| Mine | Scaramouche

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Continuation of the previous story.


"I know you're insane but damn can you chill for a moment?" Childe said as he entered the basement where Scaramouche mercilessly slaughtered a person. Very obvious how he did from the blood stains that are all over the place.

"Shut the fuck up.. Why are you here anyways?" Scaramouche scoffed and threw the bat randomly, feeling a bit tired.

Childe took out papers from his bag as Scaramouch furrowed his brows, already knowing what's he going to say next.

"You need to finish part of our project before deadline or we're nothing but deadmeat when Ms. Tsaritsa finds out." Childe demand and placed the papers on a nearby table since Scaramouche might taint it with blood.

Scaramouche scoffed, "I'll do it after I get (Y/N)"

Childe sighed as if he already knew his answer, he reminded him one last time before leaving the basement and onto school.

He watches Childe went out before leaving the basement too after scrubbing off blood on the cemented walls and floors. He walked upstairs and too his bedroom to see himself from the mirror.

The blood that was spilled on his clothes are horrifying to watch and how irritating it would be to wash it.

"Tsk... What a scary view.. (Y/N) wouldn't like this." He muttered as he took of his bloodied clothes and placed it on a box so he could burn that off after school not caring how expensive it is since he's a wealthy person.

"Better." He smiled to himself before entering his bathroom, preparing himself at his best because he's walking with (Y/N) to school from now own.

After taking a long shower, he heard a ping from his phone. His lips quickly curled up into a smile as soon as he read that it was (Y/N) who messaged him.

See ya at school (^-^)/!

"Even the way she messages are adorable.." He said, completely love struck. Scaramouche gave her a reply back saying that he's on his way. The two already started walking to school together a week ago after their first encounter, they started to be closer in a short time.

He felt his heart is about to burst from the excitement of meeting his most favorite person despite meeting her a lot of times as he hurriedly changed a more decent clothes and took his bag to head out.

Walking on his way to her home he noticed that police cars where at a house, he guessed that they came because of a missing person which he actually killed. He shrug that off because his murder mission was a success, he left no traces and witnesses so the police will have a hard time.

He walked pass by the crime scene and continue on heading his way to (Y/N).

Scaramouche finally reached his destination as he waited for a few minutes for (Y/N) to leave the house. He saw the door open as she was trying to wear her left shoe before noticing him.

"Scaramouche?!" The female exclaimed in surprised that soon turned into embarrassment and concern for leaving late. She quickly walked down on the stairs to meet with Scaramouche who was just standing at the end.

"I'm sorry! Did tou wait too long?" She asked with an awkward smiled.

Scaramouche thought for a moment before smirked to himself, "How cruel of you for letting me wait for almost an hour!" He said, being obvious that he's being overdramatic which made (Y/N) giggled at his silliness.

"Whatever Mr. Complain alot! Let's head to school." She basically gushed him to move forward and so he did.

Scaramouche heart kept fluttering and he's trying his best not to do anything weird because of his irresistible desire of holding her hand or hips. (Y/N) walked beside him with a very happy vibe that she's oozing out.

He wondered what's going on to her mind but suddenly a realization hit him.

What if she's thinking about others dudes?

That's what came first to his mind, he started glaring on the opposite way for (Y/N) not to see him, planning on who she's thinking off and how should he kill.

While on the other hand, the girl is quietly squealing over the fact that she's walking to school with an important and charming student of the University which she happens to go close with through internet.

The two hid their true feelings from each other as they continued their way to school.

"Hey.. (Y/N).." Scaramouche suddenly called as the girl glanced up to meet his eyes.

Her heart exploded after seeing his face, he was looking away, brows a littke furrowed and a small blush thats heating up on his cheeks. It's the cutest thing that she ever seen that she started to question why she never expected such cuteness on a man.

"After school, Would you like to hang out after..?" He tried not to stutter.

(Y/N) nodded, "Ofcourse! I'm free anyway!"

"Great! .... Not that I'm asking for a date or anything— don't think the wrong th—" Before he could continue he felt a flick on his forhead which he acted he did not like but secretly did because he made contact.

"It's a date then." She smiled, her cheeks obviously turned a little red when she did. She quickly left and went to her classroom, completely embarrassed from what she said.

Scaramouche felt warm in his heart after waiting for so long to interact with her.

Before he take his leave he saw a male blondie who greeted (Y/N) on her way to her classroom. His mood completely switched into extreme jealousy.

Wondering what'll he do about him..

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