| You've won | Aether

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⚠️ gore and disturbing scenes


"Aether! Paimon!" (Y/N) called out when she saw the familiar blondie that's about to enter the Inn. The boy and his companion stopped their tracks and look behind to be greeted by a hug.

"Woah! (Y/N)!" Aether exclaimed, nearly falling down from the hug. The boy wrapped his arms around her hips, smiling to himself.

His heart jumped a little when she faced him with a huge smile, he resisted to give in and give her a smooch but then..

"Oh, nice to meet you Aether and Paimon!" An unknown boy who seemingly look handsome entered the scene. Aether eyed the male and rose his brow as (Y/N) noticed his confusion. She let go from the hug which made him whine quietly but not enough to let anyone notice.

"Oh! This is my boyfriend, Ace!"

"... What?" Aether was stunned and astonished at the same time. It's only been a month and the love of his life met another man? He felt his heart slowly breaking but he hid that emotion from her.

Paimon on the other hand gasped, she knew that Aether loves (Y/N) dearly and she noticed Aether's heart breaking. Of course she did not approve to this but as long as (Y/N) is happy she couldn't do anything about it.

"You guys seem really surprised!" (Y/N) laughed a little to see their expression.

"Ah well.. Things.. seem happened a lot in a month." Aether managed to stammer. (Y/N) agreed as a reply as she let her boyfriend wrap his arms around her hips.

Aether felt his blood boil from the sight but his expression did not change at all.

"Anyways, we're also staying at the Inn too for a couple a days." (Y/N) said.

"Ohh? You guys are visiting Monstadt?" Paimon asked. Aether let his floating companion do the speaking since he couldn't muster anywords anymore.

He glared at the boy near (Y/N) while she talks with paimon. Ace looked back at him with a brow raising up in confusion but he decided to ignore his glare after that.

After a long conversation with the two females they decided to part ways and went to their different rooms.

Aether sat on the bed, feeling as if he lost everything.. the same feeling he lost his sister.

"I-it's okay Aether! Paimon's sure there's plenty fishes in the se—" her sentence got cut off by Aether.

"No Paimon.. How am I supposed to find someone like her.. She's unique and beautiful.. I wanted to be with her yet she's already with another." He sadly sigh.

Paimon frowned, "Paimon's s-sure that it'll work o-out someday! Besides, I don't think that boy is a perfect match with her!"

The blondie didn't reply back as he only sat on the edge of the bed quietly. Paimon sighed as she left Aether with his thoughts for now, she also went somewhere to find to cheer him up.

Why.. why do I feel like the world is against me. The girl I fell hopelessly in love with lost from some random boy. What does he have that I don't? Am I not enough for her?

Why did you leave me (Y/N)? Please tell me why.. We could have been together from the last month yet.. you wanted to set out an adventure on your own.

I felt water on my eyes as endless amount of tears fell down.

Did she not like my company? Did she not want me around? What did I do wrong to lose you?

All this questions are going to fill up my brain. I felt like I am slowly going insane.

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