| With each other | Venti

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Last part and continuation of Be with you.


Ever since that day, (Y/N) and Venti continued to bond together. The two grown attached with each other that people mistaken them as a couple in Mond. With her great singing and Venti being a bard, they make a good performance.

It's been 3 months since she ran away and she made so much progress. She built a small hut nearby the windrise tree to have a roof under her head, It's big enough for her and Venti to stay in whenever it rains or when they wanted to go to sleep.

She's well known in the city because of her daily performance with Venti, her life is going great so far.

(Y/N) has also been practicing her vision and she's doing little progress which she's a little bumped about. Venti would teach her some moves that is easy to do enough to be able to protect herself when he's away.

But most of the times the bard always comes in to the rescue, he's deeply worried about her well being that he sometimes get overprotective. (Y/N) is thankful to have him as her partner and so does he.

Continuing on, (Y/N) was going around the city to buy something to eat. She visited Angel's share to buy a bottle a wine for Venti, he always loves to drink those although she buys them occasionally. Then she went to good hunter to buy some ingredients so she could make roasted beef for the night.

She wanted to celebrate their friendship today.

"Should I wrap this wine to make ot special?" She thought of herself, she went into different store to find a good ribbon to wrap it around. She bought a wrapper that is the same color of him which was green and blue. (Y/N) left the city to get some apples in the wild.

She got help from her friend razor where she met him a while back. The wolf boy is free to come visit her anytime to eat but he only comes when he feels like it. (Y/N) would often give him rewards because she feels bad for asking help from him when it comes going through the wild, she would give him some of her cooking or give him a pat on the head.

(Y/N) went back to the hut to start cooking the food. She wonders when will Venti be back, he kept telling her he had some errands to run but what were the errands he would run for? Come to think of it, she never really knew anything about Venti. All she knows about him is that he is a wandering bard around Mondstadt.

She kept in mind to ask him that later.

While (Y/N) is cooking, she heard footsteps coming from her behind.

'Oh did Razor come to visit?' The girl thought as she smiled.

She turned around, "Hey Razo—" her sentence got cut off when a bag was shoved into her head. A group of men surrounded her and tied her arms and legs.

"We got her." One of the men said.

"Hey what gives?!" (Y/N) shouted at them, completely panicking at the situation.

"Your parents put up a bounty to find their missing daughter, which is you. We're taking you back and get the mora!" One of them explained.

She felt a huge arm wrapped around her waist as she is being carried from the man's shoulder. (Y/N) kept kicking and elbowing on his back, "Let me go! I don't want to go back!"

Irritated from (Y/N) resistance he gritted his teeth, "If you keep moving like that I'm going to punch you until you lost consciousness."

"My parents wouldn't like that!!"

"Stupid bitch! They don't care what happens to you as long as we don't mess up your face and voice." One laughed at her.

Her eyes widen, she couldn't believe it despite it's so obvious. Why did she even hope that her parents truly cares about her. At this point she stopped resisting and stayed quiet. That's right it's always been like that.. (Y/N) is destined to be a silent girl who only talks when her parents give her permission to.

But she hates a world like that, it's so lonely and it feels like it's going to choke her to death. Unable to breath from the chain that's been wrapped around her already swollen neck.

"Awww, Did you finally realized that your family loves you for mora?" One of them snickered, "If I were your family.. I would've done the same haha! You look like you can earn a fortune for us!"

"Hey that's a good idea. Let's take her instead, we'll earn endless mora!" The man who's carrying her told.

(Y/N) couldn't careless anymore after all she's an object that people can use. The poor girl accepted her destiny.

A gush of wind suddenly passed by the treasure hoarders which was out of blue. They were not in Mondstadt anymore so it shouldn't be this windy.

"Where the fuck did all this wind come from?" The treasure hoarder cursed, annoyed of dust and leaves hitting his sight.

Good thing (Y/N) had a bag on her head to prevent from catching dirt in her eye. The familiar comfort of the wind feels like it'll turn into a hurricane. A special person suddenly clicked her thought.


She felt her lips curling up into a small smile as she's tearing up as well. How could she forgot.. Venti was the only person who loved her dearly than her parents could ever give.

Suddenly a harsh wind current came from below that sent them flying, even (Y/N).

Although she felt a pair of arms catched her before she could even fall.

It's her one and only Venti!

He easily removed the ropes that tied her up and the bag with just using the wind. His expression soften as soon as he saw her with dried tears.

"My dearest.." He closed his eyes and gently placed his forehead on hers, "Are you okay?"

(Y/N) suddenly felt like tearing up again just hearing those words of concern, shows how much he cares for her. She wrapped around her arms on his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. Speechless, she hummed as a response.

Venti let's her rest on him, as for the hoarders. Despite having the personality of a dork, he looked over to them with a chilling smile.

Obviously Venti didn't like the thought of having them touching her or making her sad. That irritated him so much.

"To whoever plans to do the bounty.. You should tell them to cancel it because an Archon is protecting her." He sent them off with a huge hurricane that aggressively carried them to Liyue harbor.

"Phew! Good thing I came right on time." Venti said, coming back to his cheerful self. He placed her down on a nearby tree as he sat next to her.

(Y/N) sniffles and wipe some of her tears off, "T-thank you so much, Venti. Thank you.. for caring about me."

"Eh?! of course I care about you (Y/N)! I have the right to because I love you." He smiled cheekily.

"Huah—" (Y/N) gasped as her face suddenly exploded into red, "L-love..?!" She exclaimed.

"Hmm, why you don't love me too?" He frowned.

"O-ofcourse I do!! I-it's just.. like.. love love or.. uh.. just love........?" Her brain is malfunctioning that she doesn't even understand what she's saying.

Venti thought for a moment, "Love love love!"

"Ah.." Her cheeks hurt from the burning sensation but nonetheless she is happy, "I.. love you too.." she tried to maintain eye contact. He giggled from her silliness.

"Anyways.. how's the food?" He asked.

(Y/N) felt like her heart dropped to her stomach..


She grabbed Venti, planing to run all the way back but he decided that they should glide their way back..

Because wouldn't gliding be faster?


Angri venti lesgow!

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