Aliens vs Animal

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Kaminari and Kirishima vs Cementoss: Failure due to unconsciousness

Asui and Tokoyami vs Ectoplasm: Pass due to handcuffs

Iida and Ojiro vs Power Loader: Pass due to Ojiro's escape

Todoroki and Yaoyoruzu vs Eraser Head: Pass due to handcuffs

Uraraka and Aoyama vs Thirteen: Pass due to handcuffs

L/n and Ashido vs Nezu: To Be Determined

"Y/n L/n and Mina Ashido Final Exam: Practical portion... begin." You snapped your glare upward at the words, staring out into the city you would be fighting in. Ahead of you, Ashido already started running, something you had to move to keep up with.

  "So, what's the plan?" Ashido asked. You held up your hand, which had the handcuffs clenched in them.

  "We're splitting up. You make a run for the gate." You told her.

  "Wait, really?" She asked. You nodded, slowing yourself to a stop.

  "You have the ability to use your acid to skate for further mobility. I have the better combat ability and close range dexterity in this. You try and pass the exam for us by escaping , I'll try and pass by means of handcuffs." You explained.

  "We don't even know what Principal Nezu's quirk is!" Ashido protested.

  "Actually, I have an idea." You closed your eyes, letting out a long breath.


  "Principal Nezu is not human. He is an animal with a quirk, yet he displays the same intelligence as a human. He is also exceedingly underwhelming in appearance and size. He is not a direct fighter. He makes his moves on the sidelines..." you snapped your eyes open as a series of loud crashes and booms erupted in the distance.

  "It's likely he's hiding somewhere, and calculating the best ways to knock us out remotely." You stated. Above you, a large pipe cracked loose, falling down.

  "Y/n, above you!" Ashido shouted. You leapt forward, rolling out of the way as the pipe came crashing down.

  "In short: The Principal has super intelligence." You finished, morphing your body.

  "You run, I hunt." You told her. Ashido nodded nervously, looking around as you closed your eyes, lifting your head to smell the air.

  "Um..." Ashido waved a hand in front of your face. In response, a low hiss built up in your throat.

  "Understood." She ran for a few feet, before using her acid to skate around, looking for an exit. If Nezu truly had super intelligence, he was likely already aware of this decision you made, to split up. You had to either outsmart the principal, or act in a way not even he would expect. Through the scent of dust, and Ashido's fading trail, you caught something. Fur and tea.

  You hissed as another wave of explosions rocked the city, heading towards Ashido. You had to ignore that for now. On all fours, you dashed towards a building, leaping up it to reach the top, granting something of a vantage point. In the distance, near the center of the city, a yellow crane holding a wrecking ball was swinging it's destructive orb towards a building. You watched as the building tilted, falling into a power plant, which promptly exploded. The explosion launched a piece of debris into another power plant, which exploded with adequate force to destabilize another, taller building, which tilted... towards you.

  You dashed forward, free running to get out of the way of the falling building, and jumping as it fell, letting the shockwave boost you a few feet. You rolled as your feet hit solid ground, keeping momentum as you ran towards the crane, determined to reach the principal.

Akin By Acid(BNHA Mina Ashido x Male Xenomorph Reader)Where stories live. Discover now