| Together Again | Thoma

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It's been a long journey ever since (Y/N) decided to leave her home nation to set foot on the lands of Inazuma. The young female traveler who decided to seek more knowledge on different nation but for now there's been a change of plans. Although this is a great opportunity for her to seek for treasure and stories lingering around but her goal was to find a certain someone she knew back at Mondstadt.

It's been years since the last time she saw that person and she's been wondering how that he was, She didn't missed a day without feeling an empty hole in her heart that was stolen. Her heart was broken and she wanted to heal from the wound he has given.

Hmm, That sounds a bit too dramatic if you tell me. They were never a couple in the first place, more like childhood sweethearts.

"Good morning (Y/N)" A teenage boy greeted the girl from the window. (Y/N) who immediately knew who it was walk towards to the window to see a pair of green eyes looking back at her. His bright smile made her morning wonderful, It almost felt like a prince was asking out the princess.

"Good morning Thoma!" She happily greeted him back, "Wait a second, I'll come to you."

"No, It's okay." He said before easily climbing up and reach the window.(Y/N) gasped and quickly held his hand before he falls, "Thoma!" She shouted but Thoma wasn't scared at all, he's not even going to fall since he have a good grip. He pulled himself up with the help of (Y/N) as he sat by the window.

"You idiot, You could've fall!" (Y/N) argued.

"Not on the ground though." He cheekily smiled, "But for you." Thoma winked as (Y/N) scoff from his yet another cheesy pickup line but her cheeks were slightly tainted by red. Thoma noticed and smiled from the bashful female.

"You and your never ending flirts.." She muttered.

"But you seem to like it." He teased only to be replied by another scoff from her and trying to deny it.

"Oh by the way." He interrupted.

(Y/N) stopped for a moment, "What?"

Thoma pulled out something from his pocket. There's a small sweet (Candy you like) wrapped with a decorated plastic and a (Favorite color) ribbon to seal it. A hint of blush was on Thoma's face as he handed the gift to her.

"Thoma.." She uttered, matching the amount of red on thoma's face. (Y/N) took the gift from him and held it close to her chest, "That's s-so sweet of you.." She stuttered from her bashfulness. (Y/N) suddenly couldn't keep eye contact with Thoma and same goes for him now the two of them became so shy.

"I-it's nothing!" He started, "I uh... I did it last night,,. I was p-practicing how to bake.. yeah and I thought maybe I should.. give some for you."

(Y/N) smiled to herself, knowing fully that Thoma did that to give her a gift since Thoma is such a great cook already for a 16 year old boy. She suddenly had a thought on how to give something back as an exchange, although it'll have to take all her confidence she have right now.

(Y/N) lightly tap on his shoulder. He looked up to her and gave her a confused look.

She shyly pointed at his cheek but that made him more confused, "What's on my cheek?"

(Y/N) went in to give a light peck on his cheek, "My lips." She said before pulling back to see his reaction. His face was all sorts of red, even though it's just a light peck to him it felt like a kiss. He smiled despite his cheeks pinching from the heat.

"Ah.. I'm never washing my cheeks again."

"Okay that's disgusting."

The two of us bursted out some laughs to remove the awkward tension.

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