to side. The entire class was silenced when All Might began to speak.

"I teach Basic Hero Training." He started.

"It is a subject where you train in different ways to become a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject! Let's get right into it!" All Might posed, before pulling a card from seemingly nowhere.

"This is what we'll do today—" he showed off the card, which read 'BATTLE' in all capitals.

"Combat Training!" Your eyes widened and your grin started to falter, before it grew wider. Second day of school, and you had to fight someone. Oh god.

You were well used to combat. You were taught it a lot in the facility. Implementing your tail, claws, jaw, and powerful limbs were all things you learned quickly. Your strongest suit, however, was stealth.

"And to go with that are these!" All Might yelled, pointing at a wall. On cue, panels slid out, containing numbered suitcases. They had to contain...

"Costumes made based on your quirk regristrations and requests you made before school started." Your heart sank here. You hadn't made a costume request. What was yours gonna be?

"After you change, gather in ground Beta!" All Might commanded.

"Yes, Sir!" Came the in-unison shout from the students.

You stood in your changing room, staring at the suitcase, before opening it. A black uniform lay inside, along with a note, which you picked up.

Y/n L/n

We have gathered data on your combat abilities, and best uses for your new quirk, and have made this costume as a result. It includes all of the following:

You pulled on a black jumpsuit, with armor plating covering the chest and back.

A hydrophobic carbon-based jumpsuit, with titanium plate armor included. This is for base defense, and allows room for changing as you please.

Akin By Acid(BNHA Mina Ashido x Male Xenomorph Reader)Where stories live. Discover now