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  "Y/n, how do I put this..." A man in a suit addressed you in an interrogation room, with Subject Neo in a loose white shirt and khaki pants on a chair beside you, hands cuffed.

  "Our original efforts in the Giger Project were through more... natural means than we used with you." The man told you.

  "So you tried-"

  "We tried artificial breeding in a manner similar to cloning animals. Like lab growing you. The issue is, it took too long and the results kept failing. It became a back burner project when we tested with Predator, then you. Subject Neo is the latest of our tests, but she broke free of her supervisors yesterday, and before any of us could call MTF to contain her, she reached the console that controlled the hive room. Casualties are..." The man paused as you looked at the little girl responsible for this.

  "We are not a perfect organization. We're not so corrupt that we take advantage of you or whatever, but this is a failure of our containment and a stain on us. I apologize in the name of all the Foundation, and thank you for your assistance in recontainment." The man told you, bowing his head.

  "..." Subject Neo wasn't responding to any of this, instead fiddling with her cuffs.

  "I'm doing my job as one of you." You told the man, feeling your scarred face.

  "I see. We have a meeting with one of our higher ups scheduled for you within the hour, I only ask that you bring Subject Neo along." The man asked. You nodded, standing up.

  "Stand up." You ordered. Neo didn't respond, looking away instead. You narrowed your eyes at her, grabbing her by the wrist.

  "Come on. You're coming with me." You told her. Any resistance she tried to make was quickly ended when you simply lifted her up, and put her back on the ground, leaving the interrogation room.

It had been a day since the containment breach. You had spent the night at the Foundation, while Subject Neo was only allowed to rest in a specialized room, given only a bed, some toys, and necessities delivered through a hatch. As soon as you were both awake, you were taking her with you, watching her every move as you went from soldiers to scientists, hand feeding Subject Neo her breakfast to her disgust, and getting a debriefing from the man. Now, to meet someone in charge to find out what you were doing.

"Morning, Alien." You looked up at Predator, nodding your head at him.

"Good morning, Predator." You greeted. The hero looked at you, studying your face from under his mask.

"Those scars won't fade, it seems." He told you. You nodded, running a hand along the four miniature trenches that ran along your face.

"Battle scars, I guess." You told him.

"Exactly, be proud of those. They define you." Predator told you, looking down at Subject Neo. She hissed at him as he walked past, baring her still human teeth.

"Don't." You warned, taking a seat in the hallway. Subject Neo climbed onto another seat, sitting with a massive frown on her face.

"Alien, Neo, welcome inside." The leader that greeted you was wearing a large, dark dome over his head to protect his appearance, his voice coming through what sounded like a modifier. He allowed you and a still cuffed Subject Neo into an office room. Wooden, polished desk, padded chairs, it was a huge contrast to the stark bleakness of the rest of the facility. A nameplate on the desk read "V."

You lifted Neo into a seat as the leader sat at the desk, leaning forward as you sat down yourself.

"To start off, Alien, I cannot thank you enough for your help. Though it did cost us greatly material-wise, your contributions have helped us in many other ways." He told you.

Akin By Acid(BNHA Mina Ashido x Male Xenomorph Reader)Where stories live. Discover now