| Blush | Chongyun

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" Xingqiuuuu.. Why is Chongyun been avoiding me lately..? " You whined to the dark navy haired boy who is just minding his own business. His golden amber eyes glued to the book he is currently reading as he simply answers your question.

" I don't know. " Xingqiu shrugged.

You pouted in annoyance from the lack of attention your bookworm of a friend is giving you.

" .... Is he mad at me..? " You said as you sat down on the ground, hugging your legs with guilt crawling all over you, " If only I stopped flirting with him alot he wouldn't have some kind of heat breakdown.. "

" Worry not, dear (Y/N). " Xingqiu started, " For sure that is not the case. " He comforted and went back to reading his book.

" Then whaaaaat? " You whined once again but suddenly put to a stop once you spotted a familiar light blue haired male who's just walking around on the bottom of the inn.

" Catch ya later bookworm! " You said as you jumped off the balcony and glided down whilst the navy haired boy rolled his eyes from the nickname.

Chongyun is looking around to find Xingqiu and talk about the stange feelings he's been feeling for a while.

Somehow, everytime (Y/N) is present, his cheeks would end up burning and he felt his body sweaty as if he developed some kind of sickness when the girl is around.

His heart pounded really loud whenever he see's her lips curl up to a smile or when she is just simply looking at him.

He couldn't help it and it would be a great problem for him especially when he have this inborn trait that is called congenital positivity and he doesn't want to enter to his manic state.

He then soon realized that the ice boy developed feelings towards you but he didn't want to admit that infront of you yet because he haven't mustered uo the courage.

" Yunnie! "

He felt like his ear twitch from the nickname and from the familiar voice. He turned around as he saw you landed perfectly on the ground.

There it is..

He felt his cheeks burning up to a visible red hue. He suddenly felt sweaty and very nervous as you approached him.

" ..Yunnie? " She called out.

Her voice sounded so sweet to him, he's happy to see her right now but he is going to turn into his manic state if he doesn't run away.

" Are you okay? You look like you're burning up. " The girl infront said with concern as she placed her hand on his forehead which literally made his face exploded with red hues.

His heart basically wants to leave through his ear and cha cha away from how loud it's pounding.

Chongyun took a step back from her which caught her by surprised.

She looked at him with eyes that were hurt which he immediately regretted for stepping back.

It's time for him to man the hell up and face her.

" (Y-Y/N)... " Chongyun stuttered out.

" I've b-been feeling weird lately.. It's b-bugging me alot everytime.. when you're around, M-my face would heat up and i-it makes me sweaty, my heart would pound rapidly all that. I kept thinking that y-you'te extremely cute and I like— " He paused when he finally get a got look from you.

You stared at him with the same red hue all over your cheeks, " Yunnie.. " you muttered out.

Without the boy knowing, you ran to him and gave him a hug, " You got me so worried! I thought you were mad at me! I like you too Yunnie— ACK— YUNNIE— "

As soon as you let him go from the hug he looked like his soul have finally ascended. You can see the steam from his head as if his blood is evaporating. He felt like he wanted to roll, jump, run basically anything to celebrate.

Not going to lie, he was afraid that you might decline his feelings because you two were nothing more than just best friends. He wonders how long you've also kept your feelings towards him.

Putting that thought aside, he cooled down after (Y/N) shoved 3 mint candies at his mouth.

" Are you okay now...? " The girl asked. Chongyun nodded, still blushing a little.

" Well umm.. since we're in a relationship now.. " (Y/N) fidget, blushing at the fact that you and chongyun are finally together after being dense about each other's feelings for so long.

" I guess I can do this!— "

You bravely stepped forward, giving Chongyun a small kiss that is near to his lips. Once again the boy's face exploded into different shades of red as the mint he is currently eating melted.

The girl giggled and pulled out another candy to cool him down.

From the balcony, Xingqiu sighed of relief. " Took them two years to finally notice each other's feelings. "

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