| Stay | Ayato

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Continuation of personal maid


"E-excuse me..?" I stuttered. My face flushed red from Ayato's sudden request.

Ayato soon realized what he said and coughed awkwardly with a small blush, "Apologies.. I may have worded it w-wrong. I mean that I rather sit here and lean on your shoulder as I take a short nap..."

He technically still wants to sleep with me right-?

"O-oh" I said, My face is still red.. I mean who wouldn't when someone ask you to sleep with them... Especially someone I admire so much.

"It's okay if you're uncomfortable." He kindly reassured but I shook my head.

"It's f-fine by me, M'lord. I was just surprised." I lightly chuckled as I walk over to his comfortable seat. I sat down next to him and patted my shoulder.

Unfortunately, Ayato is too tall for me. He would be in an awkward position if he leans on my head or on my shoulder.

Without thinking twice, I patted my lap instead.

Ayato seems taken a back, "Are you sure? Am I really allowed to?"

I smiled, "Ofcou—" suddenly realizing my actions, I did want to hit myself for being so embarrassing infront of him but it's too late to back down now.

"Y-yes! Y-your very m-much allowed..! As long as you g-get a good rest, I'm fine with everything...!" I stuttered badly with my flushed face.

He chuckled lightly, "Thank you, (Y/N)" He said before he comfortably placed his head on my lap. Seconds later, Ayato is fast asleep. Poor guy, He must've been pushing himself through the limits without a single rest.

I gently placed my hand on his head and stroking it in case Ayato if having a headache because he definitely won't say anything. He seems extremely comfortable right now to the point I could hear his little snores.

He's so handsome even though he hasn't slept well for days.

I thought, not even denying my inner thoughts.

Sadly, seeing Ayato like this reminded me of someone. Someone I cared about..

Ah yes.. He reminded me of my mother.

A hardworking single mom, she always tries her best to take care of me while being financially stable.

The world was too cruel for someone like us.. Unfortunately, mother's salary could barely keep us both alive.. But she had to work herself in order to raise me well.

That until.. her body finally gave up on her.

I was 13 by that time where my mother fell ill and since I knew our situation.. I had to do something to help my mother get treated.

When I knew that I have a talent of baking and brewing, I used my skills to make some money and so I did..

But I was too late.. As my mother sadly passed away from her illness without any medical help. I got left alone without a family anymore..

Maybe that's why I've grown attached to this man who's sleeping on my lap. He's just as precious.

Ayato's kind, humble and he even inspires people. He's hardworking and caring for his sister. He's doing everything he can out of love. Even if I've been with him for a few months, I've grown to be attached.. or maybe in love but I know it's impossible for the both of us.

All I need to focus is to keep him safe and healthy. I'll do whatever it takes again.. I won't be late.. I'll be there on time..

I'll be there..

I'll be–

"(Y/N)" Ayato worriedly called.

I looked up to see him sitting and a worried expression. Then I glanced at the window and it's already morning.

Did I spaced off for hours?!

What I didn't realized that there were tears forming on my eyes.

"What happened?" Ayato asked as he wiped off some tears on my face. He look genuinely worried when he grip on my shoulder a bit.

I placed my hand on his, "I'm fine. Don't worry.. just remembered the past."

He still didn't feel reassured enough, "Whatever it was in your past, I'm sorry.. you're so strong for coping the pain. I'll be here to help.. for you." He comforted.

I couldn't keep my hands away when I heard those words and pulled him in for a tight hug, "Don't go anywhere.. okay? Please stay."

He gladly hugged back and snuggled himself on my neck, "I promise."

We both pulled away from the hug. The two of us were dangerously close together, it felt so unreal.

"Stay with me." He whispered quietly.

I couldn't help but feel the butterflies as I nodded bashfully.

Ayato leaned closer, so close that our lips are about to meet. He slid his hands and pulled me near him.

Our bodies slowly pressed together heatedly, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together.  I could taste our shared breath, feel the thud of our combined heartbeat. I felt him gripped tighter on my waist as he deepned our kiss.

It honestly felt so unreal at this moment until we heard footsteps outside the door. Ayato failed to notice but I did.

I quickly pulled away and just in time thoma came in with food on both of his hand and a cute apron, "Breakfast is ready!" He smiled.

I was awfully silent as I look away from thoma to hide my extremely flushed face. Good thing Ayato knows how to act and greeted Thoma.

"Thank you for the food, Thoma." He thanked him as Thoma soon left the room.

"Hello, (Y/N)~" He cheekly said.

Oh wow look at this floor, gahdamn, this floor is so nice I could look at it all day and night and not at Ayato because I don't wanna see him at the moment..

I was obviously hiding my face with my hands, extremely embarrassed.

He scotted over as I felt my ear getting a small kiss, "I'll go take my breakfast outside with Thoma and Ayaka~ Feel free to join." He said before leaving the room with his food. Thank the shogun he understands that I'm not ready to face him.

T-that was too hot.

I shamelessly thought before deciding to take my breakfast in his office for now.

Every bite, I could only think of him so I couldn't help but choke.

This man.. seriously..


Last part prolly gonna b sexy time?

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