| Soft spot | Xiao

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"Mr. Xiao, look!"

A cheery girl named (Y/N) called out her favourite yaksha who's just stading on the Inn's balcony alone. The boy did not even took a glance at her after her calls and simply ignored her existence.

As how mean Xiao can be to her, she did not really mind because she did not want to give up friends with the vigilant yaksha that seems to also have bad temper.

The girl walked right beside him as she showed him a flower crown, "I made this a while ago for the kids who asked me to make it, I saved one to see how you would look like wearing this!" She smiled.

"I do not want to be involved with your nonesense." He answered nonchalantly but the girl did not listened as she gently placed the crown on his head which made him sigh at annoyance.

"C'mon, don't be such a grump Mr. Xiao. You look really c—" her sentence was cut off when Xiao threw the flower crown back at her.

"I said I do not want to be involved, what part do you not understand?" Xiao asked with annoyance on his tone. (Y/N) pouted at his questions as she place the flower crown on her head instead.

"Everything." She replied only for Xiao to roll his eyes and went back to being silent.

She watched Xiao just silently looking at the beautiful scenery, it was turing dusk which the sky is painted by orange and pink hues.

Despite his calm and collected self right now, (Y/N) had a feeling that Xiao has been suffering in silence and she wanted to help him even though he kept saying that he doesn't need her in his life.

A moment later, (Y/N) perked up from the idea. She realized that her birthday is today and she planned on celebrating it. She scooted over to Xiao and lightly tap on his shoulder. The Yaksha didn't look at her from her light tap although he is aware on what she wants to say.

"Mr. Xiao, if you don't mind! Will you celebrate my birthday with me today?" She asked with a smile on her face, hoping that he'll agree her invitation.

And of course, as always, Xiao would decline it but this doesn't mean (Y/N) would give up so easily.

"Please! I'll bring almond tofu." She said which made him perked up but not enough to make him accept her invitation.

The girl continue to persuade the Yaksha from celebrating with her until he have enough with the yapping and nagging.

But before he could snarled at the girl he heard cries from people that is in need of his help. He soon vanished into thin air, shocking (Y/N) from the sudden move on the moment as he left the girl alone.

(Y/N) pouted, already knowing that he's doing his duty. She patiently waits from him on the balcony to try again and on the meantime she decided to make almond tofu when he gets back.


After hours of waiting, night time came by. The moon up in the sky, shining down on the poor girl who still awaits for her favorite yaksha to come home. Usually he never takes this long since he can finish the job up really quick.

'Maybe he's avoiding me..' 

She frowned at the thought as she imagine herself on Xiao's perspective and she can't lie. She's pretty darn annoying.

Maybe this is why no one really took a liking on her not to mention that she is gifted with a vision yet her only potential is to heal small bruises and cuts.

Weak, loud, annoying, lonely and a lot more to describe her and to worsen that she is bothering Xiao that many people respect the said Yaksha.

But she made it this far, she tries her best so there's no point on giving up now.. right?

(Y/N) sighed to herself, rethinking about the choices you made in your life. She slumped down on the floor but flinched when Xiao is suddenly right beside her.

She gave out a smal yelp, as Xiao raised his brow at her. She noticed a few bruises and cuts on his arm which made her gasp. Maybe he wasn't avoiding her and just caught on a bit of a trouble.

She quickly used her hydro healing powers to remove the bruises and seal the cuts on his arms. Xiao just let her do it since he wanted it to heal as soon as it can anyway.

"So... You still want to come?" She brought out the question once again.

"For the 59th time, I do not want to." He said, obviously annoyed, "Don't you have a famiy and friends to celebrate it?" He asked.

(Y/N) then sadly smiled which took him a little off guard. "Uh well.. My parents.. are.. " She paused for a sec, biting her bottom lip. ".... not in this world anymore."

Xiao gazed at her.

She then placed her hand behind her neck as she rubs it, suddenly feeling embarrassed, "and I don't really have any close friends to celebrate it."

"But I finally get it now! I'm sorry for being annoying Mr. Xiao—" Her words got cut off when she felt a hand slowly pats her head. She looked over to have her face exploded with shades of red when Xiao..

The vigilant Yaksha.

The biggest teyvat edgelord.

Showed concern over a mere mortal who has been getting on his nerves everytime they interact. The feeling is foreign to (Y/N) that she did not know how to respond.

Xiao pulled his hand away to avoid further embarrassments. "Sorry.." He quietly apologized but enough to hear.

(Y/N) took a second to come back to teyvat, "U-Uh— no no! I should be the one who's sorry!" She said, having an inner panic. So confused at his sudden out of character but in the end she does like how gentle he can get.

"Anyways... Let's go.." Xiao said.

"T-to where?" (Y/N) nervously asked.

"To celebrate your birthday, what else?" He answered as he looked away, avoiding eye contact. This made the girl heart flutter as she smiled ever so brightly.

Guess her birthday this year wasn't so bad after all.

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