| Feel better | Itto

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A loud noise was heard downstairs, I almost jumped out from my bed because of how loud it was. I quickly left my bedroom and walk downstairs to check who's causing such ruckus early in the morning. A huge red oni had entered my home apparently, He looked frustrated. Judging from his appearance he looks like he got beaten up from a battle.

"Itto?" I called to get hus attention, "What happened to you?" I asked the frustrated oni. He obviously did not want to answer that so he remained quite and sat down on the couch.

"Rough day." He huffed.

'What got him so grumpy?' I thought to myself and went to the kitchen to find some aid kit since Itto is all bruised up.

I took the aid kit and sat down near to Itto, "It really is a rough day judging about how much wounds you have." I commented and gently aid his bruises one by one. Itto winces a little from getting his cuts and bruised touch.

"Can't you believe it!! I lost my vision to some bird brain who's just a big fan of the shogun!" He complained.

I got annoyed because he kept flying his arms everywhere as he complain. I gave him a light slap, urging to stop moving so much.

"Dummy, How did you even lost by her in the first place?" I asked him as he continued to pout.

"Obviously, I wanted to intimidate the what'so commission!"

I grabbed him by the ear, "You idiot, on these times of days you should go hide from them! It's the vision hunting decree for archons sake and you decided to walk where they are." I scolded as he rolled his eyes on me.

"Don't worry! I'm strong enough to take them!" He confidently said and patted his muscles as I rolled my eyes on this guy's ego.

"Yeah sure, with your vision taken away? Yeahhh." I sarcastically said, "Now stay still before your cuts go wide open." I continued.

Thankfully, Itto did what I asked but couldn't help himself but play with my hair. Itto couldn't help himself and chatter away while I'm almost done tending his wounds. Seriously, He gets himself into these kinds of trouble that he makes me worried every single time. It's like having a troublesome child that you love too much you can't handle the impact on whatever will happen to them.

... What am I saying?

It should be the other way around—

My thought and Itto talking got cut of by a harsh cough coming from me. It's a sickening feeling that coughing this hard made me feel like i'm also going to throw up, I covered my mouth as I continued to cough to the point a bit of blood came out.

Itto panicked, "(Y/N)!" He shrieked out of surprise and quickly went to the kitchen to get a class of water and napkin. He didn't know what kind of medicine I use for my illness so he took the whole box of medicines instead.

As soon as I stopped coughing, Itto came back to me and handed me a napkin, my medicine and some water. I take the medicine and felt my burning throat going away slowly as I wiped the blood off my hand and near my lips. I weakly thanked Itto for the help, I may not have done it on my own.

"Don't push yourself (Y/N). I-I'm worried!" Itto sniffled.

Was he about to cry for me? So sweet.

I thought and held his hand for reassurance, "I'll be fine, Itto." I flashed a smile at him, "I'm strong!" I added. Itto look at me as if he doesn't believe a word I said, I couldn't blame him ever since the accident of me falling into the electro-fied river my condition went extremely worse. I barely get to go outside due to my illness.. I'm surprised that I survived.. Thankfully.

Itto sighed, "I wish I could save you from falling that day." He slightly gripped on my hand, he obviously did not want me to go. He felt guilty for leaving me at that moment but it wasn't his fault, It's never his fault to begin with. He only left for a bit because he forgot to bring his weapon but on that short moment so much had happened. Unfortunately a boar came rushing towards me that day and hit me, causing me to fall to the river. I thought to myself that day, It was a stupid way to die.

"Don't sweat it too much, Itto. I'm getting better day by day you see. Unlike before, I couldn't even stand up." I reassured him once again. His expression went soft to hear that, he is glad that he doesn't have to lose someone that's important to him.

Itto scooted closer to me and pulled me in for a cuddle, I love how gentle he is towards to me knowing that Itto gives bone crushing hugs.

He rested his head on my shoulder, "Promise me that you'll feel better soon."

"Sure when you promise me to stop getting into trouble." I joked that made him laugh nervously. Obviously he couldn't promise that judging his nature but it's just my joke.

We both stayed inside my house all day, neither of us wanted to leave so we bonded for the whole day together. Although.. His gang spent the whole day finding him too.


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