| Comfort | Gorou

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As we all know, Gorou being the leader. He always work tirelessly for the sake of the Resistance and for the people of Sangonomiya Island. Everyone look up to Gorou, he is portrayed as strong, brave, and intelligent.

Although he is not the type of person that you don't need to be serious around. Some were intimated by his presence since he's pretty well known, as kazuha describes him as a person who says what is on his mind and uninhibited by others' feelings. Though he gets along well with some guards.

What they don't know is that Gorou have a soft spot for a certain someone, no it's not Kokomi. Surprisingly just a retired solder who is peacefully living in Bourou village.

As night falls, Gorou would always stay up late in his office planning out everything. (Y/N) would often visit him at night to keep company. (Y/N) entered on a small cabin where Gorou is, she passed through some guards who gladly knew who she is.

She knocked on the door, "May I come in?"

As expected the door opened, revealing her dearest who seems to be exhausted.

"(Y/N) you know I could always go home and eat dinner there.." Gorou said, feeling a little embarrassed to see her in his tired state.

"Gorou it's already ten in the evening, don't you feel hungry?" She smiled at him and placed down the lunch bag on the desk, "Come on, I won't leave unless you eat."

Gorou sighed and finally giving in as he opened the lunch box, revealing his favorite food for dinner. He couldn't resist the kindness she keeps giving it to him, Her effort for consistently checking him up whether he's doing fine or not was something he's always grateful about. To the very least after doing those hard work being the leader he felt the gratitude he deserved.

Although he never thought that he would develop such feelings towards her, It's foreign to him and he couldn't comprehend it but he felt warm and comfort whenever she is around. He didn't mind the company at all, It keeps him more calm than he is now but He casted it aside despite how bothering it is to him, he needed to focus on much more important matters.

As Gorou continue to eat, (Y/N) couldn't help but stare at him lovingly. She never thought that she'll be able to even get near to him knowing that he is way out of her league let alone being interested on having a relationship with anyone. She didn't mind the circumstances, she just wanted to be with him even if it's one sided. (Y/N) hoped that after all this resistance and the electro archon, maybe she could ask him to settle down with her. She is head over heels to him that sometimes she wished she could live a different life where she could be with him for as long as they live.

But of course she knew she have zero chances knowing Gorou who is uninhibited by others feelings.

Back to where we are, Gorou finished his meal before continuing on planning. (Y/ N) at the sight of him, he is clearly exhausted and sleepy because of those visible eye bags.

"Gorou.." (Y/N) speak up, catching the male's attention. "You should go and rest now, you're clearly exhausted. I'm afraid you'll pass out any moment now." She worriedly said only for him to shook his head in disagreement.

"I can't just put important matters aside, (Y/N).. Please if you're done here, you're free to leave and take the night off. It's really late for you." He pleaded for her not to push it any further. Although no matter how worried she is, she understood his decisions and took her leave. As for Gorou.. he didn't know how to explain it but he regretted it a little for making her leave, her company makes him feel more comfortable than stressing out on planning alone.

He planned on apologizing tomorrow for pushing her out.

As tomorrow came, events turned out to be unexpected. The commission we're declaring war towards the resistance where they have nothing else but to launch attack without the guidance of their busy priestess.

(Y/N) made her way to the main area where Gorou is, "Gorou!" she shouted his name. Gorou departed some soldiers off the battlefield before he turns to the worried girl.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Please, send me off to the battlefield!" She pleaded to him, His eyes widened in shock from the sudden request and immediately refused it.

"No. You're not going anywhere dangerous. Stay here and stay safe, (Y/N)" He strictly said but (Y/N) did not gave up as she clutched her weapon. A determined expression was plastered on her face, it's definitely amusing on Gorou's perspective but in this situation he can't allow her to go in to the battlefield for his personal reasons.

"Please.. We don't have enough and I wanted to help! Even if I am a retired soldier, I still know how to fight."

He bit his bottom lip, "Even so! You've been retired for almost two years, I am not letting you." But (Y/N) continued to not listen to him and continue on begging, "I don't want to see you and my comrades getting hurt because we our numbered! I have a vision and I promised to wield it to protect the people." She bowed down in front of him which made him feel guilty for rejecting.

"Pleas-" She got cut off when Gorou interrupted.

His eyes furrowed, "I can't afford to see you getting hurt, (Y/N). I hope you understand that this isn't only the sake of yours.." He held her hand, "I am ashamed that it's selfishly the sake of mine too, You are precious to me and if I ever see any blood on you, I won't be able to control myself anymore. So please, I'm begging you.. don't leave." He looked like he is about to have a breakdown by just mentally picturing it. He didn't know what words were coming out from his mouth but he was sure that it came from how he felt. (Y/N) on the other hand had troubled on processing the whole thing but she finally agreed to stay although she disliked the heavy feeling on her heart.

"Come back okay.." She sadly muttered enough for him to hear it, He squeeze her hand once last time before nodding, "Don't worry. I will." As he wasted no time to join in with the troops.

After hours of worriedly waiting for Gorou to wait back, It's currently afternoon and she heard none about the fight ever since the time they all left in the morning.

(Y/N) was sitting down on a chair inside her house, wondering how it went. Especially she couldn't help but worried about Gorou. Her thoughts were swirling with negativity because a war doesn't guarantee anyone to stay alive, trust her she witnessed it on the first time she was in the middle of a war.

She let tears shed to calm down her nerves, she didn't want to stress out so much. Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. (Y/N) assumed that it was a neighbor of her who was worried of her condition since they knew how much she loved Gorou. She wiped off her tears with a tissue and gently open the door. Her puffy eyes widened to see Gorou who's standing infront of her door with some minor wounds and scratches.

"G-Gorou!" she exclaimed and opened the door for him, "You're back! Oh my gosh look at all those wounds and scratches! Did you even get yourself aided a little? You're so reckless this is why I am so worried." She scolded which made him laugh a little.

He asked for her if she would rest inside her house rather than going to the clinic. He finds (Y/N) way more better at treat wounds or maybe he just wanted to see her after the fight. He didn't care at all at the moment, he was too exhausted that he felt like he couldn't lift a finger anymore. He watched (Y/N) treat his wounds as he felt himself slowly drifting away from consciousness.

"I.." He started.

(Y/N) glanced up to him, "You..?"

"Like..you,," he tiredly said before closing his eyes and went to a deep slumber.

Her heart feels like it's going to burst, she couldn't believe what she heard and wished to hear it again. "I like you too.. so much,." She happily mumbled and continue on treating him as he is resting.

Little did she know that he also heard her too.


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