New... Everything

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"Good day, Y/n." The round room of the office you sat in for so long before greeted you, along with the voice of none other than the doctor himself.

"Hello, sir. It's quite a pleasure to be back." You told him, looking around.

  "I am pleased to announce that you are not the only one to have grown over the course of our time apart." The doctor cleared an area on the table, patting it for you to sit on, before putting away a number of clipboards and pens, neatly stacking papers to clear up the area.

  "So, you've learned new things about your quirk?" You asked. The doctor nodded, grabbing a few items for usual doctor check up stuff.

  "Open up." You opened your mouth, letting the doctor shine a light in.

  "You see, ever since you received those alien parts, we've been continuously working to find more parts for you to utilize in combat. While attaching them the way I used to likely wouldn't have ended well, due to the weight of it all, I've found ways to skip out on a lot of the previous matters, and it's all got to do with the setup of your alien body." The doctor revealed.

"I see... may I ask how that is?" You asked. The doctor nodded, motioning towards your tail.

"You see, your body is from but a single of a large species of creatures we are trying to worship. From our findings, the creature we used for you was the smallest, the weakest of the hive." He told you. You furrowed your brows, nodding at the doctor.

  "And?" You motioned for him to continue. The doctor cleared his throat, before opening his mouth to speak.

  "Well, I have gained the ability to remove parts of your body." The doctor was quick in that.

  "Even parts of your body that I didn't add on. Unlike the other operations, we hope to have you put under for this, which will let us work quicker. What we'll do, is firstly remove the body you have inside of you. While you are out, we will replace that body with a larger, stronger one. This will no doubt cause you to grow a bit, both in height and muscle, but it will help enable our other changes, which I will have to explain after the procedure." The doctor told you. You slowly nodded, scratching your chin.

"So, I'm getting upgraded to be able to better combat opponents, like when I was forced to surrender in the sports festival." You summarized. The doctor nodded.

"We can get started in a few minutes, just give me the word." The doctor told you. You took a slow breath, eyeing one of the machines the doctor had. This one had a tube attacked to a mask, which was probably how they'd put you to sleep for the changes.

"Let's just get it over with." You scooted backwards, laying down on the table. The doctor nodded, drawing a walkie talkie from his pocket.

"Can I get a guard in here to watch the subject while I gather my materials?" The doctor asked, speaking into the radio. After a moment, the door opened, and one of the suited men walked out.

"Wonderful. Now, Y/n, if you would..." The doctor grabbed the mask, handing it to you.

"Just press that against your mouth, and breath in real deep, alright?" He asked. You nodded, holding it up to your mouth. You took in a deep bre-

The next time you came to, the first thing you noticed was the insane weight you felt. Your body was much heavier than before.

"Ah, Y/n, good to see you awake." You looked to your right, where the doctor stood in his lab coat.

"I'm glad to report that the procedure was a success! I've got a list of your new parts, sorted from least to most relevant, so please, guide yourself to the usual training arena to meet your trainer." The doctor urged you. You nodded slowly, pushing yourself off of the table.

Akin By Acid(BNHA Mina Ashido x Male Xenomorph Reader)Where stories live. Discover now