| Fatui Girl | Diluc

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Everyone in Monstadt is aware of me. Ever since I moved in here the folks had been keeping a keen eye on me.

They knew that I used to be one of the deadliest people in the Fatui.. A harbinger.

How do they knew exactly? Well it all started when I wanted to retire from being a harbinger or more likely leave the Fatui, My thoughts and beliefs about the Fatui are all gone after I knew about the truth. I used to think that we bring justice and balance to teyvat only to end up knowing such horrible facts.. Where they manipulate people, kill without mercy and steal the Gnosis from the other Archons.

The Tsaritsa betrayed my heart.

Yet I don't have the power to defeat her and the other harbingers so I kept obeying to satisfy their needs.

I manage to escape from being the eleventh harbinger, coincidentally they have found someone who's more suitable to take my place which is Tartaglia. Although, the missing harbinger still need to atone for her sins and to face punishment after breaking an oath. I quickly went into hiding and left Liyue to find a new country to live on.

And here we are! I decided to live in Monstadt because this is the land of freedom and where I can meet nice people as I start on my new life. But to my dismay, I was treated different when the word about being a harbinger spread like wild fire.

I even have my top most hater and that is Diluc. He hated the fatui too much that he couldn't help but shamelessly be rude at me everytime we find each other in Monstadt. It really hurts my feelings but I don't blame anyone because I would also hate myself.

I felt extremely out of place here but I couldn't move out because of the little mora that I have with me. I also can't get any jobs here because I'll be automatically get rejected but at least Katheryne would let me do the commissions that related to fight off monsters.

Speaking of commission, I happen to finish mine as I walk my way back to monstadt to claim my rewards.

"Ad astra abyssosque!" Katheryne with her infamous greetings.

"Hello Miss Katheryne! I've done the commissions that you tasked me." I said as she gave me the rewards in return, "Good work, Miss. Fatui." She said.

"I-it's actually (Y- .... Hehe nevermind!" I awkwardly smiled, knowinh that she'll still call me that after telling her my name.
I took the rewards and went to the Angel's share to buy some wine so I could give myself a treat for the night.

Unfortunately.. I met the Calvary Captain and the owner of the winery. I gulped down when I felt their mood suddenly changed, especially the familiar red head.

"What do you want, Fatui?" Diluc asked, glaring daggers at me. I flinched when I felt being stabbed from the daggers. Kaeya paid no attention to my existence and continued on drinking.

"U-uhm.. I would l-like to buy t-three bottles of wine.. please." I stammered. Shifting uncomfortably because of people staring or glaring at me. Anxiety suddenly came crashing down at me, I can't stop shaking a little because of a thought that those two might attack me if i ever do something suspicious.

Yes, I know that it looks pathetic of me shivering under the gaze of people that I could easily take down except for the two who's right in front of me but I never wanted to be treated like this nor force them to treat me nicely after what I did to end many lives with these hands of mine.

I placed down the mora I saved on the counter as I got the two bottle of wine. I could've bought three but he up the price which is kinda sad. I saw Kaeya took a small glance of me before continuing whatever he is doing as I left the place as fast as I can.

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