| Companion | Bennette

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" Benny's adventure team, assemble! "

The silver haired boy pumped his fist high up to the air only to be greeted by the howling wind that passed by. Bennett let out a sad sigh when he realized that he doesn't have at least one companion on his team. If only he isn't cursed with this so called bad luck, he could have been off to a much more better life. The poor boy shake off those negative thoughts and looked at the bright side instead! Despite these unfortunate scenarios that happens all the time, he never fails to hope that something good will happen to him too.

Bennett continued his way to Monstadt to claim his commission rewards but on his way there, he encountered a bit of a trouble.

Loads of Hilichurls are walking around the road with their camping place. Why are there suddenly a lot of Hilichurls just chilling on the one road way to Monstadt! They sure did get cocky.

Bennett gulped at the sight as he try to find another way to Monstadt. But to his luck, A hilichurl spotted him and alerted more hilichurls.

Bennett quickly pulled out sword preparing for the worse. He clucthed on his weapon as Hilichurls are attempting to attack him, swinging their wooden bat and shooting arrows at him. Bennett could barely keep up with weapons and arrows being thrown at him, all he could do is take a hit from one of them while peircing his sword to another.

He suddenly stumbled on his feet and fell down to the ground. Hilichurls took the opportunity to come rushing to him. The poor boy shut his eyes, accepting whatever pain that's gonna come for him but before one of them could even land a hit, Another adventurer came to the scene. A girl with (H/C) hair came running infront of the silver haired boy. She pulled out something from her bag and threw it to the Hilichurls which caused a spiky ice wall, seperating between them and the two adventurers.

" Come on! " The girl said, helping Bennett get back on his feet. The two took the chance to run far away from the Hilichurls.

Soon the Hilichurls decided to stop chasing them because they can't stray too far from their camp. Both two adventurers settle down near the whispering woods. The two panted after all that running and took them a little while to catch their breath.

After catching their breath, the girl didn't take long to check if the boy she saved is okay.

" Oh dear, That's a lot of bruises. " The girl said as she looked over at Bennett's arms and legs. She quickly sat near to Bennett but before she could do anything he flinched.

" Uh.. Hello.. " Bennett said, confused if they should do an introduction or not. The girl looked at him, blinking a few times before realization hits her.

"Ah sorry! My name is (Y/N) I'm a Hydro adventurer. " (Y/N) introduced, she put her hand out, wanting to shake his hand.

Bennett gladly shook her hand, " The name's Bennett! I'm a Pyro adventurer! " He smiled, " You were so cool! Jumping in action? You're one heck of a great adventurer- and uh.. t-thanks for saving me.. " His tone went a little quiet, turning a little bashful about it. (Y/N) only replied him with a smile and asked him if she could heal some of his injuries which he happily accepted.

As (Y/N) is doing her magic, Benette couldn't help but stare at her features. A soft smile that's plastered on her cute face and her soothing touch as she heals him made Bennett mentally slapped himself for thinking such thoughts.

" So Bennett.. " (Y/N) started. " It's a great coincidence that I manage to find you! I-I was hoping that you could let me join your team. "

Bennett felt like he stopped working. Did he heard that right? The boy wanted to jump around and celebrate after waiting and hoping to have a companion for so long but he stopped to realize that he have this bad luck that would possibly hurt her and she would end up leaving his team.. Like how his old companions did to him.

(Y/N) noticed the worried look at his face, " W-what's the matter? "

" N-nothing bad! " Bennett said, trying his best not to sound so down in the dumps. " But, I have t-this bad luck.. really bad luck that might cause you a lot of troubles.. "

" It's okay Bennett! I heard that about you from Katheryn and I don't mind.. I find you admirable because even if you do have bad luck, you're still passionate on being an adventurer! " She smiled at him which somehow made his heart flutter in happiness.

" Unlike the other adventurers I met, pft! They're either out for money or fame. " (Y/N) pouted as she finished healing the last injury on his arm which he thanked her for that.

Bennett felt extremely happy that he ended up giving the girl a hug but suddenly pulled away, realizing what he did. He bashfully said sorry over and over again. (Y/N) giggled and give him a hug back.

" We're going to be companions from now on! Plus I love hugs! "

The two adventurers have a wholesome moment together near the whispering woods. Bennett never felt so lucky in his life and he hoped that this moment with (Y/N) could last forever.

He's not lonely anymore because he now have a companion.


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