| Dont be so stubborn! | Kaveh

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Kaveh was a talented architect who had made a name for himself in Sumeru. His designs were always a balance of beauty and functionality, with a unique artistic flair that set him apart from his peers. But lately, Kaveh had been feeling run-down and sick. He had been working long hours to finish a new project, neglecting his health in the process.

One day, Kaveh's housemate, Alhaitham, grew concerned when he found Kaveh passed out on the floor of his office. Alhaitham knew that Kaveh had been pushing himself too hard, and he scolded him for it.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself," Alhaitham said. "You need to take a break and take care of your health."

"I don't have time for a break," Kaveh replied weakly. "I need to finish this project."

Alhaitham shook his head. "You're not going to be able to finish anything if you're sick. You need to call (Y/N). She's a doctor, and she can help you."

Kaveh was hesitant. He didn't like the idea of having someone fuss over him, especially not someone he didn't know well. Alhaitham becomes more impatient about Kaveh's stubbornness. " Who's going to clean the dishes and the house if you're sick like this?" Alhaitham said with a straight face. Kaveh look at him with an irritated expression, for someone who solves problems through rational and logical solutions, Alhaitham can ask the most obvious questions. He couldn't even bring to facepalm his face due to his dizziness and didn't even bothered answering his stupid question, Alhaitham most likely said that just to avoid doing the house chores. In the end, Alhaitham ended up calling (Y/N).

When (Y/N) arrived at their, he was surprised by how small and unassuming she seemed. She seems to be a calm and collected type of person, somehow she resembles like Alhaitham which sent shivers down to his spine. He definitely did not want another Alhaitham in his life since one is already enough.

"Meet (Y/N), She's a long time friend of mine and she's here to aid you. You better not give her a hard time." Alhaitham said and opened the door, "Alright, I'll be going now. You can take it from here (Y/N)." He simply said and left the house to do some of his 'Grand Sage' work.

(Y/N) bid Alhaitham goodbye before glancing back to Kaveh with a small smile, "I'll be taking care of you now, Kaveh." She politely said. She immediately began to examine him, Kaveh was struck by her intelligence and her kindness.

"You've been neglecting your health," (Y/N) said, frowning at his charts. "You need to take some time off and rest."

"I can't rest," Kaveh protested. "I have a project to finish."

"You won't be able to finish anything if you're too sick to work," (Y/N) said firmly. "You need to take care of yourself."

Kaveh grudgingly agreed to take some time off, but he found himself growing frustrated with (Y/N)'s constant attention. She checked his temperature, made him soup, and insisted that he rest. Kaveh felt like he was being treated like a child, and he bristled at her suggestions.

Now it's been 2 days since (Y/N) has been taking of Kaveh. His health continued to improve until (Y/N) decided that he's good to go. She constant kept visiting his home to check up on him and to make sure he doesn't do anything that'll affect his health. Everytime she visits she'd always find Kaveh trying to finish his project which just make things harder for her yet she did not complain, It's her first time having this kind of patient.

"You don't have to stay here all the time," Kaveh said, as (Y/N) fussed over him. "I'm not helpless."

"I'm not going to leave you alone when you're sick," (Y/N) said, not looking up from her task. "Besides, Alhaitham told me how stubborn you are. I'm just imitating your stubbornness, I suppose."

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