| Personal Maid | Ayato

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I never knew that once I stepped in to the lands of Inazuma. I instantly got myself an occupation, It's surprising that I turned out to be a housekeeper in the Kamisato Clan.

It all started when I wanted to open my store in Inazuma, It was my next destination since I do also love traveling different nations of Teyvat.

Anyways, I opened up my small café store nearby the Inazuma city. I work alone actually but it's fine, making milktea and cinnamon rolls are a piece of cake to me. So far so good, passersby have seen and stopped by to try out the newly opened café. Inazuma people and some travellers have their stomach satisfied, I even get to meet Aether and Paimon again for the 5th time. It's nice seeing them again.

As time pass by, There was a very handsome man that came to my small café store. He looks very elegant, I feel like a peasant under his gaze.

He ordered a bubbled tea and so I gave him what he wanted.

But as soon as he took a sip of the bubble tea, He immediately asked me if he could buy... A million more.

Obviously confused at his request, I asked him if he could repeat it again since I may have heard him wrong.

Then he asked if he wanted to me to be some kind of his personal maid. I know right? This guy.. have all the guts to say this infront of the most work dedicated perso–

"Billion mora every two months, how does that sound?" He smiled.

"Okay, I'm in." I said without hesitation.

And that's how I turned out to be a personal maid for Kamisato Ayato.

"(Y/N)." Ayato called out.

I snapped back to reality as soon as he called me, "Y-yes, Mr. Kamisato?" I stuttered, still not used with the role of a personal maid. I noticed Ayato's eyebags when we both made eye contact. I feel bad for the guy. Even though I've been his maid for a few months I noticed that he works like there's no tomorrow.

"May I have some of your finest bubble tea?" He asked with a small smile. Other than doing cleaning duty, Ayato always asked me to make him bubble tea almost everyday. It's somewhat his coping mechanism when he's usually stressed but it's unhealthy to drink milktea as if it's your water.

I do worried his condition right now and as a maid, it's her top priority to take care of her master.

"Mr. Kamisato.. I'm afraid I won't let you drink your bubble tea as you requested.." I confronted. Gladly he didn't furrowed his eyes as if he's going to be mad, He only looked at me with slight confusion.

He stopped facing his papers and looked over to me "How come, (Y/N)? You may take a rest of your not feeling we-"

"I'm alright!" I cut his sentence off. He's always been like this.. So selfless. Ayato always thinks others first than himself to the point that he doesn't mind if he gets ill because of it.

"I-it's you who isn't fine Mr. Kamisato. You've been extremely pale lately not to mention those obviously eyebags that formed..." I gripped my clothes a little, "You need to get some rest and be healthy! Drinking bubble tea almost everyday is unhealthy for you and it's not going to help your condition."

Ayato sighed, obviously exhausted but he kept his small smile, "It's my duty, (Y/N). Who else is going to take my place as I rest? Certainly I'm not going to give that place to my sister. I do not want her to experience what I'm going through."

I bit my lip out of nervous, "But.. If Mr. Kamisato fell extremely ill.. Surely you won't be able to continue as the head of the clan.. so please.. At least for today."

"Y-your well being is i-important.. especially to.." I trailed off, realizing that I'm being too caring that I'm going to embarrass myself.

But Ayato, out of all times, decided to tease.

"What's that, Ms. (Y/N)~? My well being is important especially to who?" He lightly chuckled at my reaction.

"Erm.. To... Ms. K-kamisato o-ofcourse! Yes!" I nervously answered.

It's extremely obviously that wasn't it and Ayato knows it all to well. Thank the shogun, he didn't want to press to many buttons for I am about to die in embarrassment.

"You're amusing, (Y/N). I love that about you." He chuckled again. Ayato genuinely find it delightful to be with me, usually his days are too quiet. It was only him and paperwork. His first intention that brought me in was because of my great skills of making boba tea, but now he wants something else. Ayato has been enjoying his days a little ever since he made me his personal maid, he doesn't feel lonely anymore. He felt loved and cared for.

"You're having way too fun teasing me.." I pouted a little and he found it cute.

"Alright." Ayato said, "I'll go take a rest only because you want me to."

I lighten up, "Really? I'll be happy to witness Mr. Kamisato taking a well deserve rest!" I said and went to his bedroom door which is just near from his office.

"In one condition." He said with his eyes closed and smiling.

I looked at him before opening his bedroom door, "Of course, I'll do anythi—"

"Sleep with me."


Say ayatoes for part two

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