| Together | Venti

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I heard tales about the Anemo archon who's very well known in Mondstadt. That place is where I would love to live, everyone talks about that Mondstadt is a land of freedom.

Hearing tales about the Anemo archon made me feel at ease, I've always wanted to feel free, decide whoever I want to be but my family would always chain me down, locking me away as if I am just a money maker to them.

All my life, I have been forced to do whatever they want me to do and I could feel nothing but pain on my heart.

I didn't want to leave my own town which is Liyue yet I rather live somewhere far away from my family.

They're always about perfection and mora hungry.. They never cared about me.. How I wish that the anemo Archon could save me.

I look throughout my window and stare at the midnight moon as I sadly sigh. 

Maybe it's not too late to run away..

I perked up from the thought. Maybe I should run away and leave this so called home, I could grab some mora, clothes and food and I'll be off. Although it may be a little difficult sneaking out since there are personal guards walking around the place.

I wasted no time putting all my resources in a travelling bag, and also took 700,000 mora with me. It should be enough for me to journey with. Hopefully I could find a suitable job in Mondstadt. I also used a brown coat to hide my identity since I am well known in Liyue.

I also grab a map and my catalyst just in case if I ever get lost or encounter an enemy. I'm not really the best to use my own vision which is anemo since I only neglected that power for my parents.

I used my bed's and pillow's sheets to use as a rope so I could easily get out of the house without anyone noticing. I manage to sneak out from the guards as I walk my way out drom Liyue Harbor.

Ah.. this is going to be a long journey.

I thought to myself, I look back at Liyue harbor one last time before heading out on my own.

It's in the middle of the night and I am full aware of hilichurls and hooligans who dare step in my presence. So far, I manage to hide myself from any danger. I kept following the path as I walked for hours.

My legs were growing tired but luckily, I reached the inn. I sat down on the chair to have a little rest, I didn't plan to stay in for the night for I am halfway to Mondstadt.

After an hour of resting, I picked up my travelling bag and continue to walk my way to Mondstadt.

Not for long that my eyes started to feel heavy and my hody started to be tired again. I could already see the city of monstadt in a far distance to where I am now.

I found a very huge beautiful tree that sways gently from the wind. This could be a nice place to rest a little again, I also bet that my parents found out that their daughter is missing since they always check on me on a ungodly hour.

I sat down near the tree as I rest my back against it, the cool wind passing by made me shiver a little. Although the atmosphere here is very peaceful, I felt free for once in my life.

My eyes slowly closed themselves as I fell asleep on the tree.


" Hm? " A bard who passed by hummed at the snoozing girl in front of him. He smiled knowing how tired she was from traveling. Yes, he was aware from a new arrival although he didn't expect it to be a girl.

The bard sat down next to her and played a soft tune that would slowly wake her up and prevent her from jolting up.

Not too long the female opened her eyes with a yawn. She noticed that there is a person next to her, playing a melody with his harp.

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