| Until I make you mine | Scaramouche

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Warning Gore


It's Monday today, my most hated day because that's where school starts once again after a weekend break. I am currently heading my way to school that's not too far away.

" (Y/N)! " A blonde haired friend of mine that is Lumine called out for me.

I look back to be greeted with a phone on my face which took me by surprise, " Well, Goodmorning to you too Lumine. " I chuckled as the girl greeted me a good mornimg back.

" Take a look of this! " She said and showed her phone to me. I take a look at her phone but got me confused, " What kind of app are you showing me? " I asked.

" It's a dating app! This app blew up yesterday and I wanted to check it out and oh man, there's so many hot boys to pick! " She exclaimed.

I furrowed my brows, completely not interested at this dating app. Dating could be such a hassle for me even though I haven't tried it, many people complain in the internet alot towards to their partners and I do not want that to happen to me too.

" Aw, what's that look on your face? Come on (Y/N)! You're almost 20 years old but still single! " Lumime whined, really desperate to want me to have a boyfriend. I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head.

" Boys could be so... ugh.. I don't know, I just feel like I'm not ready to have one. " I complained, " Plus Aether already didn't like the fact his sister have a boyfriend, He would be devastated to find his bromie is also in a relationship. " I added which made Lumine groaned at her own brother who's a little too overprotective about me and her.

Lumine suddenly took my phone and installed the dating app, " Well if you ever change your mind, you know where to go! " She winked, " Anyways, hmm what would be a good description about you..- "

" Hey! Don't make an account yet! " I said but Lumine didn't listen and fully created an acount in a minute, I groaned in frustration and confiscate back my phone from her which she frowned.

Lumine held my hand and we continue to head our way to school, we end up bumping with 'Childe' along the way and I have to be the thirdwheel halfway which is really annoying.


College could be a pain in the ass, right after valentines they dumped us with loads of projects and assignments to do. Yesterday made me felt bittersweet because of some event and now just ruined my whole mood. I slammed my head on the table out of frustration making Aether flinched next me.

" Someone's in a bad mood. " Aether commented, " Hey hey, You're not the only one suffering! I'm single too and would be dating modules soon. " He added, wiping a fake tear to sound even more dramatic.

" Shut up, Don't talk to me like that when there's chemistry going on between you and Amber. " I snarled as Aether blushed from being exposed. The boy then rambles about the funny interactions between him and Amber. I don't know if this boy wanted to tease me more or just completely lovestruck, whatever it is, screw him.

The bell rang loudly, meaning that school time is finally over and students are free to go home. I packed my belongings in my bag and left the university as soon as possible.

Can't wait to have a date with my assignments.

I thought as I reached home, I unlocked the door and threw my shoes aside. I placed my bag down and laid on the sofa, not caring that I'm still on uniform as I rethink my life decisions. I took my phone and checked the app that Lumine installed for me, not that I'm interested to find a relationship, just curious how the app works and how it blew up.

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