| Sincerity | Kazuha

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"Ah, (Y/N)! Welcome aboard." Beidou greeted with a waved.

I smiled at Beidou for the nice welcome, "Hello, Captain Beidou! It's been a while since I last went on board. How are you all?"

"Oh nothing new... but.." Beidou trailed off with a small smirk on her lips. I looked at her with confusion, hoping nothing bad happened on the ship.

"You can go see it for yourself." She smiled widely with both of her hands on her hips. I gave her another confused look before replying an okay. As soon as I went on the ship, I was greeted by a lot of people on board but what caught my eyes was the familiar male just sitting on the edge of the ship.

"Kazuha?" I called out, walking towards to the male I longed to meet. He turned around with a surprise look before going back to his calm expression.

"(Y/N)!" He called back and left his spot. He opened his arms, waiting for me to embrace ir as I happily did,

"I miss you! How long has it been since we last met?" I asked him as he thought for a bit.

"Long enough to be missing you" He replied and cheekily smiled towards me. I laughed off his reply, "Oh silly! How have you been? Your hair got more long than the last time we've met." I tug on the strand of his hair and I patted because of how soft it felt.

He's cheeks reddened all of the sudden, " I'm doing excellent except that I'm going to hide from Inazuma for a while because of a predicament but worry not, It's not a big deal."

I stared at him a little confused why he is avoiding his hometown, it's not like him to commit crimes.

I decided to not ask further, he probably have a good reason why and I know that he never want me involved into messy situations, "Whatever trouble you causes, be sure to fix it okay?" I said and I patted his shoulder for encouragement.

To my surprise Kazuha held my hand, keeping it on his shoulder as he smiled, "Ofcourse I will."

I smiled back to him, "Anyways, Want to go for a stroll? Surely you have all the free time you have today on your hands." I asked him out.

"Of course, I can play us a tune in the meantime if you'd like." He suggested where I happily agreed with it.

The two of us said our short goodbye's on the people on board. We left on the ship to walk around of the city in Liyue.

From time to time Kazuha would bring out his instrument and play a short tune for me. Sometimes I would make up some rhyming words to fit with his tune which mostly failed but we ended up laughing it off. We ended up leaving the city and on to take a journey to the mountains.

"Liyue harbor is so beautiful from here.." I said in awe while looking at the city from where we are.

Kazuha stared at me instead of the city as he smiled, "A beautiful sight indeed."

I nodded in agreement, completely oblivious from what he meant. I looked back at him, "Kazuha, want to go on top of the mountain?"

He hummed, "Of course but may I ask why do you want to visit there?"

"Well.." I felt myself getting embarrassed, "Y-you know! Like the old times.. Where we used to sit under a tree especially fall season where leaves would come and rest on our heads. I-I i just wanted to know the feeling again.."

He soon caught up what I meant and cheekily smiled at me, "Oh (Y/N), I didn't know you missed me that bad." He lightly chuckled, I felt my cheeks and even at the tip of my ears heat up from embarrassment. Before we knew it we were already on top of the mountain.

There were several sandbearer trees on the top of the mountain, not to mention the whole area was windy so leaves were falling on a certain direction. We both sat down and rested for a bit as we enjoy the view of the sunset.

I gathered some leaves and flowers and took my time to make a crown for him while he was distracted.

"Kazuha look~"

He quickly turned to look at me as soon as I mentioned it, "Yes?"

I stood up and placed the flower crown I made on his head as I sat back down again, "Aww, you look like the prince of autumn!" I clapped happily, satisfied that the flower crown fits him perfectly. 

He blushed for a moment before taking a flower and tucked it on my ear, "And you're my fair lady."

I got surprised from the sudden flirt, "Oh kazuha.. you're so silly! Stop flattering me so much, my face is going to turn into a tomato if you do!"

We both have a fair share of laughters as we continued on our childish conversation with kazuha flirting on the mean time.

"As you well know.." Kazuha suddenly started, I glanced at him to see what's he going to say.

"I've miss you too.." He said as he shyly looked at me, "I've been always thinking about you back in Inazuma, wondering how you were doing. I was unable to visit due to the circumstances that I couldn't avoid. Since then, I have felt a hole in my heart the more I'm away from you.. I-I figured that maybe... You're making me feel the butterflies. "

I could feel myself heat up as my heart pace quickened, I wasn't able to process on what to say or what to do. Just the image of him blushing shyly and stuttering was enough to shut my brain down. I saw it coming because I felt the same way too.

Kazuha may just be a human but he played a whole part in my time of life, he gave me so much influence than anyone else i've met. I saw a whole new side of life ever since I have met him. He made me feel and experience the things I never thought I could ever get a taste off.

But there is one thing that's keeping me from accepting him..

Kazuha noticed the silence and continued, "I may be asking alot... but.." he reached out his hand, hoping that I'll take it.

"Please allow me to court you."


to be continued

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