| To be yours | Scaramouche

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long as fuck chapter that continued the last

dis part ain't even the last yet smh


Scaramouche suddenly slammed his fist on the table, causing Childe and Signora to flinch from the sudden thud, "This is irritating me, Who the fuck does that blonde guy think he is? Smiling at my (Y/N) like that as if he's her boyfriend. Entitled lunatic! I'll give him a piece of my mi- "

"Entitled you say? Look who's talking." Signora smirked, "Getting all fired up because some man decided to pick on that girl who's not even yours too."

Scara gritted his teeth, "Shut the fuck up, Signora. You have no say in this." Signora only rolled her eyes as a respond.

"Ehem." Childe interrupted, "Don't get yourself carried away. If you continue to act like this might as well make a plan to kill the whole campus."

Scara stayed silent for a bit, as much as he didn't want to admit it but the rich gingerman said some actual sense. He wanted (Y/N) all by himself.. He even though of trapping her inside his room, give whatever she wants as long as no one else could see her other than himself. Not even his companions, Childe and Signora.

Before he could think deeper in his thoughts, he heard a ping on his phone. He immediately opened it and hope that it's her. For the sake of his sanity, it is her who recently message him. If it was anything else, he could've threw the phone across the room.

Hey, Scara! Wanna hangout during our break time?


Sweet ( )

He smiled at the messages like a dork he is sometimes. Childe and Signora just blankly stared at the short man who's giggling at his phone as if he forgot a moment ago he's about to smash the phone to pieces. 'Just how lovesick this guy is.' Signora thought for a moment before shrugging it off.

As it's almost time for break time, Scaramouche left his university to enter the school where (Y/N) who's schools are next to each other. He waited outside her classroom as he heard the school bell. Many students quickly left their classrooms to go to the cafeteria, He got a bit irritated how noisy the people were and he isn't able to hear (Y/N)'s voice. Soon she walked from the classroom although Scaramouche felt bothered with the blonde boy she came out with. He eyed at the two, especially at the blonde boy she's talking with.

As (Y/N) complained why geometry is a mistake to the world Aether looked over to where he felt like someone is glaring at him, He saw an indigo haired man that's standing at the hallway with his arms crossed. He wondered why there's an unknown student suddenly glared at him until he realized, "(Y/N)" he interrupted her.

She stopped talking and gave a confused look, "What?"

"Is that your boyfriend?" He pointed at the student who seems to notice that they're talking about him.

"Wha— Oh!" She gasped and turn her head to where Aether was looking.

Scaramouche smiled and wave at (Y/N) who turned to look at him as she walk towards to him with her friend, "This is my friend Scaramouche! He's from the school that's next to us." (Y/N) said, completely forgotten how Aether addressed Scaramouche as her boyfriend. Scaramouche greeted himself with a short introduction same as Aether. Although Aether couldn't help but feel uneasy from the vibes Scaramouche was giving, as if he'll die when he interacts further with (Y/N).

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