| Stay with me | Xiao

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Being Immortal is the most saddest thing to anyone who held that power, watching your friends and family grow old without you. The pain of having to continue on living without your lover, Watching the world grow over the years yet to you it still feels the same. Yes, you may carry the memories you most cherished but it'll stay as a memory forever.

To this one adeptus, he's nonchalant about his immortality. Despite the deeds he already done for the archon he signed contracts with he contiued to protect the nation until he collapsed.

Sitting on the edge of the balcony, he can only do nothing but watch over or until someone calls his name. Others were worried about him but his presence scares them off although he didn't mind the loneliness, since it's always been like that... Until you came along.

He never seen someone so nosy and annoying and on top of that you aren't even scared of him when he can easily rip you off to pieces. He always finds you bringing him tofu, trying to have small talks, and babble about anything. No matter what he does, he can never shake you off.

You were always so caring to him and he wonders why you suddenly appeared. Xiao didn't even bother asking or even try to talk as he remains silent whenever you pass by but she didn't mind the silent treatment.

Without realizing, he started to grow comfortable around you and even started talking to you more. Although he still finds you annoying when you babble too much.

And this has been going on for years.

"Hello, Xiao!" (Y/N) greeted happily. He glanced over to the girl who seem to be holding his favorite and only food, he wonders why she have so much energy when it's early in the morning.

"I made breakfast for the both of us! It's almond tofu as always." She
placed two plates on a table nearby and urges him to sit. He followed and sat down so she won't have to try and force him to.

He sighed, "I don't have to eat always."

"But you must be hungry!" She replied and took a bite on her morning breakfast.

He furrowed his brows on her response, "I'm an adepti."

"Food is nice." She smiled while biting her food.

He sighed again and continue to eat breakfast with her. People started to crowd the place as Xiao heard some whispers around but he couldn't careless.

After they finished, (Y/N) gasped after remembering something.

"Oh yeah! The lantern rite festival is going to be today at night, Please come with me Xiao!" She clasped her hands together hoping that he'll agree. Obviously he didn't agree at all which made her disappointed, although she kept trying.

"I said no. You mortals can't take a no for an answer it's so irritable." He said, rising his voice a little.

"But i don't have anyone else to come with!" She whined.

Xiao crossed his arms and stayed silent which made her frown, "Fineeee.. but I'll bring you some souvenirs!"

"Whatever.." he said as he stood up, "I heard someone calling, bye."

Xiao left as soon he finished his sentence. (Y/N) grabbed the two empty plates and went down to the kitchen to clean it.

'He seems to be in a really bad mood today..' She thought and felt bad that she probably pushed him too far since she knew that he doesn't like being involved with mortal activities.

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