| Fix you | Kaeya

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Never have I ever felt extremely heartbroken in my life until now, I knew I was never fit for him. He's too much for me or maybe I'm just not enough for him.

Either way, It was never meant to be yet why do I kept on hoping?

I fell inlove with a boy many years ago, His name is Diluc. I've met him when I started to work as a maid in Dawn Winery and a weekend bartender at the Angel Shares. I often see Diluc everyday, especially on my work days.

He's very mature, responsible and deep inside he's a very caring person which is why I immediately fell for him. Everyday I work tirelessly to get him to notice me which works, he praises me when he have the chance.

He and I would often talk on workdays, especially on busy ones. I'm always there for him whenever he needs me.

Honestly, I thought we have something together all those years but I guess... He still see's me as an ordinary maid in Dawn Winery.

All those hopes and dreams are crushed by this one moment.

That day where the Grandmaster Jean visits Dawn Winery, Diluc has never smiled that often. The way he looked at her already confirmed to me that I'll never have the chance.

I mean.. Why would he like a mere peasant like me?

I quit my job after a week and decided to continue on as an adventurer. Right now, I'm still a mourning mess every now and then in Angel's share only if Diluc isn't the bartender. It sucks to know that he didn't went looking for me and continued on with his day.

Drunk like a skunk, I went and asked for more booze despite my sight being very blurry and I'm at the brink of passing out. It was late at night and I was extremely tired from doing errands all day.

"Ugh, Miss. (Y/N) please that's enough wine for you." Charles sighed at the sight of me, a sad sack drinking late at night.

My words were slurred so all I could reply to him are just whines.

The door of Angle's Share opened at the tinh bell on it ringed, revealing the Calvary Captain Kaeya.

"Oh, (Y/N)?" He said as soon as he saw her. She slowly lift her head up to see who it is and then went back to sobbing quietly.

Kaeya chuckled from her silliness but curious why's she in a sobbing mess, "I never knew (Y/N) could be such a heavy drinker."

"Tell me about it." Charles sighed once again, "She's been like that ever since she realized she could never be with Diluc."

Kaeya got more interested by the mention of his brother, "Broken hearted by your's truly. Dear brother you did it again." He chuckled and walked over to (Y/N).

He sat on the seat infront of her.

"What... A..are you do..doing here..?" She asked through hiccups as Kaeya shrugged. "I don't know, do you know?" He asked with a smirk.

(Y/N) suddenly moved up which made Kaeya a little surprised, "Y-You came h..here to laugh a..at my face h..huh?!!" She point a finger on Kaeya with a grumpy look. Kaeya did laughed at thay but shook his head to a no.

"I heard loud sobbing in the Angel's share 2 a.m in the morning." He explained, "I went to check it out." He added.

"Wellll.. de-detective, yoU solved the case!" She yelled and took another bottle but Kaeya snatched it away from her. The drunk girl groaned out of annoyance and didn't even bother snatching it back.

She's too exhausted to even move that her head faceplanted the wooden table. ".. And here I thought Donna was the only one who's crazy for him." He commented. She heard him and kicked his legs, Kaeya flinched but didn't wince since it didn't hurt him at all.

Kaeya kept on talking with the drunk (Y/N) while sipping a cup of wine for himself.

"K-kaeya..." She hiccuped.


"P-please.. take.. me h-home.." She plead and of course Kaeya agreed to, besides he didn't want his close friend of his to be walking around aimlessly in the middle of the night and it's because he have nothing else to do but to play around with you.

He decided to carry you bridal style in case you accidentally fell asleep, before he could leave the place Charles thanked him for taking her home.

While walking home, (Y/N) comfortably laid her head on his chest and went with the flow. Usually you would complain for carrying you like this but you were too sad to even bother.

"...Am I.. pretty?" (Y/N) suddenly asked which caught Kaeya by surprise.

Kaeya simply replied with a yes.

"Then.. why doesn't Diluc like me...?" She sadly said, "After all those years.. of serving him with my loyalty.."

"Looks doesn't only attract, (Y/N)." He advised as she pouted from the answer.

"That's.. what h-hot people say.." She mumbled, enough for him to hear though.

"You think I'm hot?" He smirked.

She smacked his cheeks lightly, "We're.. not talking.. about that.. but.. yes.." He chuckled from her actions.

Another moment of silence until Kaeya broke it.

"Though, I like you (Y/N)." He bluntly confessed.

The girl glance up to see him.

"....That's very... Heterosexual.. of you.." She deadpanned which made Kaeya laughed from her response. The two finally arrived at her home.

To remind that Kaeya has visited her home a few times now ever since they become the drunkard and the bartender buddies in Angels share. They would hang out in her home whenever the two of them have a day off or in Angels share.

He entered the home and laid down (Y/N) on her bed tucking her in. As soon as sbe touched the bed she comepleu blacked out and fell asleep. Kaeya sat at the end of the bed sad because of how tired she looks yet admiring her, "Hope you remember what happened today.. Goodnight, (Y/N)."

There, he left her home and went to hit the hay on his own home.

The next morning..

"... why do I feel my heart fluttering.." She wondered as the morning light shined on her.

"Life really did me different..."


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