| Lupical | Razor

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It's a beautiful evening in Mondstadt, everyone seem to be celebrating some kind of festival for their Anemo archon, Barbatos. Lights from houses and lamps glowing in the evening and people walking around, talking and getting alonh together gave off relaxing vibes.

But not for you.

You're currently outside from your house, buying food for dinner.

Honestly, you regretted going outside at this time because seeing people get a long with each other made you feel bitter. Well ofcourse you will feel that way because you're a loner but it's not like you can't get along with the Monstadt folks is just that, you never felt being special to anyone.

People see you only just a friend, not too special. How you wish that you wanted to spend time talking and sharing all your thoughts with at least one person that cherish you.

Ever since your family disowned you for not having a vision, you've been alone ever since.

You sigh and decided to leave the place and go outside from Monstadt where it's just nothing but you and the wild.


From the forest of Monstadt, there is a young boy, searching for preys so he could make a feast for his wolf pack. This young boy is known as Razor. He grew up rather differently from humans, He grew up with the characteristics of a wolf despite being human.

Razor is able to kill five boars in a short time and brought them back to where his pack is.

Once he got back, A huge wolf approached to him, " Lupical! " Razor said with an excited tone. He showed the meat he got from the boars to the large wolf, " Razor brought meat. " He said with a proud look.

" Razor, " The wolf started, " You are not a wolf, you are human. You must continue your life living as one and not as a wolf. I'm afraid that you need to leave from the pack. " The wolf said strictly but behind that there's the tone of concern for the poor boy who got kicked out from his only family. Razor tried to reason with his Lupical but they really refused his pleads.

Razor finally understood and left the wolf pack. The silver haired boy is just walkimg around the forest, not knowing where to go next. He didn't realized that he accidentally bumped into someone until their voices went through his ear.

" Ouch- " (Y/N) said, good thing she didn't stumbled over and hit her butt on the ground. She looked over to the person who she bumped with. A long silver haired boy with velvet eyes stared back at her.

" Sorry... you.. okay? " Razor asked, trying his best to talk with perfect grammar which he failed horribly.

" I'm fine.. What brings you out here? " (Y/N) asked, confused about the boy being outside of Monstadt when there's a festival going on.

" Got kicked from pack.. " Razor said, looking down on the ground, his eyes filled with sadness. The girl felt like her heart has been punched from how much she felt bad towards the boy, she suddenly wanted to take him in and tell that everything is going to be okay but she restrained herself.

" Oh.. I'm sorry for that.. " (Y/N) said with a frown but then have an idea. " Umm.. Want to come with me and celebrate the festival if it helps make you feel better? I'm (Y/N) by the way! " She said with a smile, trying to cheer up the sad stranger. Wait, stranger? what are you thinking (Y/N)? You met this person less that 5 minutes and you're inviting him to celebrate with you? Where's your braincells, woman!

But he look so cute and harmless it won't hurt to befriend him right, plus he won't be a stranger anymore if I get to know him. (Y/N) fought with her own thoughts that she realized Razor is trying to bring you back to reality.

" (Y/N)- Hello? " Razor called, You shook you're head while giving him an apologetic smile as she asked him to continue what he's trying to say.

Razor manage to introduced himself without making (Y/N) very confused from his bad grammar.

" Well, It's nice to meet you Razor! Uhm.. you still want to come with me to the festival? "(Y/N) and pointed over Monstadt that's not too far from the distance.

Razor took a moment to decide as he shook his head to a no, " Razor don't belong. " He said.

(Y/N) raised her brows, curious about what the boy meant, " But aren't you a human? Or maybe you're a hybrid? "

He shook his head once again, " Razor is wolf.. but pack kicked Razor out.. don't.. know anymore. "

The girl frowned and empathize the poor boy. The two did share the same burden and is that being left alone from their only family.

After seeing Razor in such state she couldn't help but feel determined to help him.

(Y/N) suddenly held the boy's wrist which took him by surprised.

" I-I have a house nearby at the forest, outside from Mondstat! W-we can hangout there! No people, no wolves- just the two of us, friends! " (Y/N) beamed.

Razor only tilted his head slightly.

He basically didn't understand a single word you just said.


nd (Y/N) wanted to slam her head to the ground for saying something so cringe and embarrassing.

" N-nevermind what I said- " She stuttered out with her cheeks burning up, " Do you want to be friends? " She asked.

Razor looked at her, " ..Lupical? " He muttered but enough to be heard. (Y/N) rosed a brow in confusion but she guessed what he meant.

" Yeah, yeah! Lupical! "

Razor's lips curled up to a smile which he suddenly looked like he's shining, making (Y/N) eyes burn from the light.

" Razor happy.. to find lupical! "


there'll be a part 2

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