| Soft side | Scaramouche

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"Unbelievable!" The 6th Fatui Harbinger's voice echoed all around the halls, "You have one job, idiots. ONE FUCKING JOB!" He flipped the table away causing it to break into pieces.

Fatui guards were trembling at the sight of the 6th Harbinger throwing a fit after losing the someone important. A fragile and harmless girl who somehow have adepti energy stored inside her is lost in the city. Although it seems like she wanted to escape from them.

"B-but Sir! She ran away from us and we've been finding her around the city but we haven't sern her since so we thought she went home..."

Scaramouche is displeased with the guards that's suppose to be with her and because of that he shocked them with his electro vision until they fall and went unconscious, "That doesn't give you an excuse to lose her that easily, pieces of shit!"

He sighed to calm himself down, "Everyone is so fucking useless to the point I have to take care of it."

Scaramouche stormed out of his mansion and went to the Inazuma city to find his beloved that's basically lost. He can't believe that he have to do the most simple task he ever gave to his subordinates yet they couldn't do it, people nearby were scared at the sight of man walking all over the city that'll look like he plans to destroy it in seconds.

The guards were suspicious about Scaramouche so they came to confront him, "Sir you're bothering the villagers around here. Lea-" A guard got cut off when Scaramouche punched him out of his way, "Out of my way fucker." He snarled at the guards which made them flinch out of fear when they realize it's a Fatui Harbinger. They decided not to bother him because that's probably best for the city.

On the other hand, (Y/N) is just wondering around picking a lot of flowers if she can find one. Taking all sorts of kinds so she could give it to Scaramouche. She noticed how stressed he's been lately and she wanted to cheer him up although she's probably making him worry by now. She hurried up and went back to the city only to be greeted by an angry Scaramouche that was just at the other side of the bridge.

"Scara!" She smiled, not believing that he would come for her as she rushed towards him.

"(Y/N) YOU—" Interfering what he's going to say some flowers were almost shoved to his face, "Gave me flowers...?" he continued but in confusion.

"Yep! I was planning to give it to you once I came home but I was surprised you came for me! Nonetheless I wanted to cheer you up by giving you something nice..!" She smiled at him, fidgeting her hands a little for being nervous of how is he going to react.

He held the flowers as he stared at it for a little while, He couldn't help a small nudge on his lips but let out a sigh of relief instead. With his other hand he grabbed her hand and started to walk home.

It was awfully silence and (Y/N) started to overthink if he's mad or not. She probably did, no matter what she tries to do just to cheer him up it only added more stress to him which she is pretty bummed about the thought.

The two finally reached their home but Scaramouche didn't bother looking back at (Y/N) which made her hurt and worried for a little.

"S-so.. how's the flowers..?" She stuttered out, hoping that he wouldn't be mad at her. Even though she haven't experienced being under his rage but the way he shows it to others is terrifying to hear or watch.

"They're nice." He answered pretty dulled which worried her even more and also the fact that he's not looking back at her.

She decided to not press anymore buttons and stay silent. Although negative emotions might trigger her adeptal energy, she have the similar situation as her friend QiQi although it's not as powerful. (Y/N) didn't die during the crossfire but she was forced to share the energy, supposedly she is a temporary pawn but she managed to escape by the hands of them and has been living for years, aimlessly wondering around. Scaramouche found her in the mountains of Liyue while he was scouting. He took her in out of interest and decided to use her for more power.

But he never knew he end up being inlove with her.

Moving on, Scaramouche felt something is wrong and he knew exactly what it is. Preventing the worse case scenario he turned around to check on her. Good thing that his face stopped heating up after she gave him flowers. She's the only person who would be concern and care for his whole being, which is why he cherished her but he often gets a little overboard.

He gently placed his hand on her check, "I love the flowers you gave, honey." He said with a genuine smile. An extremely rare sight that only she could see, she felt her heart exploded into a million pieces and her problems washed away.

"You're.. welcome.." She felt her mind float away with the image of him smiling, he even called you honey which he rarely does.

Despite his anger issues and superior complex, (Y/N) stays above him. He couldn't even believe himself, letting a mere peasant win him over but he doesn't mind as long it's her. He's addicted when she gives him her love and attention, he doesn't even care anymore if he could use her adepti energy to contribute the Fatui. Scaramouche wanted her all by himself.

The whole household is relived that (Y/N) is back and there to calm down the 6th harbinger. They are thankful with her around because there's a low possibility that Scaramouche would end up killing one of the guards or servants because he couldn't take such gorey actions in front of her.

As they saw the two walking to his office, the mansion is finally quiet without the rage of their master.


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