| Tartagalicious | Childe

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Idk i ran out of title ideas
Continuation of the last oneshot, In love


"Childe?!" I exclaimed from the familiar tall and ginger haired man from a far of distance in the Liyue Harbor which I recently came back with the Traveller after visiting the coldest nation.

Childe glanced over at my direction, squinting his eyes to see who was calling him. I feel like he's teasing me..

I waved my hand to know where exactly I am as his eyes finally laid at mine.

"Hey girlie~" He said as he walked towards to me. I pouted by the lame nickname, "The name's (Y/N)!" I re-introduced myself because this ginger keep calling me that.

He laughed in response, "Anyways, It's been a while since we last met. How've you been?"

"Pretty good, Kinda tired with running errands just to earn some mora." I answered, stretching my arm out from how sore it is.

"Oh?" He said cheekily, "Would you want some?"

I thought about it for a little as I shook my head into a no, "Nah no thanks, I'm having a break for now because one more job I might end up breaking my bac-"

"I mean I could flat out give you mora right now, how much do you need?" He interrupted me as he have a grinned plastered on his face.

"Wait what, what are you? A walking wallet?" I crossed my arms as he shrugs in response, "I appreciate the help though." I smiled at him nonetheless even though I could tell he's teasing.

"I knew you would decline my gift~ Oh woe is me." Childe placed his hand on his chest where his heart is aa he clutched it, pretending to be hurt.

"Sweet Archons, Childe." I sighed, "You literally took me to an expensive restaurant! I feel like every bite I take, I'm eating 1 million mora." I said, still pouting about how he freely gives off his mora. I placed both my hands on my hips to look more intimidating.

Childe laughed at my childish gestures, "Pfft, Alright girly." He patted my head which made my cheeks reddened a little until he ruined it by telling, "Hey, ever notice how short you are?"

I slapped his hand off my head, "Stop with the teasing for five seconds!"

Childe didn't listened and continued on making me flustered or annoyed by the teasing. The two of us wondered around the Liyue together since we didn't have that much to do.

Childe, being generous as fuck, kept giving me random gifts we could find while we were going around, he bought me a whole set of winter clothes in case if I ever visit Snezhnaya, bought me a kite just to joke about me being really small that a kite could easily lift me up, and lastly he bought me a custom made claymore that suited my style which I am really thankful for but this is too much for me that I kinda feel guilty for not giving at least anything back, hmm maybe I should ask what he likes later.

Putting that thought aside, I'm betting this guy's bank account could solve world poverty from how big it is.

"Hey Childe, do you ever go broke?"

"Not anymore because you fixed my heart~" He flirted with a wink and a cheeky smile. I groaned as my cheeks turned bright red,"Not that kind of broke you dumb gingerbread!" I turned away, feeling shy towards his bold flirts. I could tell that he enjoys making my face go red like a tomato.

"What the fuck am I seeing?" Someone that's behind us suddenly spoke which spooked me a little. We turned around to be greeted by a not so tall but much more taller than me male with an obvious irritated look and clothes that doesn't suit the Liyue style.

"Hey, Scara." Childe casually smiled.

"Don't Hey Scara me Tartaglia." The man snapped at Childe, "Aren't you supposed to go in for a mission? What are you doing with.. that thing?!" He exclaimed as he pointed at me.

At me?! Two can play that game, asshole.

I scoffed loudly, "Hey, don't go around saying a person as if we're an object or I'll make an umbrella out of your stupid hat!"

Scaramouche took a step closer to me, "Hey." He mimiced what I said, "You better watch that pretty little mouth of yours before I bite off and spit it to the ground." He said with forced grinned.

I feel like I just disobeyed God as I immediately covered my mouth with my hands, afraid that he'll actually bite it off. Good thing Childe was there to hold him back or else I'll be dead.

"Calm down, Balladeer." Childe said, as the man stopped resisting and slapped Childe's arm away from him.

"You better do your shit, I'm tired of doing all the work here and I want this mission accomplish as soon as possible." He said before storming off with a few people who dressed the same.

Childe sighed in relief, "Sorry about my co-worker. He's.. short-tempered."

I laughed at the pun, "Oh yeahhh, I've been meaning to ask.. are you from the Fatui?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm actually a harbinger." He casually said.

"Oh really? That's cool."

He almost choked with his own saliva, He expected that she'll look at him in fear or at least shock about his status but it seems like he got the most deadpanned reaction ever that it's almost funny to him.

"You're a different breed (Y/N)! " He laughed.

I shrugged with a small smile on my face, "What can I say? I'm not like any other girls."

He bursted out of laughing and so did I.

I like him, he can really vibe with me. At first I thought that he's intimidating as hell and could kill me on the spot which he still probably will but I didn't know why I decided to spar at the first place.

Maybe because I took a liking with him.

Little did the two know that the more they're together the more they'll be interested at each other.


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