| Cute | Xiao

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Xiao being a flirt when he visits your home😳😳😳..



I yelled out from the top of my lungs. I flopped down to the ground from exhaustion of builing my wonderful humble abode in my teapot.

It took me a month or two to finally finish it and it was very tiring indeed but it was all worth it. I don't have to sleep outside whenever night falls. Being an adventurer could be a hassle when it comes to finding a place to sleep.

Good thing I found this teapot mysteriously.

Anyways, After an hour of just resting in the teapot I started to get bored being alone. Well tubby is around to keep company but he's just all about business. He did offer me a cup of tea but it's kinda sus that the 'tea' is on the tea pot he's wearing so I declined.

Maybe I should go invite someone?Yeah that's a good idea, maybe they could even live with me here if they wanted to so I won't have to be alone. Should I go invite Aether? Maybe I shouldn't, I don't wanna interrupt him from finding his own sister. I couldn't invite anyone in Mondstadt too since they're all busy people.

Hmm, how about my Liyue friends? Xiangling is having a cooking challenge with other chefs so I'm guessing she's busy. Chongyun and Xingqiu we're also busy for themselves too as I heard.

Ah! How about Xiao? He seems free all the time since he hangs out in the Inn alone. Although he did mention it alot of times that I shouldn't bother him but he looks lonely most of the times, plus i think he's just saying thay because he's shy!

I left my teapot and head my way to the Inn which is nearby.


I stopped my tracks when I suddenly heard someone who's calling out on me, I looked behind and gasp at the sight of the fatui guards. They mean harm of course when one of them came rushing to me.

I quickly avoided the fatui's guard attack, "What's your problem man?!" I yelled at them, the fat one pointed his gun towards me.

"Don't you dare ruin our plans by telling the liyue guards!" The man angrily said and shot a bullet towards me.

I quickly summoned my bow and aimed at the bullet who came rushing towards. An arrow made of ice appeared itself on the bow as I let it go. The water bullet froze after colliding with the arrow making a loud sound.

Unfortunately, I was too focused on the guy with a gun that I forgot about the other one. He punched me from behind that sended me flying across.

I winced from the amount of pain I received. Good thing that I physically trained my small body to it's limits or else I would've fractured bones from the punch.

I stood up, not giving up from just one hit as I summoned my bow again, this time the bow shaped itself into a gun. I continuously shot fires towards to the two fatui guards, luckily one of the bullets hit them as they got weakend.

Although my movements are starting to get slower, I haven't fully recovered from my exhaustion from building a home. They took that advantage to take me down once again.


"Argh! Can't I just go meet Xiao in peace?!" I grunted, still pain.

Xiao heard my cry that I did not intentionally want to do. He appeared out of nowhere.

"Stay behind me." He said. Not like I'm going to move anywhere.

He mercilessly beated up the Fatui gang, forcing them to flee away from me. Xiao winced from the aftermath of using his elemental burst but did not showed any pain he's having.

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