| The knight and The Alchemist | Albedo

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Albedo never failed to irritate me every single time we encounter with each other. People have been bombarding around about how he is so elegant and charming in ever way but seriously! That's the opposite of him!

The albedo I knew, he's just some fraud and a alchemy freak who eats chemicals for breakfast. How come they see him anything good than that, it's so obvious. Not to mention that Albedo gets petty.. Towards me for some freaking reason!

He would always come to place or drag me to dragonspine to test out his new thingamajig with me. Why me though?! The worse thing is that I couldn't deny him because first I work at the knights of favonius and he could always ask Jean to borrow me as if I'm some type of object and Jean allows it. Teyvat is against me.

"(Y/N)" Albedo called.

I flinched by surprise, I was too deep in thought that I'm actually in a situation right now and that's helping the chief alchemist once again.

"Yes, Cheif?" I replied.

He chuckled like a weirdo he is, "It's Master Albedo to you."

I internally groaned at this man being so.. childish and that is so out of character for him. I decided not to say anything after that or he might further annoy me. Albedo continued after realizing he won't get any reply from me, "Would you mind if you can get specific a material for me?" He asked,

Yes, I would very much mind please leave me alone.

"Not at all, Cheif." I answered, "What is the material you needed?"

"Maybe your heart?" He flirted yet kept a straight face.

My face felt like it bursted into shades of red from the extremely unexpected flirt. Coming from him it is unexpected to the point I thought that this isn't even Albedo. I thought this alchemist loving weirdo is just into alchemy! This is definitely not Albedo. No way..

"S-Stop messing around with me!" I stuttered, I couldn't even feel the cold of dragonspine because of him making me feel warm inside out. Even the blush reached to my ears. "If y-you're just going to s-shoot me with cheesy pick up lines.. I'm going home!"

He only smiled innocently.

Albedo's POV

Interesting... As Kaeya said, (Y/N) really is a bashful person. Honestly that flirt wasn't that cheesy yet she overreacts to it. I wonder how much words I can say to her to make her feel like her heart is going to explode. This is such a waste of time.. I know but I somehow couldn't stop.

She peaked my interest.. more than my interest in alchemy surprisingly but I went back to the continuing my work, besides other than (Y/N) my work is just as important.


I honestly can't focus when she is around.. Strange enough that I don't find it bad. Glancing over to her, she tried to avoid looking at me. I mentally laughed to myself when I can still see her cheeks red.

What an exciting feeling.

Is this what this one eyed pirate talking about..? Being in..love? I'm not sure.. But I am curious. I do love finding something new.. Having this strange feeling is new and I would like to experiment it more.

Wouldn't hurt to try.

"(Y/N), May I need your assistance in this experiment I am working on?" I asked her. She looked at me with annoyance and a puffy mouth, she obviously did not want to speak with me which I find it amusing. Despite not wanting to answer, She responds either way.. What could be the reason?

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